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Test Coverage
// This is the SCSS manifest for all of Shifts' CSS/SASS. This file
// imports all of our stylesheets to compile into one CSS file.
// Order matters! The font must be loaded before everything else, or else it
// won't be available to Bootstrap. Bootstrap must come second, since all of our
// styling is based on the variables and mixins that Bootstrap defines. After
// that, the order is pretty self explanatory. The order of imports under
// "Partial Imports" doesn't really matter, as long as layouts comes first.
// Make sure to add a new import rule whenever you make a new folder in the
// stylesheets directory.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$navbar-default-bg: #8b9b6c;
$navbar-default-color: #fefefe;
$navbar-default-link-color: #fefefe;
$navbar-default-link-active-color: #fefefe;
$navbar-default-border: darken($navbar-default-bg, 1%);
$font-size-base: 14px;
$font-size-h1: floor($font-size-base * 2.3);

@import 'bootstrap';

body { padding-top: 60px; }

@import "font-awesome";

// @import 'jquery.ui.all';
@import 'jquery-tablesorter/theme.default';
@import 'jquery.Jcrop';

@import 'global';

@import 'datepicker';
@import 'links';
@import 'loc_groups';
@import 'nav';

@import 'notice';
@import 'payforms';
@import 'public_view';
@import 'report';
@import 'shift';
@import 'shift_view_refactoring';
@import 'templates_show';
@import 'timeline';
@import 'user_profile';
@import 'verify_import';
@import 'token-input';
@import 'tokeninput-facebook'