"php": {
"LBL_MAGENTO": "Magento",
"LBL_MAGENTO_SETTINGS": "Magento settings",
"LBL_MAGENTO_ALERT": "It is recommended to perform all configuration changes before starting synchronization. Changes performed while synchronization is in progress may cause errors. ",
"LBL_URL": "Magento page URL",
"LBL_CONNECTOR": "Magento access connector",
"LBL_STORE_CODE": "Magento store code",
"LBL_STORE_ID": "Magento store ID",
"LBL_STORAGE_ID": "Storage",
"LBL_STORAGE_ID_TOOLTIP": "The storage to which Magento orders are to be linked",
"LBL_SHIPPING_SERVICE_ID": "Shipping service",
"LBL_SHIPPING_SERVICE_ID_TOOLTIP": "Additional item in invoice or order when there is a delivery cost.\nThe value is downloaded from the delivery cost in Magento.",
"LBL_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_SERVICE_ID": "PayPal Express payment service",
"LBL_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_SERVICE_ID_TOOLTIP": "Additional item in invoice or order when payment via PayPal Express was selected.\nThe value is calculated based on the fields: grand_total - subtotal - discount_amount - shipping_amount ",
"LBL_PAYMENT_CASH_SERVICE_ID": "Cash on delivery payment service",
"LBL_PAYMENT_CASH_SERVICE_ID_TOOLTIP": "Additional item in invoice or order when payment on delivery is selected.\nThe value is calculated based on the fields: grand_total - subtotal - discount_amount - shipping_amount",
"LBL_SYNC_CURRENCY": "Currency synchronization",
"LBL_SYNC_CURRENCY_TOOLTIP": "The synchronization will automatically add the currencies available in Magento to the system.\nDisabling this option will result in skipping items downloaded from Magento when the currency does not exist in CRM",
"LBL_SYNC_CATEGORIES": "Category synchronization",
"LBL_SYNC_CATEGORIES_TOOLTIP": "Categories only sync one way.",
"LBL_SYNC_PRODUCTS": "Products synchronization",
"LBL_SYNC_CUSTOMERS": "Customers synchronization",
"LBL_SYNC_CUSTOMERS_TOOLTIP": "The synchronization will automatically add Contacts and Accounts to the system and works only one way (from Magento to YetiForce).\nBefore creating a record, the system verifies whether this Contact/Account already exists, Contacts are verified by email address and Accounts by VAT ID.\nIf the record already exists in the system, it is not updated.",
"LBL_SYNC_ORDERS": "Orders synchronization",
"LBL_SYNC_ORDERS_TOOLTIP": "Orders are synchronized both ways. Complete order data is downloaded from Magento to YetiForce and from YetiForce to Magento, only the status is downloaded.",
"LBL_SYNC_INVOICES": "Invoices synchronization",
"LBL_SYNC_INVOICES_TOOLTIP": "Sales invoices are synchronized only one way (from Magento to YetiForce).",
"LBL_STORAGE_QUANTITY_LOCATION": "Storage quantity location",
"LBL_STORAGE_QUANTITY_LOCATION_TOOLTIP": "Storage quantity location used to synchronize product quantities.\nThe option works only if storage is selected (the field above)",
"LBL_PRODUCT_IMAGES_PATH": "Magento product images path",
"LBL_PRODUCT_IMAGES_PATH_TOOLTIP": "Path to Magento images folder e.g. 'media/catalog/product/'",
"LBL_PRODUCT_MAP_CLASS": "Product map class name",
"LBL_PRODUCT_MAP_CLASS_TOOLTIP": "If you want to use custom field map you need to create new class in Maps/Custom. After that you need to change this value e.g. 'App\\Integrations\\Magento\\Synchronizer\\Maps\\Custom\\Product'",
"LBL_INVOICE_MAP_CLASS": "Invoice map class name",
"LBL_INVOICE_MAP_CLASS_TOOLTIP": "If you want to use custom field map you need to create new class in Maps/Custom. After that you need to change this value e.g. 'App\\Integrations\\Magento\\Synchronizer\\Maps\\Custom\\Invoice'",
"LBL_ORDER_MAP_CLASS": "Order map class name",
"LBL_ORDER_MAP_CLASS_TOOLTIP": "If you want to use custom field map you need to create new class in Maps/Custom. After that you need to change this value e.g. 'App\\Integrations\\Magento\\Synchronizer\\Maps\\Custom\\Order'",
"LBL_CUSTOMER_MAP_CLASS": "Customer map class name",
"LBL_CUSTOMER_MAP_CLASS_TOOLTIP": "If you want to use custom field map you need to create new class in Maps/Custom. After that you need to change this value e.g. 'App\\Integrations\\Magento\\Synchronizer\\Maps\\Custom\\Customer'",
"LBL_CATEGORIES_LIMIT": "The maximum number of categories that can be downloaded at a time",
"LBL_PRODUCTS_LIMIT": "The maximum number of products that can be updated at a time",
"LBL_CUSTOMERS_LIMIT": "The maximum number of customers that can be downloaded at a time",
"LBL_ORDERS_LIMIT": "The maximum number of orders that can be downloaded at a time",
"LBL_INVOICES_LIMIT": "The maximum number of invoices that can be downloaded at a time",
"LBL_PARAM_NOT_ALLOWED": "Parameter not allowed",
"LBL_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED": "Value not allowed",
"LBL_RELOAD_MESSAGE": "The data will be downloaded once again the next time cron is triggered",
"LBL_RELOAD_MAGENTO": "Restart synchronization"