* System cli file.
* @package Cli
* @copyright YetiForce S.A.
* @license YetiForce Public License 6.5 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or
* @author Mariusz Krzaczkowski <>
* @author RadosΕaw Skrzypczak <>
namespace App\Cli;
* System cli class.
class System extends Base
/** {@inheritdoc} */
public $moduleName = 'System';
/** @var string[] Methods list */
public $methods = [
'history' => 'History of uploaded updates',
'update' => 'Update',
'checkRegStatus' => 'Check registration status',
'deleteRegistration' => 'Delete registration data',
'showProducts' => 'Show active products',
'reloadModule' => 'Reload modules',
'reloadUserPrivileges' => 'Reload users privileges',
'reloadMenus' => 'Reload menus',
* History of uploaded updates.
* @return void
public function history(): void
$table = array_map(function ($item) {
$item['result'] = $item['result'] ? 'OK' : 'Error';
return $item;
}, \Settings_Updates_Module_Model::getUpdates());
if ($table) {
} else {
$this->climate->lightGreen('No updates');
if (!$this->climate->arguments->defined('action')) {
* Update CRM.
* @return void
public function update(): void
$maxExecutionTime = \ini_get('max_execution_time');
if ($maxExecutionTime < 1 || $maxExecutionTime > 600) {
$this->climate->lightGreen('Max execution time = ' . $maxExecutionTime);
} else {
$this->climate->lightRed('Max execution time = ' . $maxExecutionTime);
'type' => [
'prefix' => 't',
'description' => 'Update type. Values: patches, version',
if ($this->helpMode) {
if ($this->climate->arguments->defined('type')) {
} else {
* Check registration status.
* @return void
public function checkRegStatus(): void
$registration = new \App\YetiForce\Register();
$this->climate->bold('Status: ' . \App\Language::translate(\App\YetiForce\Register::STATUS_MESSAGES[$registration->getStatus(true)], 'Settings::Companies'));
if ($error = $registration->getError()) {
$this->climate->lightRed('Status error: ' . \App\Language::translateSingleMod($error, 'Other.Exceptions'));
$this->climate->border('β', 200);
$this->climate->bold('APP ID: ' . \App\YetiForce\Register::getInstanceKey());
$this->climate->border('β', 200);
$this->climate->bold('CRM ID: ' . \App\YetiForce\Register::getCrmKey());
$this->climate->border('β', 200);
$this->climate->bold('Provider: ' . \App\YetiForce\Register::getProvider());
$this->climate->border('β', 200);
$table = [];
foreach (\App\Company::getCompany() as $key => $value) {
$table[$key] = $value;
$this->climate->border('β', 200);
if (!$this->climate->arguments->defined('action')) {
* Show active products.
* @return void
public function showProducts(): void
$table = \App\YetiForce\Register::getProducts();
$table ? $this->climate->table($table) : $this->climate->bold('None');
$this->climate->border('β', 200);
if (!$this->climate->arguments->defined('action')) {
* Reload modules.
* @return void
public function reloadModule(): void
$this->climate->bold('Tools: ' . \App\Db\Fixer::baseModuleTools());
$this->climate->bold('Actions: ' . \App\Db\Fixer::baseModuleActions());
$this->climate->bold('Profile field: ' . \App\Db\Fixer::profileField());
$this->climate->bold('Share: ' . \App\Db\Fixer::share());
$this->climate->bold('Create module meta file');
$this->climate->lightYellow()->border('β', 200);
if (!$this->climate->arguments->defined('action')) {
* Reload users privileges.
* @return void
public function reloadUserPrivileges(): void
$this->climate->bold('Users: ' . \App\UserPrivilegesFile::recalculateAll());
$this->climate->lightYellow()->border('β', 200);
if (!$this->climate->arguments->defined('action')) {
* Delete registration data.
* @return void
public function deleteRegistration(): void
\App\Db::getInstance('admin')->createCommand()->update('s_#__companies', [
'status' => 0,
'name' => '', 'industry' => '', 'vat_id' => '', 'city' => '', 'address' => '',
'post_code' => '', 'country' => '', 'companysize' => '', 'website' => '', 'logo' => '',
'firstname' => '', 'lastname' => '', 'email' => '', 'facebook' => '', 'twitter' => '', 'linkedin' => '',
* Reload menus.
* @return void
public function reloadMenus(): void
$menuRecordModel = new \Settings_Menu_Record_Model();
if (!$this->climate->arguments->defined('action')) {
* Update by package type.
* @param string $type Package type. Values: patches, version
* @return void
private function updateByType(string $type): void
$types = ['patches', 'version'];
if (!\in_array($this->climate->arguments->get('type'), $types)) {
$this->climate->white('Type not found. Allowed types:')->columns($types);
$versionUpdate = 'version' === $type;
foreach (\App\YetiForce\Updater::getToInstall() as $package) {
$versionCompare = $package['fromVersion'] !== $package['toVersion'];
if (($versionCompare && !$versionUpdate) || (!$versionCompare && $versionUpdate)) {
if (!\App\YetiForce\Updater::isDownloaded($package)) {
$this->climate->inline($package['label'] . ' - Downloading a package ...');
$this->climate->out('- downloaded');
* Update by selecting a package.
* @return void
private function updateBySelect(): void
$options = [];
$toInstall = \App\YetiForce\Updater::getToInstall();
foreach ($toInstall as $package) {
$option = "{$package['label']}";
if ($package['fromVersion'] !== $package['toVersion']) {
$option .= " ({$package['fromVersion']} >> {$package['toVersion']})";
if (\App\YetiForce\Updater::isDownloaded($package)) {
$option .= ' - Downloaded, ready to install';
} else {
$option .= ' - To download';
$options[$package['hash']] = $option;
if (!$options) {
$this->climate->lightBlue('No updates available');
$input = $this->climate->radio('Updates available:', $options);
$hash = $input->prompt();
foreach ($toInstall as $package) {
if ($package['hash'] === $hash) {
if (\App\YetiForce\Updater::isDownloaded($package)) {
} else {
* Update package.
* @param array $package
* @return void
private function updateByPackage(array $package): void
$startTime = microtime(true);
try {
$packageInstance = new \vtlib\Package();
$this->climate->white($package['label'] . ' - Installing the package');
$path = ROOT_DIRECTORY . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . \Settings_ModuleManager_Module_Model::getUploadDirectory() . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $package['hash'] . '.zip';
$response = $packageInstance->import($path, true);
if ($packageInstance->_errorText) {
} else {
echo $response . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$this->climate->lightBlue('Total time: ' . round(microtime(true) - $startTime, 2));