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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging

import six

from booleano.exc import BadOperandError, InvalidOperationError
from booleano.operations.core import OPERATIONS, OperationNode

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _OperandMeta(type):
    Metaclass for the operands.

    It checks that all the operands were defined correctly.


    def __init__(cls, name, bases, ns):
        Check the operations supported unless told otherwise.

        If the class defines the ``bypass_operation_check`` attribute and it
        evaluates to ``True``, :meth:`check_operations` won't be run.

        type.__init__(cls, name, bases, ns)
        if not ns.get("bypass_operation_check"):

    def check_operations(cls, name):
        Check that the operand supports all the relevant methods.

        :raises BadOperandError: If there are problems with the operations
            the operand claims to support.

        if not cls.operations.issubset(OPERATIONS):
            raise BadOperandError("Operand %s supports unknown operations" %
        if len(cls.operations) == 0:
            raise BadOperandError("Operand %s must support at least one "
                                  "operation" % name)
        if not cls.is_implemented(cls.to_python):
            raise BadOperandError("Operand %s must define the .to_python() "
                                  "method" % name)
        # Checking the operations supported:
        if ("boolean" in cls.operations and
                not cls.is_implemented(cls.__call__)):
            raise BadOperandError("Operand %s must return its truth value "
                                  "through .__call__() method" % name)
        if "equality" in cls.operations and not cls.is_implemented(cls.equals):
            raise BadOperandError("Operand %s must define the .equals() "
                                  "method because it supports equalities" %
        if (
            "inequality" in cls.operations and not (
                cls.is_implemented(cls.less_than) and
            raise BadOperandError("Operand %s must define the .greater_than() "
                                  "and .less_than() methods because it "
                                  "supports inequalities" % name)
        if (
            "membership" in cls.operations and not (
                cls.is_implemented(cls.belongs_to) and
            raise BadOperandError("Operand %s must define the .belongs_to() "
                                  "and .is_subset() methods because it "
                                  "supports memberships" % name)

    def is_implemented(cls, method):
        """Check that ``method`` is implemented."""
        return getattr(method, "implemented", True)

class Operand(six.with_metaclass(_OperandMeta, OperationNode)):
    Base class for operands.


    #: Whether it should be checked that the operand really supports the
    #: operations it claims to support.
    bypass_operation_check = True
    _is_leaf = True

    #: The set of operations supported by this operand.
    operations = set()

    def is_operand(self):
        Check if this node is an operand.

        :rtype: bool

        return True

    def to_python(self, context):
        Return the value of this operand as a Python value.

        :param context: The evaluation context.
        :type context: object
        :return: The operand, converted to an analogous Python object.
        :rtype: object

        raise NotImplementedError
    to_python.implemented = False

    def check_operation(self, operation):
        Check that this operand supports ``operation``.

        :param operation: The operation this operand must support.
        :type operation: basestring
        :raises InvalidOperationError: If this operand doesn't support

        if operation in self.operations:
        raise InvalidOperationError('Operand "%s" does not support operation '
                                    '"%s"' % (repr(self), operation))

    # Unary operations

    def __call__(self, context):
        Return the truth value of the operand.

        This is the *boolean* operation.

        :param context: The evaluation context.
        :type context: object
        :return: The logical value of the operand.
        :rtype: bool

        raise NotImplementedError
    __call__.implemented = False

    # Binary operations

    def equals(self, value, context):
        Check if this operand equals ``value``.

        :param context: The evaluation context.
        :type context: object

        This is an *equality* operation.

        raise NotImplementedError
    equals.implemented = False

    def greater_than(self, value, context):
        Check if this operand is greater than ``value``.

        :param context: The evaluation context.
        :type context: object

        This is an *inequality* operation.

        raise NotImplementedError
    greater_than.implemented = False

    def less_than(self, value, context):
        Check if this operand is less than ``value``.

        :param context: The evaluation context.
        :type context: object

        This is an *inequality* operation.

        raise NotImplementedError
    less_than.implemented = False

    def belongs_to(self, value, context):
        Check if this operand contains ``value``.

        :param context: The evaluation context.
        :type context: object

        This is a *membership* operation.

        raise NotImplementedError
    belongs_to.implemented = False

    def is_subset(self, value, context):
        Check if ``value`` is a subset of this operand.

        :param context: The evaluation context.
        :type context: object

        This is a *membership* operation.

        raise NotImplementedError
    is_subset.implemented = False