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Test Coverage
Feature: data object
  In order to manage data objects
  As a dept admin
  I want to be able to create and maintain data objects

      Given the user "John Arbuckle" has permissions "Pet Store dept admin"
      And I am "John Arbuckle"
      And I have locations "Cat Aisle, Dog Aisle, Checkout" in location group "Jurassic Park Pets" for the department "Pet Store"
      And I have a data type with name "Cat", description "they're animals", for the department "Pet Store", with the following data fields
        | name              | display_type | values                                   |
        | Name              | text_field   | string                                   |
        | Color             | select_box   | Black, Orange, Yellow, White, Gray       |
        | Interests         | check_box    | Eating, Sleeping, Lasagna, Chasing Jerry |
        | Comments          | text_area    |                                          |
        | Number of lives   | text_field   | integer                                  |
        | Level of cuteness | text_field   | float                                    |
      And I am on the data objects page

    Scenario: Creating data objects!
      Given I have no data_objects
      When I follow "New Data Object"
      And I select "Cat" from "data_object[data_type_id]"
      And I fill in "Name" with "Garfield"
      And I fill in "Description" with "he hates Mondays"
      And I check "Cat Aisle"
      And I check "Checkout"
      And I press "Save and finish"
      Then I should see "Successfully created data object"
      Then I should have 1 data_object
      And I should see "Successfully created data object."
      And I should see "Garfield"
      And I should see "he hates Mondays"

    Scenario: Editing data objects
      Given I have a data object of data_type "Cat", named "Garfield", description "he hates Mondays", in location "Cat Aisle"
      When I am on the data objects page
      And I follow "Garfield"
      And I follow "Edit data object"
      And I select "Cat" from "data_object[data_type_id]"
      And I fill in "Name" with "Crookshanks"
      And I fill in "Description" with "Hermione's cat"
      And I uncheck "Cat Aisle"
      And I check "Dog Aisle"
      And I press "Save and finish"
      Then I should see "Successfully updated data object"
      And I should have 1 data_object
      And I should see "Crookshanks"
      And I should see "Description:"
      And I should see "Hermione's cat"
      And I should see "Locations:"
      And I should see "Dog Aisle"

    Scenario: Deleting data objects
      Given I have a data object of data_type "Cat", named "Garfield", description "he hates Mondays", in location "Cat Aisle"
      When I am on the data objects page
      And I follow "Garfield"
      And I follow "Destroy"
      Then I should have no data_objects
      And I should not see "Garfield"
      And I should not see "he hates Mondays"
      And I should see "Successfully destroyed data object."