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Test Coverage
Feature: Restrictions test
In order to make restrictions
As a superuser
I want to be able to create, delete, and edit restrictions on shifts

Scenario Outline: Time limit
Given I have a time limit restriction for <res-hours> hours <res-minutes> minutes
Given this restriction expires <res-expiration>
# Given this restriction applies <res-department_locations_locgroups>
Given I am logged into CAS as "ad12"
Given I am on the homepage
When I follow "Shifts"
When I follow "Power sign up"
And I select "<year>" from "shift_start_1i"
And I select "<month>" from "shift_start_2i"
And I select "<s_date>" from "shift_start_3i"
And I select "<s_24hours>" from "shift_start_4i"
And I select "<s_min>" from "shift_start_5i"
And I select "<year>" from "shift_end_1i"
And I select "<month>" from "shift_end_2i"
And I select "<e_date>" from "shift_end_3i"
And I select "<e_24hours>" from "shift_end_4i"
And I select "<e_min>" from "shift_end_5i"
And I select "Harry Potter" from "shift_user_id"
And I select "Diagon Alley" from "shift_location_id"
And I press "Submit"
Then I <shouldornot> see "Sucessfully created shift."

Scenarios: Shift signup successful because under time limit, before expiration

|res-hours|res-minutes|res-expiration       |year|month   |s_date|s_24hours|s_min|e_date|e_24hours|e_min|shouldornot|
|6        |00         |"indefinitely"       |2009|November|10    |13       |00   |10    |15       |00   |should     |
|2        |45         |"indefinitely"       |2009|November|10    |14       |00   |10    |16       |30   |should     |
|5        |00         |"2009-12-12 12:00:00"|2009|October |12    |20       |15   |13    |02       |15   |should     |
|4        |30         |"2010-01-12 12:20:15"|2010|January |12    |08       |00   |12    |12       |15   |should     |

Scenarios: Shift signup successful because over time limit, past expiration

|res-hours|res-minutes|res-expiration       |year|month   |s_date|s_24hours|s_min|e_date|e_24hours|e_min|shouldornot|
|2        |00         |"2009-12-10 18:00:00"|2010|January |11    |14       |00   |11    |20       |00   |should     |
|4        |37         |"2010-04-15 22:30:00"|2010|April   |15    |22       |30   |16    |04       |00   |should     |
|8        |00         |"2010-12-20 16:00:00"|2010|December|21    |01       |00   |21    |12       |00   |should     |
|5        |00         |"2009-11-23 12:25:00"|2009|December|1     |12       |00   |1     |20       |00   |should     |

Scenarios: Shift signup successful because under time limit, past expiration

|res-hours|res-minutes|res-expiration       |year|month   |s_date|s_24hours|s_min|e_date|e_24hours|e_min|shouldornot|
|2        |00         |"2010-02-22 22:10:00"|2010|March   |15    |08       |00   |15    |09       |00   |should     |
|4        |37         |"2010-04-17 12:28:00"|2010|April   |20    |12       |00   |20    |16       |30   |should     |
|8        |00         |"2009-12-10 12:00:00"|2009|December|12    |14       |30   |12    |16       |00   |should     |
|5        |00         |"2009-10-11 13:30:00"|2009|October |11    |20       |00   |12    |02       |00   |should     |

Scenarios: Shift signup unsucessful because before expiration, over time limit

|res-hours|res-minutes|res-expiration       |year|month   |s_date|s_24hours|s_min|e_date|e_24hours|e_min|shouldornot|
|2        |00         |"2009-12-12 12:00:00"|2009|December|10    |12       |00   |10    |15       |00   |should not |
|4        |37         |"2009-12-12 12:00:00"|2009|December|12    |05       |00   |12    |09       |45   |should not |
|8        |00         |"2010-02-18 23:00:00"|2010|January |14    |23       |00   |15    |10       |00   |should not |
|5        |00         |"2010-05-22 14:22:01"|2010|May     |22    |09       |00   |22    |14       |30   |should not |

#Scenario Outline: Sub requests
#Given I have a sub request restriction for <subs> sub requests
#Given this restriction expires <expiration>

#Scenario Outline: