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var mysql = require('mysql');
var Q = require('q');
var ShellTask = require('../tasks/shell.js');
var fs = require('q-io/fs');

exports.connect = Q.async(function*(options) {
    options = Object.create(options);
    options.multipleStatements = true;
    var connection = mysql.createConnection(options);
    yield Q.ninvoke(connection, 'connect');

    return {
         * Executes one or multiple SQL statements asynchronously, and resolves the 
         * result of the last query
         * Not intended to be used with untrusted params.
        exec: function(sql, params) {
            if (params === undefined)
                params = [];
            if (!(params instanceof Array))
                throw new Error('params must be an array');
            if (typeof sql != 'string')
                throw new Error('sql must be a string');

            // manually create the promise because connection.query() sometimes returns two values,
            // and then the promise would resolve in an array.
            var deferred = Q.defer();
            Q.ninvoke(connection, 'query', sql, params, function(err, result) {
                if (err)
            return deferred.promise;
        restore: Q.async(function*(path) {
            // Drop all tables
            yield this.clear();

            // restore backup
            // use mysql cli utility to specify max_allowed_packet (for big backups)
            return ShellTask.exec("mysql --max_allowed_packet=100M " +
                "-u " + ShellTask.escape(options.user) + " " +
                ShellTask.escape("--password=" + options.password) + " " +
                ShellTask.escape("--host=" + options.host) + " " +
                ShellTask.escape(options.database) + " < " + ShellTask.escape(path));
        clear: Q.async(function*() {
            var result = yield this.exec("SELECT concat('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ', table_name, ';') AS statement " +
                "FROM information_schema.tables " +
                "WHERE table_schema = ?", [ options.database]);
            var sql = "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; " + result.map(function(row) { return row.statement;}).join('\n');

            yield this.exec(sql);
        dump: function(path) {
            return ShellTask.exec("mysqldump -u " + ShellTask.escape(options.user) + " " +
                ShellTask.escape("--password=" + options.password) + " " +
                ShellTask.escape("--host=" + options.host) + " " +
                ShellTask.escape(options.database) + " > " + ShellTask.escape(path));
        snippets: {
            now: "NOW()"