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Test Coverage
 * The file contains: Report operations.
 * @package API
 * @copyright YetiForce S.A.
 * @license   YetiForce Public License 6.5 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or
 * @author    Radosław Skrzypczak <>

namespace Api\SMS\SMSAPI;

use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;

 * Report class.
class Report extends \Api\SMS\BaseAction
    /** {@inheritdoc}  */
    public $allowedMethod = ['GET', 'POST'];

    /** @var string Module name */
    private $moduleName = 'SMSNotifier';

     * Get status for record by code.
     * Statuses from api:
     *  402 => 'EXPIRED',
     *    403 => 'SENT',
     *    404 => 'DELIVERED',
     *    405 => 'UNDELIVERED',
     *    406 => 'FAILED',
     *    407 => 'REJECTED',
     *    408 => 'UNKNOWN',
     *    409 => 'QUEUE',
     *    410 => 'ACCEPTED',
     *    411 => 'RENEWAL',
     *    412 => 'STOP'.
    private const STATUSES = [
        402 => 'PLL_FAILED',
        403 => 'PLL_SENT',
        404 => 'PLL_DELIVERED',
        405 => 'PLL_FAILED',
        406 => 'PLL_FAILED',
        407 => 'PLL_FAILED',
        408 => 'PLL_SENT',
        410 => 'PLL_DELIVERED',

    /** {@inheritdoc}  */
    protected function checkPermission(): void
        if (!$this->controller->request->getExploded('MsgId', ',', \App\Purifier::ALNUM) || !$this->controller->request->getExploded('status', ',', \App\Purifier::INTEGER) || !$this->controller->request->getExploded('to', ',', \App\Purifier::ALNUM)) {
            throw new \Api\Core\Exception('No permission - wrong data', 401);

    /** {@inheritdoc}  */
    protected function checkPermissionToModule(): void
        if (!\Api\Core\Module::checkModuleAccess($this->moduleName) || !\App\Privilege::isPermitted($this->moduleName, 'EditView') || !($provider = \App\Integrations\SMSProvider::getDefaultProvider()) || 'SMSAPI' !== $provider->getName()) {
            throw new \Api\Core\Exception('No permissions for module', 403);

     * Update record status.
     * @return void
     * @OA\Get(
     *        path="/webservice/SMS/SMSAPI/Report",
     *        summary="Report for sms",
     *        tags={"SMSAPI"},
     *        externalDocs={
     *            "description" : "SMSApi Documentation",
     *            "url" : ""
     *         },
     *         security={
     *            {"ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}
     *      },
     *        @OA\Response(
     *                response=200,
     *                description="Result",
     *                @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/SMS_SMSAPI_Get_Report")
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *                response=401,
     *                description="`No sent token` OR `Invalid token` OR `wrong data provided in the request`",
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *                response=403,
     *                description="No permissions for module",
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *                response=405,
     *                description="Method Not Allowed",
     *        ),
     * ),
     * @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="SMS_SMSAPI_Get_Report",
     *        title="Response",
     *        description="Response",
     *        type="string",
     *        example="OK"
     *    ),
    public function get()
        $recordIds = $this->controller->request->getExploded('idx', ',', \App\Purifier::INTEGER);
        $msgIds = $this->controller->request->getExploded('MsgId', ',', \App\Purifier::ALNUM);
        $statuses = $this->controller->request->getExploded('status', ',', \App\Purifier::INTEGER);
        foreach ($recordIds as $key => $recordId) {
            if (\App\Record::isExists($recordId, $this->moduleName)
                && ($recordModel = \Vtiger_Record_Model::getInstanceById($recordId, $this->moduleName))->isEditable()
                && !$recordModel->isEmpty('msgid') && \in_array($recordModel->get('msgid'), $msgIds)
                && $recordModel->set('smsnotifier_status', static::STATUSES[$statuses[$key]] ?? 'PLL_UNDEFINED')->getPreviousValue()
            ) {

        echo 'OK';

     * Update record status.
     * @return void
     * @OA\Post(
     *        path="/webservice/SMS/SMSAPI/Report",
     *        summary="Report for sms",
     *        tags={"SMSAPI"},
     *        externalDocs={
     *            "description" : "SMSApi Documentation",
     *            "url" : ""
     *         },
     *         security={
     *            {"ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}
     *      },
     *        @OA\Response(
     *                response=200,
     *                description="Result",
     *                @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/SMS_SMSAPI_Post_Report")
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *                response=401,
     *                description="`No sent token` OR `Invalid token` OR `wrong data provided in the request`",
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *                response=403,
     *                description="No permissions for module",
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *                response=405,
     *                description="Method Not Allowed",
     *        ),
     * ),
     * @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="SMS_SMSAPI_Post_Report",
     *        title="Response",
     *        description="Response",
     *        type="string",
     *        example="OK"
     *    ),
    public function post()