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Test Coverage
name: Feature request
about: Request a new feature (or a modification to an existing feature) for jest-pact
title: ''
labels: enhancement
assignees: ''

<!-- _Thank you for making a feature request! We appreciate it very much. GitHub Issues are a big input into the priorities for Pact development_ -->

### Checklist

<!-- This checklist is optional, but studies show that people who have followed the checklist are really excellent people and we like them -->

Before making a feature request, I have:

- [ ] [Searched the issues to check that this feature hasn't been requested before](
- [ ] Checked the documentation to see if it is possible to do what I want already

### Feature description

_Please describe what you would like Pact-js-core to do_

### Use case

_What is the use case that motivates this feature request?_

_Please describe *why* you would like Pact-js-core to have this feature._