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# yelp-ruby

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This is a Ruby Gem for the Yelp API. It'll simplify the process of consuming data from the Yelp API for developers using Ruby. The library encompasses both Search and Business API functions.

Please remember to read and follow the [Terms of Use]( and [display requirements]( before creating your applications.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'yelp', require: 'yelp'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install yelp

## Usage

### Basic usage

The gem uses a client model to query against the API. You create and configure a client with your API keys and make requests through that.

require 'yelp'

client ={ consumer_key: YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY,
                            consumer_secret: YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET,
                            token: YOUR_TOKEN,
                            token_secret: YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET

Alternatively, you can also globally configure the client using a configure
block, and access a client singleton using `Yelp.client`.  If you intend to
use the gem with Rails, the client should be configured in an initializer.

require 'yelp'

Yelp.client.configure do |config|
  config.consumer_key = YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY
  config.consumer_secret = YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET
  config.token = YOUR_TOKEN
  config.token_secret = YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET
end'San Francisco', { term: 'food' })

After creating the client you're able to make requests to either the Search API or Business API. Note: all four keys are required for making requests against the Yelp API. If you need any keys sign up and get access from [](

### [Search API](

Once you have a client you can use ``#search`` to make a request to the Search API.

```'San Francisco')

You can also pass in general params and locale options to the method as hashes

params = { term: 'food',
           limit: 3,
           category_filter: 'discgolf'

locale = { lang: 'fr' }'San Francisco', params, locale)

Key names and options for params and locale match the documented names on the [Yelp Search API](

Additionally there are two more search methods for searching by a [bounding box]( or for [geographical coordinates](

# bounding box
bounding_box = { sw_latitude: 37.7577, sw_longitude: -122.4376, ne_latitude: 37.785381, ne_longitude: -122.391681 }
client.search_by_bounding_box(bounding_box, params, locale)

# coordinates
coordinates = { latitude: 37.7577, longitude: -122.4376 }
client.search_by_coordinates(coordinates, params, locale)

### [Business API](

To use the Business API after you have a client you just need to call ``#business`` with a business id


You can pass in locale information as well

locale = { lang: 'fr' }'yelp-san-francisco', locale)

### [Phone Search API](

To use the Phone Search API after you have a client you just need to call ``#phone_search`` with a phone number


You can pass in country code information as well

options = { cc: 'US', category: 'fashion' }

client.phone_search('5555555555', options)

## Responses

Responses from the API are all parsed and converted into Ruby objects. You're able to access information using dot-notation

## search
response ='San Francisco')

# [<Business 1>, <Business 2>, ...]

# "Kim Makoi, DC"

# 5.0

## business
response ='yelp-san-francisco')
# Yelp
# [["Local Flavor", "localflavor"], ["Mass Media", "massmedia"]]

For specific response values check out the docs for the [Search API]( and the [Business API]( You can also look at the responses and models inside of `lib/yelp/responses` and `lib/yelp/responses/models` to see the methods available.

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

Our rspec test suite expects environment variables to be populated with your Yelp API Access Tokens.

You can generate and find your Access Tokens at [](

### Git Workflow

We are using the [git flow](
workflow. Atlassian has a [solid overview](!workflow-gitflow).
Essentially, new development is merged into the develop branch from feature
branches, then merged from develop to a release branch, then to master from
the release branch. Master should always contain the most recently released
version of the gem.