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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace XoopsModules\Xoopspoll;

 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * XOOPS Poll Class Definitions
 * @copyright ::  {@link https://xoops.org/ XOOPS Project}
 * @license   ::    {@link https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU GPL 2.0 or later}
 * @subpackage:: class
 * @since     ::         1.40
 * @author    ::     zyspec <zyspec@yahoo.com>
\xoops_loadLanguage('admin', \basename(\dirname(__DIR__)));

 * Class Poll
class Poll extends \XoopsObject
    private int    $poll_id;
    private string $question;
    private string $description;
    private int    $user_id;
    private int    $start_time;
    private int    $end_time;
    private int    $votes;
    private int    $voters;
    private int    $display;
    private int    $visibility;
    private int    $anonymous;
    private int    $weight;
    private int    $multiple;
    private int    $multilimit;
    private int    $mail_status;
    private int    $mail_voter;

     * Poll::__construct()
     * @param null $id
    public function __construct($id = null)
        //        $timestamp = xoops_getUserTimestamp(time());
        $currentTimestamp = \time();
        $this->initVar('poll_id', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false);
        $this->initVar('question', \XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, true, 255);
        $this->initVar('description', \XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTAREA, null, false);
        $this->initVar('user_id', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false);
        $this->initVar('start_time', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, $currentTimestamp, false);
        $this->initVar('end_time', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, $currentTimestamp + Constants::DEFAULT_POLL_DURATION, true);
        $this->initVar('votes', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
        $this->initVar('voters', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
        $this->initVar('display', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, Constants::DISPLAY_POLL_IN_BLOCK, false);
        $this->initVar('visibility', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, Constants::HIDE_NEVER, false);
        $this->initVar('anonymous', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, Constants::ANONYMOUS_VOTING_DISALLOWED, false);
        $this->initVar('weight', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, Constants::DEFAULT_WEIGHT, false);
        $this->initVar('multiple', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, Constants::NOT_MULTIPLE_SELECT_POLL, false);
        $this->initVar('multilimit', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, Constants::MULTIPLE_SELECT_LIMITLESS, false);
        $this->initVar('mail_status', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, Constants::POLL_NOT_MAILED, false);
        $this->initVar('mail_voter', \XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, Constants::NOT_MAIL_POLL_TO_VOTER, false);

         * {@internal This code added to support previous versions of newbb/xForum}
        if (!empty($id)) {
            $trace    = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1);
            $errorMsg = __CLASS__ . " instantiation with 'id' set is deprecated since Xoopspoll 1.40, please use PollHandler instead." . " Called from {$trace[0]['file']}line {$trace[0]['line']}";
            if (isset($GLOBALS['xoopsLogger'])) {
            } else {
                \trigger_error($errorMsg, \E_USER_WARNING);

            if (\is_array($id)) {
            } else {
                $pollHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Poll');
                $this->assignVars($pollHandler->getAll(new \Criteria('id', $id, '=')), null, false);

     * Set display string for class
     * @return string
    public function __toString()
        $ret = $this->getVar('question');

        return (string)$ret;

     * Find out if poll has expired
     * @uses   Poll::getVar()
    public function hasExpired(): bool
        $ret = true;
        if ($this->getVar('end_time') > \time()) {
            $ret = false;

        return $ret;

     * Determine if user is allowed to vote in this poll
     * @uses   Poll::getVar()
     * @uses   XoopsUser
    public function isAllowedToVote(): bool
        $ret = false;
        if ((Constants::ANONYMOUS_VOTING_ALLOWED === $this->getVar('anonymous'))
            || (($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] instanceof \XoopsUser)
                && (($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->uid() > 0)
                    && $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->isActive()))) {
            $ret = true;

        return $ret;

     * @param int $optionId
     * @param string $ip ip address of voter
     * @param int $time
     * @return bool   true vote entered, false voting failed
     * @uses     xoops_getModuleHandler()
     * @uses     CriteriaCompo()
     * @uses     PollHandler::getAll()
     * @uses     LogHandler
     * @internal param int $uid
    public function vote(int $optionId, string $ip, int $time): bool
        if (!empty($optionId) && $this->isAllowedToVote()) {
            $voteTime      = empty($time) ? \time() : (int)$time;
            $uid           = ($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] instanceof \XoopsUser) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->uid() : 0;
            $logHandler    = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Log');
            $optionHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Option');
            $optsIdArray   = (array)$optionId; // type cast to make sure it's an array
            $optsIdArray   = \array_map('\intval', $optsIdArray); // make sure values are integers
            /* check to make sure voter hasn't selected too many options */
            if (!$this->getVar('multiple')
                || ($this->getVar('multiple')
                    && ((Constants::MULTIPLE_SELECT_LIMITLESS === $this->getVar('multilimit'))
                        || (\count($optsIdArray) <= $this->getVar('multilimit'))))) {
                $criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
                $criteria->add(new \Criteria('option_id', '(' . \implode(',', $optsIdArray) . ')', 'IN'));
                $optionObjs = $optionHandler->getAll($criteria);
                foreach ($optionObjs as $optionObj) {
                    //                    if ($this->getVar('poll_id') == $optionObj->getVar('poll_id')) {
                    $log = $logHandler->create();
                    //force ip if invalid
                    $ip      = \filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) ? $ip : '';
                    $logVars = [
                        'poll_id'   => $this->getVar('poll_id'),
                        'option_id' => (int)$optionObj->getVar('option_id'),
                        'ip'        => $ip,
                        'user_id'   => $uid,
                        'time'      => $voteTime,
                    if (false !== $logHandler->insert($log)) {
                // now send voter an email if the poll is set to allow it (if the user is not anon)
                if (!empty($uid) && Constants::MAIL_POLL_TO_VOTER === $this->getVar('mail_voter')) {

                return true;

        return false;

     * Gets number of comments for this poll
     * @param int poll_id
     * @return int count of comments for this poll_id
    public function getComments(): int
        $moduleHandler = \xoops_getHandler('module');
        $pollModule    = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('xoopspoll');

        /** @var \XoopsCommentHandler $commentHandler */
        $commentHandler = \xoops_getHandler('comment');
        $criteria       = new \CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->add(new \Criteria('com_itemid', $this->getVar('poll_id'), '='));
        $criteria->add(new \Criteria('com_modid', $pollModule->getVar('mid'), '='));
        $commentCount = $commentHandler->getCount($criteria);
        $commentCount = (int)$commentCount;

        return $commentCount;

     * display the poll form
     * @param string $rtnPage   where to send the form result
     * @param string $rtnMethod return method  get|post
     * @param array $addHidden
    public function renderForm(string $rtnPage, string $rtnMethod = 'post', array $addHidden = [])
        $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

        $rtnMethod = \mb_strtolower($rtnMethod);
        // force form to use xoopsSecurity if it's a 'post' form
        $rtnSecurity = 'post' === \mb_strtolower($rtnMethod);

        //  set form titles, etc. depending on if it's a new object or not
        if ($this->isNew()) {
            $formTitle = \_AM_XOOPSPOLL_CREATENEWPOLL;
            $this->setVar('user_id', $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid'));
        } else {
            $formTitle = \_AM_XOOPSPOLL_EDITPOLL;

        /*  create the form */
        $pollForm    = new \XoopsThemeForm(\ucwords($formTitle), 'poll_form', $rtnPage, $rtnMethod, $rtnSecurity);
        $authorLabel = new \XoopsFormLabel(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_AUTHOR, "<a href='" . $GLOBALS['xoops']->url('userinfo.php') . '?uid=' . $this->getVar('user_id') . "' target='_blank'>" . \ucfirst(\XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($this->getVar('user_id'))) . '</a>');
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormText(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_DISPLAYORDER, 'weight', 6, 5, $this->getVar('weight')));
        $questionText = new \XoopsFormText(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_POLLQUESTION, 'question', 50, 255, $this->getVar('question', 'E'));
        $pollForm->addElement($questionText, true);
                $descTarea = new \XoopsFormTextarea(_AM_XOOPSPOLL_POLLDESC, "description", $this->getVar('description', 'E'));
        /** @var \XoopsModuleHandler $moduleHandler */
        $moduleHandler = \xoops_getHandler('module');
        $pollModule    = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('xoopspoll');

        /** @var \XoopsConfigHandler $configHandler */
        $configHandler = \xoops_getHandler('config');
        //        $xp_module      = $moduleHandler->getByDirname("xoopspoll");
        //        $module_id      = $xp_module->getVar("mid");
        //        $xp_config      = $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $module_id);
        $sys_module = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('system');
        $sys_id     = $sys_module->getVar('mid');
        $sys_config = $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $sys_id);

        $editorConfigs = [
            //                           'editor' => $GLOBALS['xoopsModuleConfig']['useeditor'],
            //                           'editor' => $xp_config['useeditor'],
            'editor' => $sys_config['general_editor'],
            'rows'   => 15,
            'cols'   => 60,
            'width'  => '100%',
            'height' => '350px',
            'name'   => 'description',
            //                           'value'  => ($this->getVar('description'))
            'value'  => \htmlspecialchars($this->getVar('description'), \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5),
        $desc_text     = new \XoopsFormEditor(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_POLLDESC, 'description', $editorConfigs);

        $author = new \XoopsUser($this->getVar('user_id'));

        /* setup time variables */
        $timeTray = new \XoopsFormElementTray(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_POLL_TIMES, '&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'time_tray');

        $xuCurrentTimestamp = \xoops_getUserTimestamp(\time());
        $xuCurrentFormatted = \ucfirst(\date(_MEDIUMDATESTRING, (int)$xuCurrentTimestamp));
        $xuStartTimestamp   = \xoops_getUserTimestamp($this->getVar('start_time'));
        $xuEndTimestamp     = \xoops_getUserTimestamp($this->getVar('end_time'));

        /* display start/end time fields on form */
        $startTimeText = new FormDateTimePicker("<div class='bold'>" . \_AM_XOOPSPOLL_START_TIME . '<br>' . "<span class='x-small'>" . \_AM_XOOPSPOLL_FORMAT . '<br>' . \sprintf(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_CURRENTTIME, $xuCurrentFormatted) . '</span></div>', 'xu_start_time', 20, $xuStartTimestamp);
        if ($this->hasExpired()) {
                        $extra = "";
                        foreach ($addHidden as $key=>$value) {

                        $xuEndFormattedTime = ucfirst(date(_MEDIUMDATESTRING, $xuEndTimestamp));
                        $endTimeText = new \XoopsFormLabel("<div class='bold middle'>" . _AM_XOOPSPOLL_EXPIRATION,
                                         sprintf(_AM_XOOPSPOLL_EXPIREDAT, $xuEndFormattedTime)
                                       . "<br><a href='{$rtnPage}?op=restart&amp;poll_id="
                                       . $this->getVar('poll_id') . "{$extra}'>" . _AM_XOOPSPOLL_RESTART . "</a></div>");
            $extra              = \is_array($addHidden) ? $addHidden : [];
            $extra              = \array_merge($extra, ['op' => 'restart', 'poll_id' => $this->getVar('poll_id')]);
            $query              = \http_build_query($extra, '', '&');
            $query              = \htmlentities($query, \ENT_QUOTES);
            $xuEndFormattedTime = \ucfirst(\date(_MEDIUMDATESTRING, $xuEndTimestamp));
            $endTimeText        = new \XoopsFormLabel("<div class='bold middle'>" . \_AM_XOOPSPOLL_EXPIRATION, \sprintf(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_EXPIREDAT, $xuEndFormattedTime) . "<br><a href='{$rtnPage}?{$query}'>" . \_AM_XOOPSPOLL_RESTART . '</a></div>');
        } else {
            $endTimeText = new FormDateTimePicker("<div class='bold middle'>" . \_AM_XOOPSPOLL_EXPIRATION . '</div>', 'xu_end_time', 20, $xuEndTimestamp);

        $timeTray->addElement($endTimeText, true);
        /* allow anonymous voting */
        //        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormRadioYN(_AM_XOOPSPOLL_ALLOWANONYMOUS, 'anonymous', $this->getVar('anonymous')));
        $temp = new \XoopsFormRadioYN(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_ALLOWANONYMOUS, 'anonymous', $this->getVar('anonymous'));
        /* add poll options to the form */
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormLabel(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_OPTION_SETTINGS, "<hr class='center'>"));
        $multiCount = ($this->getVar('multiple') > 0) ? $this->getVar('multiple') : '';
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormRadioYN(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_ALLOWMULTI, 'multiple', $this->getVar('multiple')));

        /* add multiple selection limit to multiple selection polls */
        $multiLimit = new \XoopsFormText(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_MULTI_LIMIT . '<br><small>' . \_AM_XOOPSPOLL_MULTI_LIMIT_DESC . '</small>', 'multilimit', 6, 5, $this->getVar('multilimit'));

        $optionHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Option');
        $optionTray    = $optionHandler->renderOptionFormTray($this->getVar('poll_id'));

        /* add preferences to the form */
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormLabel(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_PREFERENCES, "<hr class='center'>"));
        $visSelect = new \XoopsFormSelect(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_BLIND, 'visibility', $this->getVar('visibility'), 1, false);
         * {@internal Do NOT add/delete from $vis_options after the module has been installed}
        \xoops_loadLanguage('main', 'xoopspoll');
        $notifyValue = (Constants::POLL_MAILED !== $this->getVar('mail_status')) ? Constants::NOTIFICATION_ENABLED : Constants::NOTIFICATION_DISABLED;
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormRadioYN(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_NOTIFY, 'notify', $notifyValue));

        // Add "notify voter" in the form
        $mail_voter_yn = new \XoopsFormRadioYN(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_NOTIFY_VOTER, 'mail_voter', $this->getVar('mail_voter'));

        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormRadioYN(\_AM_XOOPSPOLL_DISPLAYBLOCK, 'display', $this->getVar('display')));

        foreach ($addHidden as $key => $value) {
            $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden($key, $value));
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('op', 'update'));
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('poll_id', $this->getVar('poll_id')));
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormHidden('user_id', $this->getVar('user_id')));
        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormButtonTray('submit', _SUBMIT, null, null, true));

        //        $pollForm->addElement(new \XoopsFormButtonTray( "form_submit", _SUBMIT, "submit", "", true));
        return $pollForm->display();

     * Method determines if current user can view the results of this poll
     * @return bool|string visibility of this poll's results (true if visible, msg if not)
    public function isResultVisible()
        $visibleMsg = '';
        \xoops_loadLanguage('main', 'xoopspoll');
        switch ($this->getVar('visibility')) {
            case Constants::HIDE_ALWAYS:  // always hide the results
                $isVisible  = false;
                $visibleMsg = \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_HIDE_ALWAYS_MSG;
            case Constants::HIDE_END:  // hide the results until the poll ends
                if ($this->hasExpired()) {
                    $isVisible = true;
                } else {
                    $visibleMsg = \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_HIDE_END_MSG;
                    $isVisible  = false;
            case Constants::HIDE_VOTED: // hide the results until user votes
                $logHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Log');
                $uid        = (($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] instanceof \XoopsUser)
                               && ($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid') > 0)) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid') : 0;
                if ($this->isAllowedToVote()
                    && $logHandler->hasVoted($this->getVar('poll_id'), \xoops_getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), $uid)) {
                    $isVisible = true;
                } else {
                    $visibleMsg = \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_HIDE_VOTED_MSG;
                    $isVisible  = false;
            case Constants::HIDE_NEVER:  // never hide the results - always show
                $isVisible = true;

        return $isVisible ? true : $visibleMsg;

     * Send copy of vote to the user at time of vote (if selected)
     * @param \XoopsUser|null $user the Xoops user object for this user
     * @return bool      send status
    public function notifyVoter(\XoopsUser $user = null): bool
        if (($user instanceof \XoopsUser) && (Constants::MAIL_POLL_TO_VOTER === $this->getVar('mail_voter'))) {
            \xoops_loadLanguage('main', 'xoopspoll');
            $xoopsMailer = \xoops_getMailer();
            $helper = Helper::getInstance();

            $language         = $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'];
            $templateDir      = $helper->path('language/' . $language . '/mail_template/');
            $templateFilename = 'mail_voter.tpl';
            if (!\file_exists($templateDir . $templateFilename)) {
                $language = 'english';


            $author = new \XoopsUser($this->getVar('user_id'));

            $xoopsMailer->assign('POLL_QUESTION', $this->getVar('question'));

            $xuEndTimestamp     = \xoops_getUserTimestamp($this->getVar('end_time'));
            $xuEndFormattedTime = \ucfirst(\date(_MEDIUMDATESTRING, (int)$xuEndTimestamp));
            // on the outside chance this expired right after the user voted.
            if ($this->hasExpired()) {
                $xoopsMailer->assign('POLL_END', \sprintf(\_MD_XOOPSPOLL_ENDED_AT, $xuEndFormattedTime));
            } else {
                $xoopsMailer->assign('POLL_END', \sprintf(\_MD_XOOPSPOLL_ENDS_ON, $xuEndFormattedTime));

            $visibleText = '';
            switch ($this->getVar('visibility')) {
                case Constants::HIDE_ALWAYS:  // always hide the results - election mode
                case Constants::HIDE_END:  // hide the results until the poll ends
                    $visibleText = \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_SEE_AFTER;
                    if ($this->hasExpired()) {
                        $visibleText = \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_SEE_AT;
                case Constants::HIDE_VOTED: // hide the results until user votes
                case Constants::HIDE_NEVER:  // never hide the results - always show
                    $visibleText = \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_SEE_AT;
            $xoopsMailer->assign('POLL_VISIBLE', $visibleText);
            if (!empty($visibleText)) {
                $xoopsMailer->assign('LOCATION', $GLOBALS['xoops']->url('modules/xoopspoll/pollresults.php?poll_id=' . $this->getVar('poll_id')));
            } else {
                $xoopsMailer->assign('LOCATION', '');

            $xoopsMailer->assign('POLL_ID', $this->getVar('poll_id'));
            $xoopsMailer->assign('SITENAME', $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename']);
            $xoopsMailer->assign('ADMINMAIL', $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['adminmail']);
            $xoopsMailer->assign('SITEURL', $GLOBALS['xoops']->url());

            $xoopsMailer->setSubject(\sprintf(\_MD_XOOPSPOLL_YOURVOTEAT, $user->uname(), $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename']));
            $status = $xoopsMailer->send();
        } else {
            $status = false;

        return $status;

     * The following method is provided for backward compatibility with newbb/xforum
     * deletes the object from the database
     * @return mixed results of deleting poll from db
     * @deprecated since Xoopspoll 1.40, please use PollHandler & Poll
     */    public function delete(): mixed
        $trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1);
        $GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->addDeprecated(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated since Xoopspoll 1.40, please use PollHandler::' . __METHOD__ . ' instead.' . ". Called from {$trace[0]['file']}line {$trace[0]['line']}");
        $pollHandler = $this->getStaticPollHandler();

        return $pollHandler->delete($this->poll);

     * update the vote counter for this poll
     * @returns bool results of update counter
     * @deprecated since Xoopspoll 1.40, please use PollHandler & Poll
    public function updateCount()
        $trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1);
        $GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->addDeprecated(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated since Xoopspoll 1.40, please use PollHandler::' . __METHOD__ . ' instead.' . ". Called from {$trace[0]['file']}line {$trace[0]['line']}");
        $pollHandler = $this->getStaticPollHandler();

        return $pollHandler->updateCount($this->poll->getVar('poll_id'));

     * inserts the poll object into the database
     * @return mixed results of inserting poll into db
     * @deprecated since Xoopspoll 1.40, please use PollHandler & Poll
    public function store(): mixed
        $trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1);
        $GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->addDeprecated(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated since Xoopspoll 1.40, please use PollHandler::insert() instead.' . ". Called from {$trace[0]['file']}line {$trace[0]['line']}");
        $pollHandler = $this->getStaticPollHandler();

        return $pollHandler->insert($this->poll);

     * Set up a static Poll Handler for use by class methods
    private function getStaticPollHandler()
        $trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1);
        $GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->addDeprecated(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated since Xoopspoll 1.40, please use Poll and PollHandler classes instead.' . ". Called from {$trace[0]['file']}line {$trace[0]['line']}");
        static $pH;

        if (!isset($pH)) {
            $pH = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Poll');

        return $pH;