* Webservice standard container - Users logout action file.
* @package API
* @copyright YetiForce S.A.
* @license YetiForce Public License 6.5 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or yetiforce.com)
* @author Mariusz Krzaczkowski <m.krzaczkowski@yetiforce.com>
namespace Api\WebserviceStandard\Users;
use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;
* Webservice standard container - Users logout action class.
class Logout extends \Api\Core\BaseAction
use \Api\Core\Traits\LoginHistory;
/** {@inheritdoc} */
public $allowedMethod = ['PUT'];
/** {@inheritdoc} */
protected function checkPermissionToModule(): void
* Put method.
* @api
* @return bool
* @OA\Put(
* path="/webservice/WebserviceStandard/Users/Logout",
* description="Logout user out the system",
* summary="Logout user",
* tags={"Users"},
* security={{"basicAuth" : {}, "ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}},
* @OA\Parameter(name="X-ENCRYPTED", in="header", @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/Header-Encrypted"), required=true),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="User details",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/UsersLogoutResponseBody"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/UsersLogoutResponseBody"),
* ),
* ),
* @OA\SecurityScheme(
* name="X-TOKEN",
* type="apiKey",
* in="header",
* securityScheme="token",
* description="Webservice api token by user header"
* ),
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="UsersLogoutResponseBody",
* title="Users module - Users logout response body",
* description="JSON data",
* type="object",
* required={"status", "result"},
* @OA\Property(property="status", type="integer", enum={0, 1}, description="A numeric value of 0 or 1 that indicates whether the communication is valid. 1 - success , 0 - error"),
* @OA\Property(
* property="result",
* description="Content of responses from a given method",
* type="boolean",
* ),
* ),
public function put(): bool
->delete($this->controller->app['tables']['session'], [
'id' => $this->controller->headers['x-token'],
'status' => 'LBL_SIGNED_OFF',
'custom_params' => [
'logout_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
return true;