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Test Coverage
  id: 1
  department_id: 1
  schedule_start: "900"
  schedule_end: "1700"
  time_increment: "15"
  grace_period: "7"
  created_at: 2009-06-22 17:27:52
  day: "6"
  end_of_month: false
  monthly: false
  time_increment: "15"
  unscheduled_shifts: true
  updated_at: 2009-06-22 17:27:52
  weekend_shifts: true
  warning_weeks: "2"
  description_min: "7"
  reason_min: "7"
  printed_message:  "This payform has already been printed and may no longer be edited by you.\n If there is a problem that needs to be addressed, please talk to the administration."
  reminder_message: "Please remember to submit your payform for this week."
  warning_message: "You have not submitted payforms for the weeks ending on the following dates:\n \n@weeklist@\n Please submit your payforms. If some of the weeks listed are weeks during which you did not work, please just submit a blank payform."

  id: 2
  department_id: 2
  schedule_start: "900"
  schedule_end: "1700"
  time_increment: "15"
  grace_period: "7"
  created_at: 2009-06-22 17:27:52
  day: "6"
  end_of_month: false
  monthly: false
  time_increment: "15"
  unscheduled_shifts: true
  updated_at: 2009-06-22 17:27:52
  weekend_shifts: true
  warning_weeks: "2"
  description_min: "7"
  reason_min: "7"
  printed_message:  "This payform has already been printed and may no longer be edited by you.\n If there is a problem that needs to be addressed, please talk to the administration."
  reminder_message: "Please remember to submit your payform for this week."
  warning_message: "You have not submitted payforms for the weeks ending on the following dates:\n \n@weeklist@\n Please submit your payforms. If some of the weeks listed are weeks during which you did not work, please just submit a blank payform."