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Test Coverage
Feature: department_test
  In order to manage departments
  As a superuser admin
  I want to be able to create and manage departments

  Scenario: Add department
#    Given that I am a superuser
    And I have no departments
    And I am on the list of departments
    When I follow "New Department"
    And I fill in "Name" with "STC"
    And I press "Submit"
    Then I should see "Successfully created department"
    And I should have 1 department

  Scenario: Department list
#    Given that I am a superuser
    And I have a department named "STC"
    And I have a department named "Film Studies"
#    And I have a user named "Bob Qu" in the department "STC" with login "bq9"
    And I am on the list of departments
    Then I should see "STC"
    And I should see "Film Studies"
    And I should see "STC"
    And I should have 2 departments
    When I follow "STC"
    Then I should see "Bob"
    And I should see "bq9"