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Test Coverage
name: "\U0001F41EBug report"
about: Report a bug
title: '[bug] '
labels: ''
assignees: ''


Oh hi there! πŸ˜„

To expedite issue processing please search open and closed issues before submitting a new one.
Existing issues often contain information about workarounds, resolution, or progress updates.

Before you create a new issue, please check out our [manual] (


# 🐞 bug report

### ⁉️ Describe the bug

<!-- Provide a more detailed introduction to the issue itself, and why you consider it to be a bug. -->

<!-- Descriptions can be provided in English or Polish (remember to add [PL] for Polish in the title). -->

<!-- ✍️-->

### πŸ”₯ How to trigger the error

<!-- If possible, please make a video using [ScreenToGif] ( or any other program used for recording actions from your desktop. -->

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error

### πŸ‘Ž Actual Behavior

<!-- Describe the result -->

### πŸ‘ Expected Behavior

<!-- Describe what you would want the result to be -->

### πŸ‘· Testing

<!-- βœ”οΈ Test the error and tick the following options, it is required to perform tests on current versions before reporting the error. Please include a video to confirm you performed the tests. βœ”οΈ  -->

- [ ] I confirm that I tested it at
- [ ] I confirm that I tested it at

### πŸ“· Screenshot of configuration

<!--  Before reporting an issue, check if your server has been properly configured.
Please include a screenshot of your configuration. Here is an example: -->

### πŸ“ PHP/Apache/Nginx/Browser/CRM Logs

<!--  Please send a part of logs that describes the circumstances when the error occurred to the following email address: The subject of the email MUST include your issue number.
DO NOT paste the logs in the issues, as they might contain sensitive info, such as credentials.
The more info you provide, the quicker we will be able to solve your problem.
Description how to enable logs can be found here:
Additionally, include a screenshot of your browser’s console (e.g. press F12 in Google Chrome).

* cache/logs/phpError.log
* cache/logs/system.log
* cache/logs/errors.log


### 🌍 Your Environment

<!--Describe the environment -->
<!-- ✍️-->

| Environment                         | Version / Name |
| ----------------------------------- | -------------- |
| YetiForce                           |
| Web server (name and version)       |                |
| PHP                                 |                |
| Browser (name and version)          |                |
| Operating System (name and version) |                |
| Database (name and version)         |                |
| Service Pack version                |                |

### ❓ Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

<!-- Please check on your issue from time to time, in case we have questions or need some extra information. Issues that don't have enough info and can't be reproduced will be closed.--->

### ❗️ Inform the community if you solve the problem

<!-- If you solve the problem on your own, please inform the YetiForce community and explain what caused it and how you fixed it.--->