* CallHistory model class.
* @copyright YetiForce S.A.
* @license YetiForce Public License 6.5 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or
include_once 'modules/Vtiger/CRMEntity.php';
class CallHistory extends Vtiger_CRMEntity
public $table_name = 'vtiger_callhistory';
public $table_index = 'callhistoryid';
* Mandatory table for supporting custom fields.
public $customFieldTable = ['vtiger_callhistorycf', 'callhistoryid'];
public $related_tables = ['vtiger_callhistorycf' => ['callhistoryid', 'vtiger_callhistory', 'callhistoryid']];
* Mandatory for Saving, Include tables related to this module.
public $tab_name = ['vtiger_crmentity', 'vtiger_callhistory', 'vtiger_callhistorycf'];
* Mandatory for Saving, Include tablename and tablekey columnname here.
public $tab_name_index = [
'vtiger_crmentity' => 'crmid',
'vtiger_callhistory' => 'callhistoryid',
'vtiger_callhistorycf' => 'callhistoryid', ];
public $list_fields_name = [
// Format: Field Label => fieldname
'LBL_TO_NUMBER' => 'to_number',
'LBL_FROM_NUMBER' => 'from_number',
'LBL_DURATION' => 'duration',
'LBL_TYPE' => 'callhistorytype',
'LBL_START_TIME' => 'start_time',
* @var string[] List of fields in the RelationListView
public $relationFields = [];
// For Popup listview and UI type support
public $search_fields = [
// Format: Field Label => Array(tablename, columnname)
// tablename should not have prefix 'vtiger_'
'LBL_TO_NUMBER' => ['callhistory', 'to_number'],
'LBL_FROM_NUMBER' => ['callhistory', 'from_number'],
'LBL_DURATION' => ['callhistory', 'duration'],
'LBL_TYPE' => ['callhistory', 'callhistorytype'],
'LBL_START_TIME' => ['callhistory', 'start_time'],
public $search_fields_name = [];
// For Popup window record selection
public $popup_fields = ['to_number'];
// For Alphabetical search
public $def_basicsearch_col = 'to_number';
// Column value to use on detail view record text display
public $def_detailview_recname = 'to_number';
// Used when enabling/disabling the mandatory fields for the module.
// Refers to vtiger_field.fieldname values.
public $mandatory_fields = ['to_number', 'assigned_user_id'];
public $default_order_by = '';
public $default_sort_order = 'DESC';