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Test Coverage
<% calculate_default_times_announcements %>

<%= form_for(@announcement, remote: params[:layout]=="false") do |f| %>
  <div id ="errors">
    <%= render partial: "notices/error_messages", locals: {f: f} %>

    <fieldset class = "index">
    <%= f.text_area :content, :id=>"content", size: "40x5" %>

    <div id = "time_choices">
    start time cannot currently be set. We need to simultaneously develop the ability to see announcements which haven't posted yet. Also change in announcements_controller "def set_author_dept_and_time" to accept start time again.
    ALSO WATCH OUT. If we decide to make this work, you'll get a mass assignment error if you don't delete the parameters
    start(1i), start(2i).. start(5i) start(i)
      <fieldset class = "index">
        <legend>Start time:</legend>
        <%= radio_button_tag 'start_time_choice', 'now', start_time_check(true) %> Now <br/>
        <%= radio_button_tag 'start_time_choice', 'date', start_time_check(false) %>
        <label><%= f.datetime_select :start, minute_step: current_department.department_config.time_increment, twelve_hour: true %></label>

    <fieldset class = "index">
      <legend>End time:</legend>
      <span class="end_time_choice_indefinite">
      <%= radio_button_tag 'end_time_choice', 'indefinite', end_time_check(true) %> Indefinite <br/>
      <span class="end_time_choice_date">
      <%= radio_button_tag 'end_time_choice', 'date', end_time_check(false) %>
      <%= f.label :end %>
      <%= f.time_select :end_time, default: @announcement.end %>
      <%= f.date_select :end_date, default: @default_end_date %>

<!-- set_sources method in notices controller doesn't handle removing polymorphic associations, so we can't unassociate locations
    from a notice. So if we're editing an announcement, we don't show the locations. We should probably change this to show the
        locations, but just disable all of the checkboxes -->
  <div id="variable_height_box">
     <%= render partial: "notices/locations", locals: {notice: @announcement} %>

  <% unless params[:layout]=="false" %>
      <%= f.submit submit_text , data:{disable_with: submitting_text}%>
  <% end %>
<% end %>