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Test Coverage
Feature: Shift admin manages shifts
  In order to manage shifts
  As a shifts admininistrator
  I want to be able to create, assign, and destroy shifts
Scenario: Create a shift with power sign up
  Given I am logged into CAS as "ad12"
  And I am on the homepage
  And I follow "Shifts"
  Then I should see "Add a Shift"
  When I follow "Add a Shift"
  And I select "2010" from "shift[start(1i)]"
  And I select "January" from "shift[start(2i)]"
  And I select "18" from "shift[start(3i)]"
  And I select "09" from "shift[start(4i)]"
  And I select "00" from "shift[start(5i)]"
  And I select "2010" from "shift[end(1i)]"
  And I select "January" from "shift[end(2i)]"
  And I select "18" from "shift[end(3i)]"
  And I select "11" from "shift[end(4i)]"
  And I select "00" from "shift[end(5i)]"
  And I select "Harry Potter" from "shift_user_id"
  And I select "Diagon Alley" from "shift_location_id"
  And I check "shift[power_signed_up]"
  When I press "Submit"
  Then I should see "Successfully created shift."
  And "Harry Potter" should have "one" shift 

Scenario: Destroy a shift
  Given I am logged into CAS as "ad12"
  And I am on the homepage
  And I follow "Shifts"
  Then I should see "Power sign up"
  When I follow "Power sign up"
  And I select "2010" from "shift[start(1i)]"
  And I select "January" from "shift[start(2i)]"
  And I select "18" from "shift[start(3i)]"
  And I select "09" from "shift[start(4i)]"
  And I select "00" from "shift[start(5i)]"
  And I select "2010" from "shift[end(1i)]"
  And I select "January" from "shift[end(2i)]"
  And I select "18" from "shift[end(3i)]"
  And I select "12" from "shift[end(4i)]"
  And I select "00" from "shift[end(5i)]"
  And I select "Harry Potter" from "shift_user_id"
  And I select "Diagon Alley" from "shift_location_id"
  When I press "Submit"
  Then I should see "Successfully created shift."
  When I follow "Shifts"
  And I follow "Destroy"
  Then I should see "Successfully destroyed shift."
Scenario Outline: See more choices when logged in as admin
Given I am logged into CAS as <user>
Given I am on the homepage
Then I <shouldornot> see <item>

Scenarios: Logged in as superuser

|user  |shouldornot|item       |
|"ad12"|should     |"Dashboard"|
|"ad12"|should     |"Hogwarts" |
|"ad12"|should     |"Users"    |
|"ad12"|should     |"Shifts"   |
|"ad12"|should     |"Payforms" |

Scenarios: Logged in as normal user

|user   |shouldornot|item         |
|"em123"|should     |"Dashboard"  |
|"em123"|should     |"Shifts"     |
|"em123"|should     |"Payforms"   |
|"em123"|should not |"Departments"|

Scenario Outline: See control panel on certain pages depending on how logged in
Given I am logged into CAS as <user>
Given I am on the homepage
When I follow <page>
Then I <shouldornot> see <item>

Scenarios: Logged in as admin

|user  |page      |shouldornot|item                 |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Scheduling Options" |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Schedule"           |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Time Slots"         |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Locations"          |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Location Groups"    |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Restrictions"       |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Notices"            |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Shift Report Links" |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Export Schedule"    |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Templates"          |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Activate Templates" |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"View Options"       |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Unscheduled Shifts" |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Active Shifts"      |
|"ad12"|"Shifts"  |should     |"Data Objects"       |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Payform Admin"      |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"View Payforms"      |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Submitted"          |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Approved"           |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Printed"            |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Print History"      |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Mass Add Jobs"      |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"View Mass Jobs"     |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Punch Clocks"       |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Mass Punch Clocks"  |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"E-mail Reminders"   |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Edit Categories"    |
|"ad12"|"Payforms"|should     |"Edit Configurations"|

Scenarios: Logged in as regular user

|user   |page      |shouldornot|item                 |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Scheduling Options" |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Time Slots"         |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Locations"          |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Location Groups"    |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Restrictions"       |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Notices"            |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Shift Report Links" |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Export Schedule"    |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Templates"          |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Activate Templates" |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"View Options"       |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Unscheduled Shifts" |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Active Shifts"      |
|"em123"|"Shifts"  |should not |"Data Objects"       |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Payform Admin"      |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"View Payforms"      |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Submitted"          |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Approved"           |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Printed"            |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Print History"      |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Mass Add Jobs"      |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"View Mass Jobs"     |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Punch Clocks"       |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Mass Punch Clocks"  |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"E-mail Reminders"   |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Edit Categories"    |
|"em123"|"Payforms"|should not |"Edit Configurations"|