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 * Webservice premium container - Get record detail file.
 * @package API
 * @copyright YetiForce S.A.
 * @license    YetiForce Public License 6.5 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or
 * @author    Mariusz Krzaczkowski <>
 * @author    Radosław Skrzypczak <>

namespace Api\WebservicePremium\BaseModule;

use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;

 * Webservice premium container - Get record detail class.
class Record extends \Api\WebserviceStandard\BaseModule\Record
    /** {@inheritdoc}  */
    public $allowedHeaders = ['x-parent-id', 'x-header-fields', 'x-fields-params'];

     * Get record detail.
     * @api
     * @return array
     *    @OA\Get(
     *        path="/webservice/WebservicePremium/{moduleName}/Record/{recordId}",
     *        description="Gets the details of a record",
     *        summary="Data for the record",
     *        tags={"BaseModule"},
     *        security={{"basicAuth" : {}, "ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}},
     *        operationId="getRecord",
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="moduleName", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="string"), description="Module name", required=true, example="Contacts"),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="recordId", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="integer"), description="Record id", required=true, example=116),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="X-ENCRYPTED", in="header", @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/Header-Encrypted"), required=true),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="x-raw-data", in="header", @OA\Schema(type="integer", enum={0, 1}), description="Gets raw data", required=false, example=1),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="x-parent-id", in="header", @OA\Schema(type="integer"), description="Parent record id", required=false, example=5),
     *         @OA\Parameter(name="x-fields-params", in="header", description="JSON array - list of fields to be returned in the specified way", required=false,
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Fields-Settings"),
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Parameter(
     *            name="x-header-fields",
     *            description="Get header fields",
     *            @OA\Schema(type="integer"),
     *            in="header",
     *            required=false
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *            response=200,
     *            description="Gets data for the record",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Get_Record_Response"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Get_Record_Response"),
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *            response=403,
     *            description="`No permissions to remove record` OR `No permissions to view record` OR `No permissions to edit record`",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *            response=404,
     *            description="`No record id` OR `Record doesn't exist`",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
     *        ),
     *    ),
     *  @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="Fields-Settings",
     *        title="Custom field settings",
     *        description="A list of custom parameters that can affect the return value of a given field.",
     *        type="object",
     *         example={"password" : {"showHiddenData" : true}}
     *  ),
     *    @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="BaseModule_Get_Record_Response",
     *        title="Base module - Response body for Record",
     *        type="object",
     *        required={"status", "result"},
     *        @OA\Property(property="status", type="integer", enum={0, 1}, description="A numeric value of 0 or 1 that indicates whether the communication is valid. 1 - success , 0 - error"),
     *        @OA\Property(
     *            property="result",
     *            title="Record data",
     *            type="object",
     *            required={"name", "id", "fields", "data"},
     *            @OA\Property(property="name", description="Record name", type="string", example="Driving school"),
     *            @OA\Property(property="id", description="Record Id", type="integer", example=152),
     *            @OA\Property(property="fields", type="object", title="System field names and field labels", example={"field_name_1" : "Field label 1", "field_name_2" : "Field label 2", "assigned_user_id" : "Assigned user", "createdtime" : "Created time"},
     *                 @OA\AdditionalProperties(type="string", description="Field label"),
     *            ),
     *            @OA\Property(property="data", title="Record data", type="object", ref="#/components/schemas/Record_Display_Details"),
     *            @OA\Property(
     *                property="privileges",
     *                title="Parameters determining checking of editing rights and moving to the trash",
     *                 type="object",
     *                 required={"isEditable", "moveToTrash"},
     *                @OA\Property(property="isEditable", description="Check if record is editable", type="boolean", example=true),
     *                @OA\Property(property="moveToTrash", description="Permission to delete", type="boolean", example=false),
     *            ),
     *            @OA\Property(property="inventory", description="Value inventory data", type="object"),
     *            @OA\Property(property="summaryInventory", description="Value summary inventory data", type="object"),
     *            @OA\Property(property="rawData", description="Raw record data", type="object", ref="#/components/schemas/Record_Raw_Details"),
     *            @OA\Property(property="rawInventory", description="Inventory data", type="object"),
     *            @OA\Property(
     *                property="headerFields", type="object", title="Get header fields details.",
     *                @OA\Property(
     *                    property="progress", type="object", title="Progress header fields",
     *                    @OA\AdditionalProperties(
     *                        type="object", title="Header field details",
     *                        required={"type", "label", "values"},
     *                        @OA\Property(property="type", type="string", description="Header field type", example="value"),
     *                        @OA\Property(property="label", type="string", description="Translated field label", example="Assigned To"),
     *                        @OA\Property(property="class", type="string", description="Class name", example="badge-info"),
     *                        @OA\Property(
     *                            property="values", type="object", title="Class name",
     *                            @OA\AdditionalProperties(
     *                                type="object", title="Header field details",
     *                                required={"label", "isActive", "isLocked", "isEditable"},
     *                                @OA\Property(property="label", type="string", description="Value to display", example="Awaiting verification"),
     *                                @OA\Property(property="isActive", type="boolean", description="Is active", example=false),
     *                                @OA\Property(property="isLocked", type="boolean", description="Is locked", example=false),
     *                                @OA\Property(property="isEditable", type="boolean", description="Is editable", example=false),
     *                                @OA\Property(property="description", type="string", description="Description", example=""),
     *                                @OA\Property(property="color", type="string", description="Color", example="ffa800"),
     *                            ),
     *                        ),
     *                    ),
     *                ),
     *                @OA\Property(
     *                    property="value",
     *                    title="Value header fields",
     *                     type="object",
     *                    @OA\AdditionalProperties(
     *                        type="object", title="Header field details",
     *                        required={"type", "label", "value"},
     *                        @OA\Property(property="type", type="string", description="Header field type", example="value"),
     *                        @OA\Property(property="label", type="string", description="Translated field label", example="Assigned To"),
     *                        @OA\Property(property="class", type="string", description="Class name", example="badge-info"),
     *                        @OA\Property(property="value", description="Data in API format", oneOf={@OA\Schema(type="object"), @OA\Schema(type="string"), @OA\Schema(type="number"), @OA\Schema(type="integer")}),
     *                    ),
     *                ),
     *                @OA\Property(
     *                    property="highlights",
     *                    title="Highlights header fields",
     *                     type="object",
     *                    @OA\AdditionalProperties(
     *                        type="object", title="Header field details",
     *                        required={"type", "label", "value"},
     *                        @OA\Property(property="type", type="string", description="Header field type", example="value"),
     *                        @OA\Property(property="label", type="string", description="Translated field label", example="Assigned To"),
     *                        @OA\Property(property="class", type="string", description="Class name", example="badge-info"),
     *                        @OA\Property(property="value", description="Data in API format", oneOf={@OA\Schema(type="object"), @OA\Schema(type="string"), @OA\Schema(type="number"), @OA\Schema(type="integer")}),
     *                    ),
     *                ),
     *            ),
     *        ),
     *    ),
    public function get(): array
        $return = parent::get();
        if ($this->controller->headers['x-header-fields'] ?? 0) {
            $fieldsHeader = [];
            foreach ($this->recordModel->getModule()->getFields() as $fieldModel) {
                if (!$fieldModel->isActiveField() || !($headerField = $fieldModel->getHeaderField())) {
                $headerField['label'] = $fieldModel->getFullLabelTranslation();
                if ('progress' === $headerField['type']) {
                    $headerField['values'] = $fieldModel->getUITypeModel()->getProgressHeader($this->recordModel);
                } else {
                    $value = $this->recordModel->get($fieldModel->getName());
                    if ('' === $value) {
                    $headerField['value'] = $fieldModel->getUITypeModel()->getApiDisplayValue($value, $this->recordModel);
                $fieldsHeader[$headerField['type']][$fieldModel->getName()] = $headerField;
            $return['headerFields'] = $fieldsHeader;
        return $return;

     * Delete record.
     * @api
     * @return bool
     *    @OA\Delete(
     *        path="/webservice/WebservicePremium/{moduleName}/Record/{recordId}",
     *        description="Changes the state of a record, moving it to the trash",
     *        summary="Delete record",
     *        tags={"BaseModule"},
     *        security={{"basicAuth" : {}, "ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}},
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="moduleName", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="string"), description="Module name", required=true, example="Contacts"),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="recordId", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="integer"), description="Record id", required=true, example=116),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="X-ENCRYPTED", in="header", @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/Header-Encrypted"), required=true),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *            response=200,
     *            description="List of records moved to the trash",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Delete_Record_Response"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Delete_Record_Response"),
     *        ),
     *    ),
     *    @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="BaseModule_Delete_Record_Response",
     *        title="Base module - Transfer to the trash",
     *        description="List of records moved to the trash",
     *        type="object",
     *        required={"status", "result"},
     *        @OA\Property(property="status", type="integer", enum={0, 1}, description="A numeric value of 0 or 1 that indicates whether the communication is valid. 1 - success , 0 - error"),
     *        @OA\Property(property="result", type="boolean", description="Status of successful transfer of the record to the recycle bin"),
     *    ),
    public function delete(): bool
        return parent::delete();

     * Edit record.
     * @api
     * @return array
     *    @OA\Put(
     *        path="/webservice/WebservicePremium/{moduleName}/Record/{recordId}",
     *        description="Retrieves data for editing a record",
     *        summary="Edit record",
     *        tags={"BaseModule"},
     *        security={{"basicAuth" : {}, "ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}},
     *        @OA\RequestBody(
     *            required=true,
     *            description="Contents of the request contains an associative array with the data record.",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Record_Edit_Details"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Record_Edit_Details"),
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="moduleName", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="string"), description="Module name", required=true, example="Contacts"),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="recordId", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="integer"), description="Record id", required=true, example=116),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="X-ENCRYPTED", in="header", @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/Header-Encrypted"), required=true),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *            response=200, description="Contents of the response contains only id",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Put_Record_Response"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Put_Record_Response"),
     *            @OA\Link(link="GetRecordById", ref="#/components/links/GetRecordById")
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *            response=406, description="No input data",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
     *        ),
     *     ),
     *    @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="BaseModule_Put_Record_Response",
     *        title="Base module - Response body for Record",
     *        description="Contents of the response contains only id",
     *        type="object",
     *        required={"status", "result"},
     *        @OA\Property(property="status", type="integer", enum={0, 1}, description="A numeric value of 0 or 1 that indicates whether the communication is valid. 1 - success , 0 - error"),
     *        @OA\Property(property="result", type="object", title="Record data", description="Created record id and name.",
     *            required={"id", "name"},
     *            @OA\Property(property="id", type="integer", description="Id of the newly created record", example=22),
     *            @OA\Property(property="name", type="string", description="Id of the newly created record", example="YetiForce Name"),
     *            @OA\Property(property="skippedData", type="object", description="List of parameters passed in the request that were skipped in the write process"),
     *        ),
     *    ),
     *    @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="Record_Edit_Details",
     *        title="General - Record edit details",
     *        description="Record data in user format for edit view",
     *        type="object",
     *        example={"field_name_1" : "Tom", "field_name_2" : "Kowalski", "assigned_user_id" : 1, "createdtime" : "2014-09-24 20:51:12"},
     *    ),
     *    @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="Record_Raw_Details",
     *        title="General - Record raw details",
     *        description="Record data in the system format as stored in a database",
     *        type="object",
     *        example={"id" : 11, "field_name_1" : "Tom", "field_name_2" : "Kowalski", "assigned_user_id" : 1, "createdtime" : "2014-09-24 20:51:12"},
     *    ),
     *    @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="Record_Display_Details",
     *        title="General - Record display details",
     *        description="Record data in user format for preview",
     *        type="object",
     *        example={"id" : 11, "field_name_1" : "Tom", "field_name_2" : "Kowalski", "assigned_user_id" : "YetiForce Administrator", "createdtime" : "2014-09-24 20:51"},
     *    ),
    public function put(): array
        return parent::put();

     * Create record.
     * @api
     * @return array
     *    @OA\Post(
     *        path="/webservice/WebservicePremium/{moduleName}/Record",
     *        description="Create new record",
     *        summary="Create record",
     *        tags={"BaseModule"},
     *        security={{"basicAuth" : {}, "ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}},
     *        @OA\RequestBody(
     *            required=true,
     *            description="Contents of the request contains an associative array with the data record.",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Record_Edit_Details"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Record_Edit_Details"),
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="moduleName", in="path", @OA\Schema(type="string"), description="Module name", required=true, example="Contacts"),
     *        @OA\Parameter(name="X-ENCRYPTED", in="header", @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/Header-Encrypted"), required=true),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *            response=200, description="Contents of the response contains only id",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Post_Record_Response"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BaseModule_Post_Record_Response"),
     *            @OA\Link(link="GetRecordById", ref="#/components/links/GetRecordById")
     *        ),
     *        @OA\Response(
     *            response=406, description="No input data",
     *            @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
     *            @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
     *        ),
     *    ),
     *    @OA\Schema(
     *        schema="BaseModule_Post_Record_Response",
     *        title="Base module - Created records",
     *        description="Contents of the response contains only id",
     *        type="object",
     *        required={"status", "result"},
     *        @OA\Property(property="status", type="integer", enum={0, 1}, description="A numeric value of 0 or 1 that indicates whether the communication is valid. 1 - success , 0 - error"),
     *        @OA\Property(property="result", type="object", title="Record data", description="Created record id and name.",
     *            required={"id", "name"},
     *            @OA\Property(property="id", type="integer", description="Id of the newly created record", example=22),
     *            @OA\Property(property="name", type="string", description="Id of the newly created record", example="YetiForce Name"),
     *            @OA\Property(property="skippedData", type="object", description="List of parameters passed in the request that were skipped in the write process"),
     *        ),
     *    ),
     *    @OA\Link(
     *        link="GetRecordById",
     *        description="The `id` value returned in the response can be used as the `recordId` parameter in `GET /webservice/{moduleName}/Record/{recordId}`.",
     *        operationId="getRecord",
     *        parameters={
     *            "recordId" = "$response.body#/result/id"
     *        }
     *    )
    public function post(): array
        return parent::post();