* Webservice standard container - Get user record detail file.
* @package API
* @copyright YetiForce S.A.
* @license YetiForce Public License 6.5 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or yetiforce.com)
* @author Mariusz Krzaczkowski <m.krzaczkowski@yetiforce.com>
* @author Radosław Skrzypczak <r.skrzypczak@yetiforce.com>
namespace Api\WebserviceStandard\Users;
use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;
* Webservice standard container - Get user record detail class.
class Record extends \Api\Core\BaseAction
/** {@inheritdoc} */
public $allowedMethod = ['GET', 'POST'];
/** @var \Users_Record_Model User record model. */
public $recordModel;
/** {@inheritdoc} */
protected function checkPermission(): void
$moduleName = $this->controller->request->getModule();
if ('POST' === $this->controller->method) {
$this->recordModel = \Users_Record_Model::getCleanInstance($moduleName);
if (!$this->recordModel->isCreateable()) {
throw new \Api\Core\Exception('No permissions to create user', 403);
} else {
if ($this->controller->request->isEmpty('record', true) || !\App\User::isExists($this->controller->request->getInteger('record'), false)) {
throw new \Api\Core\Exception('User doesn\'t exist', 404);
if (!\App\User::getCurrentUserModel()->isAdmin()) {
throw new \Api\Core\Exception('Access denied, access for administrators only', 403);
$this->recordModel = \Users_Record_Model::getInstanceById($this->controller->request->getInteger('record'), 'Users');
* Get user detail.
* @api
* @return array
* @OA\Get(
* path="/webservice/WebserviceStandard/Users/Record/{userId}",
* description="Gets details about the user",
* summary="Data for the user",
* tags={"Users"},
* security={{"basicAuth" : {}, "ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}},
* operationId="getUser",
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="userId",
* description="User id",
* @OA\Schema(type="integer"),
* in="path",
* example=116,
* required=true
* ),
* @OA\Parameter(name="X-ENCRYPTED", in="header", @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/Header-Encrypted"), required=true),
* @OA\Parameter(name="x-raw-data", in="header", @OA\Schema(type="integer", enum={0, 1}), description="Gets raw data", required=false, example=1),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Gets data for the user",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Users_Get_Record_Response"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Users_Get_Record_Response"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=403,
* description="Access denied, access for administrators only",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=404,
* description="User doesn't exist",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="Users_Get_Record_Response",
* title="Users module - Response body for user",
* type="object",
* @OA\Property(property="status", type="integer", enum={0, 1}, description="A numeric value of 0 or 1 that indicates whether the communication is valid. 1 - success , 0 - error"),
* @OA\Property(
* property="result",
* description="User data",
* type="object",
* @OA\Property(property="name", description="User label", type="string", example="System Admin"),
* @OA\Property(property="id", description="User Id", type="integer", example=1),
* @OA\Property(property="fields", type="object", title="System field names and field labels", example={"field_name_1" : "Field label 1", "field_name_2" : "Field label 2"},
* @OA\AdditionalProperties(type="string", description="Field label"),
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="data",
* description="User data",
* type="object",
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="privileges",
* description="Parameters determining checking of editing rights and moving to the trash",
* type="object",
* @OA\Property(property="isEditable", description="Check if user is editable", type="boolean", example=true),
* @OA\Property(property="moveToTrash", description="Permission to delete", type="boolean", example=false),
* ),
* @OA\Property(property="rawData", description="Raw user data", type="object"),
* ),
* ),
public function get(): array
$rawData = $this->recordModel->getData();
$displayData = $fieldsLabel = [];
foreach ($this->recordModel->getModule()->getFields() as $fieldModel) {
$uiTypeModel = $fieldModel->getUITypeModel();
$value = $this->recordModel->get($fieldModel->getName());
$displayData[$fieldModel->getName()] = $uiTypeModel->getApiDisplayValue($value, $this->recordModel);
$fieldsLabel[$fieldModel->getName()] = \App\Language::translate($fieldModel->get('label'), 'Users');
if ($fieldModel->isReferenceField()) {
$referenceModule = $uiTypeModel->getReferenceModule($value);
$rawData[$fieldModel->getName() . '_module'] = $referenceModule ? $referenceModule->getName() : null;
if ('taxes' === $fieldModel->getFieldDataType()) {
$rawData[$fieldModel->getName() . '_info'] = \Vtiger_Taxes_UIType::getValues($rawData[$fieldModel->getName()]);
$response = [
'name' => \App\Purifier::decodeHtml($this->recordModel->getName()),
'id' => $this->recordModel->getId(),
'fields' => $fieldsLabel,
'data' => $displayData,
'privileges' => [
'isEditable' => false,
'moveToTrash' => false,
if (1 === (int) $this->controller->headers['x-raw-data'] ?? 0) {
$response['rawData'] = $rawData;
return $response;
* Create record.
* @api
* @return array
* @OA\Post(
* path="/webservice/WebserviceStandard/Users/Record",
* description="Create new user",
* summary="Create user",
* tags={"Users"},
* security={{"basicAuth" : {}, "ApiKeyAuth" : {}, "token" : {}}},
* @OA\RequestBody(required=true, description="Contents of the request contains an associative array with the user data.",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User_Create_Details"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User_Create_Details"),
* ),
* @OA\Parameter(name="X-ENCRYPTED", in="header", @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/Header-Encrypted"), required=true),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200, description="Contents of the response contains only id",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User_Post_Record_Response"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User_Post_Record_Response"),
* @OA\Link(link="GetUserById", ref="#/components/links/GetUserById")
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=406, description="No input data",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* @OA\XmlContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Exception"),
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="User_Post_Record_Response",
* title="User - Created user",
* description="Contents of the response contains only id and name",
* type="object",
* required={"status", "result"},
* @OA\Property(property="status", type="integer", enum={0, 1}, description="A numeric value of 0 or 1 that indicates whether the communication is valid. 1 - success , 0 - error"),
* @OA\Property(property="result", type="object", title="User data", description="Created user id and name.",
* required={"id", "name"},
* @OA\Property(property="id", type="integer", description="Id of the newly created user", example=22),
* @OA\Property(property="name", type="string", description="Id of the newly created user", example="YetiForce Name"),
* @OA\Property(property="skippedData", type="object", description="List of parameters passed in the request that were skipped in the write process"),
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="User_Create_Details",
* title="General - User create details",
* description="User data in user format for create view",
* type="object",
* example={"user_name" : "tom", "first_name" : "Tom", "last_name" : "Kowalski", "roleid" : "H38", "password" : "MyFunP@ssword", "confirm_password" : "MyFunP@ssword", "email1" : "my@email.com", "language" : "en-US"},
* ),
* @OA\Link(
* link="GetUserById",
* description="The `id` value returned in the response can be used as the `userId` parameter in `GET /webservice/Users/Record/{userId}`.",
* operationId="getUser",
* parameters={
* "recordId" = "$response.body#/result/id"
* }
* )
public function post(): array
if (1 !== $this->getUserData('type')) {
foreach ($this->recordModel->getModule()->getFieldsByType('serverAccess') as $fieldName => $fieldModel) {
if ($fieldModel->getFieldParams() == $this->getUserData('server_id')) {
$this->recordModel->set($fieldName, 1);
\Api\WebserviceStandard\Fields::loadWebserviceFields($this->recordModel->getModule(), $this);
$saveModel = new \Api\WebserviceStandard\Save();
$return = [
'id' => $this->recordModel->getId(),
'name' => $this->recordModel->getName(),
if ($saveModel->skippedData) {
$return['skippedData'] = $saveModel->skippedData;
return $return;