"php": {
"Widgets": "Modules – Widgets",
"LBL_MODULE_DESC": "Module managing widgets in summary",
"Add widget": "Add Widget",
"Type widget": "Type",
"LBL_WIDGET_TYPE": "Select type of widget",
"LBL_SELECT": "Select",
"Summary": "Fields summary",
"SummaryCategory": "Data summary",
"Comments": "Comments",
"Updates": "Updates",
"Activities": "Calendar",
"EmailList": "List of emails",
"RelatedModule": "Related module",
"PDFViewer": "PDF printouts preview (Premium Widgets)",
"PreviewMail": "Preview mail",
"FastEdit": "Edit selection list",
"Related module": "Related module",
"Size": "Column",
"Label": "Label",
"Add button": "Add button",
"Select button": "Select button",
"Limit entries": "Limit of entries",
"Columns": "Columns",
"No left margin": "No left margin",
"Saved changes": "Saved changes",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Edit widget": "Edit widget",
"Remove": "Remove",
"Removed widget": "Widget was removed",
"List of widgets for the module": "List of widgets for module",
"Update has been completed": "Successfully updated",
"Size info": "Size of widget in records summary, 12 - maximum size, 1 minimal",
"Limit entries info": "Number of columns displayed in records list view. Columns are counted from the first displayed column in related module.",
"Related module info": "Module name from which records will be listed, relation to this module is mandatory.",
"Columns info": "How many columns are displayed in records list. Columns are counted from first displayed column in related module.",
"Add button info": "Enable button to add record in widget record view",
"No left margin info": "Disable left margin in widget.",
"No message": "No message",
"No message info": "Do not show any announcements when no records were found to display.",
"Filter": "Filter",
"Filter info": "Enable data filtering by selection list",
"None": "None",
"ProductsServices": "Products & services",
"LBL_SELECTING_FIELDS": "Selecting fields",
"LBL_SELECTING_FIELDS_INFO": "Field names from a selected module to be displayed in the view.",
"LBL_VIEW_TYPE": "View",
"LBL_VIEW_TYPE_INFO": "Widget display type.",
"LBL_LIST": "List",
"LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW": "Custom views",
"LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_INFO": "It allows adding additional conditions from module filters, the selection list will appear after choosing more than one.",
"LBL_SUMMARY": "Summary",
"LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_INFO": "Enable visible select button",
"LBL_CONDITION": "Condition",
"LBL_CONDITION_INFO": "Select condition for showing records",
"LBL_SHOW_ALL_RECORDS": "Show all records",
"LBL_SHOW_ALL_RECORDS_INFO": "No - Permissions are taken into account \r\n Yes - Searching for records excluding permissions",
"LBL_SHITCH_HEADER": "Switch in header",
"LBL_SHITCH_HEADER_INFO": "Switch can be found in the widget's header.",
"HistoryRelation": "Timeline",
"UpdatesList": "Field history and duration summary",
"CountRecords": "Number of records",
"LBL_LIST_WITH_SUMMARY": "List with summary",
"RelatedModuleChart": "Related module - chart",
"Documents": "Documents",
"LBL_SHOW_DOC_RELATIONS": "List of related relationships",
"InventoryBlock": "Inventory block",
"LBL_DEFAULT_ACTIVE": "Active by default",
"LBL_RELATED_FIELDS": "Related fields"
"js": {
"Loading data": "Loading...",
"Saving changes": "Saving changes...",
"None": "None",
"JS_EDIT_WIDGET": "Edit widget"