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Test Coverage
<div class='information'>

  <h2>User Information</h2>

  <%= form_for user, :html=>{:id=>"user_form"} do |f| %>
    <%= f.error_messages object: [@user, @user_profile_entries] %>

    <% if @user.auth_type == "built-in" && current_user!=@user && current_user.is_admin_of?(current_department)%>
      <h3>Reset Password?</h3>
        <%= check_box_tag :reset_password %>
    <% end %>
      <%= f.label :login %><br />
      <%= f.text_field :login %>
      <%= f.label :first_name %><br />
      <%= f.text_field :first_name %>
      <%= f.label :nick_name %><br />
      <%= f.text_field :nick_name %>
      <%= f.label :last_name %><br />
      <%= f.text_field :last_name %>
      <%= f.label :email %><br />
      <%= f.text_field :email %>
      <%= f.label :employee_id, "Employee ID" %><br />
      <%= f.text_field :employee_id %>
      <%= label_tag :payrate %><br />
      $<%= text_field_tag :payrate, @user.payrate(current_department) %>

    <% if @appconfig.login_options.size >1 %>
        <%= f.label :login_type %><br />
        <%= f.select(:auth_type, @appconfig.login_options, {selected: @user.auth_type || "CAS"}) %>
    <% end %>

    <% for role in @department.roles %>
        <%= check_box_tag "user[role_ids][]", role.id, @user.roles.include?(role) %>
        <%= role.name %>
    <% end %>

    <% if @department.roles == []%>
      There don't appear to be any roles in this department. Want to <%= link_to "add one", new_department_role_path(@department) %>?
    <% end %>


<div class='profile'>
  <h2>User Profile</h2>
  <%= render partial: 'user_profile' %>

<div class='update_left'>
  <p><%= f.submit "Update User" %></p>

  <% end %>

<%# if @appconfig.use_ldap %>
<%#= observe_form :user_form, url: { action: 'ldap_search' }, frequency: 1, :loading=> "$('#loading_icon').css({'display' : 'inline'})" %>
<%# end %>