* Webservice premium container - Generates and downloads a PDF file from a template file.
* @package API
* @copyright YetiForce S.A.
* @license YetiForce Public License 6.5 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or yetiforce.com)
* @author Radosław Skrzypczak <r.skrzypczak@yetiforce.com>
* @author Mariusz Krzaczkowski <m.krzaczkowski@yetiforce.com>
namespace Api\WebservicePremium\BaseModule;
use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;
* Webservice premium container - Generates and downloads a PDF file from a template class.
class Pdf extends \Api\Core\BaseAction
/** {@inheritdoc} */
public $allowedMethod = ['GET'];
/** {@inheritdoc} */
protected function checkPermission(): void
if ($this->controller->request->isEmpty('record')) {
throw new \Api\Core\Exception('No record id', 404);
$moduleName = $this->controller->request->getModule();
if (!\App\Record::isExists($this->controller->request->getInteger('record'), $moduleName)) {
throw new \Api\Core\Exception('Record doesn\'t exist', 404);
if (!\Api\WebservicePremium\Privilege::isPermitted($moduleName, 'ExportPdf')) {
throw new \Api\Core\Exception("No permissions for action ExportPdf in {$moduleName} module", 405);
$recordModel = \Vtiger_Record_Model::getInstanceById($this->controller->request->getInteger('record'), $moduleName);
if (!$recordModel->isViewable()) {
throw new \Api\Core\Exception('No permissions to view record', 403);
* Get method - Generates and downloads a PDF file from a template.
* @return array
* @OA\Get(
* path="/webservice/WebservicePremium/{moduleName}/Pdf/{recordId}",
* summary="Generates and downloads a PDF file from a template",
* description="Get PDF file by template",
* tags={"BaseModule"},
* security={{"basicAuth" : {}, "ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}},
* @OA\Parameter(name="moduleName", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="string"), description="Module name", required=true, example="Accounts"),
* @OA\Parameter(name="recordId", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="integer"), description="Record id", required=true, example=116),
* @OA\Parameter(name="templates", in="query", description="Pdf templates ids", required=true,
* @OA\JsonContent(type="integer", description="Pdf templates ids"),
* ),
* @OA\Parameter(name="X-ENCRYPTED", in="header", @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/Header-Encrypted"), required=true),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Generate PDF",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Get_Pdf_Response"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Get_Pdf_Response"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=403,
* description="No permissions to view record",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=404,
* description="No record id",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=405,
* description="No permissions for action ExportPdf in {moduleName} module",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="BaseModule_Get_Pdf_Response",
* title="Base module - Generate PDF response schema",
* type="object",
* @OA\Property(property="status", type="integer", enum={0, 1}, description="A numeric value of 0 or 1 that indicates whether the communication is valid. 1 - success , 0 - error"),
* @OA\Property(
* property="result",
* title="Pdf",
* type="object",
* @OA\AdditionalProperties(
* title="Pdf detail",
* type="object",
* @OA\Property(property="name", type="string", example="order.pdf"),
* @OA\Property(property="data", type="string", format="binary"),
* ),
* ),
* ),
public function get(): array
$file = $pdfFiles = $increment = [];
$recordId = $this->controller->request->getInteger('record');
foreach ($this->controller->request->getArray('templates', 'Integer') as $templateId) {
$pdf = \App\Pdf\Pdf::getInstanceByTemplateId($templateId);
$template = $pdf->getTemplate();
if (!$template || !$template->isVisible('Detail') || !$template->checkFiltersForRecord($recordId) || !$template->checkUserPermissions()) {
$template->setVariable('recordId', $recordId);
$fileName = ($pdf->getFileName() ?: time());
$increment[$fileName] = $increment[$fileName] ?? 0;
$fileName .= ($increment[$fileName]++ > 0 ? '_' . $increment[$fileName] : '') . '.pdf';
$filePath = $template->getPath();
$pdfFiles[] = ['path' => $filePath, 'name' => $fileName];
$pdf->output($filePath, 'F');
if (\count($pdfFiles) > 1) {
$zipPath = $template->getPath('APIZIP');
$zip = \App\Zip::createFile($zipPath);
foreach ($pdfFiles as $file) {
$zip->addFile($file['path'], $file['name']);
$file = ['name' => 'PdfZipFile_' . time() . '.zip', 'data' => base64_encode(file_get_contents($zipPath))];
} elseif ($pdfFiles) {
$file = current($pdfFiles);
$file = ['name' => $file['name'], 'data' => base64_encode(file_get_contents($file['path']))];
foreach ($pdfFiles as $pdfFile) {
return $file;