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Test Coverage
  "php": {
    "No data available in table": "No data available in table",
    "Translations": "Translations",
    "Language editor": "Language editor",
    "LangManagement": "Language Management",
    "LBL_Module_desc": "This tool helps to modify and manage language translations within the system.",
    "LBL_TAB_LIST": "Available languages",
    "LBL_TAB_EDITLANG": "Edit language",
    "LBL_TAB_STATS": "Statistics",
    "LBL_Lang_label": "Language",
    "LBL_Lang_name": "Name",
    "LBL_Lang_prefix": "Code",
    "LBL_Lang_active": "Language available for",
    "LBL_Lang_ac_admin": "Administrator",
    "LBL_Lang_ac_user": "Users",
    "LBL_Lang_action": "Actions",
    "LBL_LAST_UPDATE": "Update date",
    "LBL_SaveDataOK": "Changes saved",
    "LBL_DeleteDataOK": "Language deleted",
    "LBL_AddDataOK": "New language added",
    "LBL_ADD_LANG": "Add new language",
    "LBL_ADD_Translate": "Add translation",
    "LBL_Cancel": "Cancel",
    "LBL_AddLanguage": "Add",
    "LBL_Delete": "Delete",
    "LBL_LangExist": "This language code already exists, enter a new one.",
    "LBL_variable": "Language variable",
    "LBL_LangPHPs": "PHP Translations",
    "LBL_LangJSs": "JS Translations",
    "LBL_LangPHP": "PHP Translation",
    "LBL_LangJS": "JS Translation",
    "LBL_NoTranslation": "--No Translation--",
    "LBL_SaveTranslationError": "Error in saving",
    "LBL_UpdateTranslationOK": "Translation updated",
    "LBL_AddTranslationOK": "New translation added",
    "LBL_DeleteTranslationOK": "Translation deleted",
    "LBL_DELETE_TRANSLATION_FAILED": "Removing translation unsuccessful",
    "Modules": "Modules",
    "Module": "Module",
    "Language": "Language",
    "LBL_TranslationType": "Translation type",
    "LBL_KeyExists": "This language variable already exists",
    "Export": "Export",
    "LBL_SHOW_MISSING_TRANSLATIONS": "Show missing translations",
    "LBL_DEFAULT": "Default",
    "LBL_DO_NOT_POSSIBLE_TO_MAKE_CHANGES": "Cannot make changes",
    "LBL_SHOW_EMPTY_VALUES": "Show empty values",
    "LBL_SHOW_IN": "Show in",
    "LBL_BASE_LANGUAGE": "Base language",
    "LBL_LANGUAGE": "Language",
    "LBL_SHOW": "Show",
    "LBL_STATS_INFO": "The presented statistical values determine the ratio of untranslated labels to all labels that exist in the base language file(s) in percentage.",
    "LBL_UNTRANSLATED_LABELS": "Untranslated labels",
    "LBL_IMPORT_LANG": "Import language",
    "LBL_IETF_LANGUAGE_TAG": "IETF language tag",
    "LBL_NOT_CORRECT_LANGUAGE_TAG": "Language tag not compliant with the IETF standard."
  "js": {
    "Translations": "Translations",
    "LBL_AreYouSure": "Are you sure you want to delete this language?",
    "JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_SET_AS_DEFAULT": "Are you sure you want to change a default language?",
    "JS_DEFAULT": "Default",
    "Delete": "Delete",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "LBL_Loader": "Downloading",
    "No matching records found": "No matching records found",
    "Search": "Search:",
    "No data available in table": "No translations",
    "JS_NOTRANSLATION": "--No Translation--",
    "JS_EXPORT": "Export"