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const a = 1 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    , Bluebird = require( 'bluebird' )
    , createTask = require( './create-task' )
    , isNullOrUndefined = x => x === null || x === undefined
    , lodash = require( 'lodash' )

class Module {

    constructor( name, anonymous, dependencies, start, stop, obj ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.anonymous = anonymous;
        this.dependencies = dependencies;
        this.start = start;
        this.stop = stop;
        this.obj = obj;

        this.startTask = this._createStartTask();
        this.stopTask = this._createStopTask();

        this._cancelled = false;
        this._hasResolvedDependencies = false;
        this._resolvedDependencies = [];
        this._order = null;

        this._starting = false;
        this._started = false;
        this._stopping = false;
        this._stopped = false;

    get resolvedDependencies() {
        return this._resolvedDependencies;

    set resolvedDependencies( value ) {
        if ( isNullOrUndefined( value ) )
            throw new Error( 'Resolved dependencies cannot be null or undefined' );
        if ( this._hasResolvedDependencies )
            throw new Error( 'Module already has resolved dependencies' );
        this._hasResolvedDependencies = true;
        this._resolvedDependencies = value;

     * Returns this module order.\n
     * A module order is defined as the priority in which a module should be loaded, relative to other modules.\n
     * Order is:
     * - null if order has not been calculated yet
     * - 0 if the module has no dependencies
     * - otherwise it is the max order of the module dependencies plus one.
     * @return this module order, according to the above rules
    get order() {
        return this._order;

    set order( value ) {
        if ( this._order !== null )
            throw new Error( 'Module already has an order' );
        this._order = value;

    _createStartTask() {
        return createTask( () => Bluebird.resolve()
            // .tap( _ => console.info( 'Waiting for dependencies', m.name, _.map( m.resolvedDependencies, 'name' ) ) )
            .then( () => Bluebird.all( lodash.map( this.resolvedDependencies, d => d.startTask ) ) )
            // .tap( _ => console.info( 'Dependencies ready', m.name ) )
            .then( deps => {
                if ( this._stopping || this._stopped )
                    return undefined;
                return Bluebird.resolve( deps )
                    // .tap( _ => console.info( 'Starting', this.name ) )
                    .tap( _ => this._starting = true )
                    .then( args => this.start.apply( this, args ) )
                    .tap( x => this._ensureValidReturnValue( x ) )
                    .tap( _ => this._starting = false )
                    .tap( _ => this._started = true )
                    // .tap( x => console.info( 'Started', this.name, x ) )
            } )
            // .catch( err => console.error( 'Failed to start task:', err ) )

    _createStopTask() {
        return createTask( descendant => {
            // console.info( 'Stopping', this.name, this.order, lodash.map( descendant.modules, 'name' ) );
            this._stopping = true;
            return Bluebird.resolve( descendant.promise )
                // .tap( _ => console.info( 'Beginning stop procedure', this.name, this.order, this.started, this.starting ) )
                .then( _ => {
                    if ( !this._started && !this._starting )
                        return undefined;
                    // console.info( this.name, 'Waiting on modules: ', [ this, ...this.resolvedDependencies ].map( x => x.name ), [ this, ...this.resolvedDependencies ].map( x => x.startTask.isFulfilled() ) );
                    return Bluebird.resolve( [ this.startTask, ...lodash.map( this.resolvedDependencies, d => d.startTask ) ] )
                        .then( values => this.stop( ...values ) );
                } )
                .tap( _ => this._stopped = true )
                .tap( _ => this._stopping = false )
                // .tap( _ => console.info( 'Stopped', this.name ) )
                // .catch( err => console.error( 'Failed to stop task:', err ) )
        } );

    _ensureValidReturnValue( x ) {
        if ( !this.anonymous && isNullOrUndefined( x ) )
            throw Error( `Module '${ this.name }' should return a valid object to be used by other modules, got: ${ x } ` );


module.exports = Module;