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Test Coverage
Feature: Regular user logs into a shift
  As a regular user
  I want to log into a shift
  So that I can begin updating my report

        Given I am "Harry Potter"
        And the user "Harry Potter" has permissions "Outside of Hogwarts signup"
    Scenario: Log into an unscheduled shift
        Given I am not logged into a shift
        When I am on shifts page
        Then I should not see "Return to your current shift report"
        When I follow "Start an unscheduled shift"
        And I select "Diagon Alley" from "shift_location_id"
        And I press "Submit"
        Then I should see "Shift Report at the Diagon Alley"
        And I should see "Message Center for the Diagon Alley"
        When I fill in "report_item[content]" with "Hey, I am here!"
        And I press "Add to report"        
        #this step might fail if done at exactly the wrong moment 
        Then the current time should appear 
        And I should see "Hey, I am here!"
        When I go to the homepage
        And I follow "Clock in"
        Then I should see "Could not clock in."

        When I go to the homepage
        And I follow "Return to your current shift report"
        And I press "Submit your shift report"
        Then I should see "Successfully submitted report and updated payform."
        And "Harry Potter" should have 1 payform_item

    Scenario: Fail to log into a second shift
        Given there is a scheduled shift:
        | start_time     | end_time       | location     | user         |
        | 12/25/2009 5pm | 12/25/2009 7pm | Diagon Alley | Harry Potter |
        And "Harry Potter" signs in at "12/25/2009 5:10pm"
        And I am on shifts page
        Then I should see "oogabooga"
        And I follow "Start an unscheduled shift"
        And I select "Diagon Alley" from "shift_location_id"
        And I press "Submit"
        Then I should see "You are already signed into a shift!"
    Scenario: Sub Requests
        Given there is a scheduled shift:
        | start_time     | end_time       | location     | user         |
        | 12/25/2009 5pm | 12/25/2009 9pm | Diagon Alley | Harry Potter |
        And I am on the homepage
        Then I should see "Upcoming Shifts"
        And I should see "Diagon Alley, Fri, Dec 25 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM"
        When I follow "Diagon Alley, Fri, Dec 25 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM"
        Then I should see "Request a sub for this shift"
        And I follow "Request a sub for this shift"
        And I select "2009" from "sub_request[mandatory_start(1i)]"
        And I select "December" from "sub_request[mandatory_start(2i)]"
        And I select "25" from "sub_request[mandatory_start(3i)]"
        And I select "05" from "sub_request[mandatory_start(4i)]"
        And I select "PM" from "sub_request[mandatory_start(7i)]"
        And I select "2009" from "sub_request[mandatory_end(1i)]"
        And I select "December" from "sub_request[mandatory_end(2i)]"
        And I select "25" from "sub_request[mandatory_end(3i)]"
        And I select "06" from "sub_request[mandatory_end(4i)]"
        And I select "PM" from "sub_request[mandatory_end(7i)]"
        And I select "2009" from "sub_request[start(1i)]"
        And I select "December" from "sub_request[start(2i)]"
        And I select "25" from "sub_request[start(3i)]"
        And I select "05" from "sub_request[start(4i)]"
        And I select "PM" from "sub_request[start(7i)]"
        And I select "2009" from "sub_request[end(1i)]"
        And I select "December" from "sub_request[end(2i)]"
        And I select "25" from "sub_request[end(3i)]"
        And I select "09" from "sub_request[end(4i)]"
        And I select "PM" from "sub_request[end(7i)]"
        And I fill in "list_of_logins" with "hg9"
        And I fill in "Reason" with "I need to eat dinner"
        And I press "Submit"
        Then I should see "Sub request was successfully created."
        When I follow "Logout"
        Given I am "Hermione Granger"
        And the user "Hermione Granger" has permissions "Outside of Hogwarts signup"
        And I am on the homepage
        Then I should see "Subs You Can Take"
        Then I should see "Diagon Alley, Harry Potter, 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM, Fri, Dec 25"
        When I follow "Diagon Alley, Harry Potter, 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM, Fri, Dec 25"
        When I follow "Take"
        And I choose "sub_request[mandatory_start]"
        And I press "Take this!"
        Then "Hermione Granger" should have "one" shift 
        And "Harry Potter" should have "no" shift