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// @flow
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
/*jslint node: true */
"use strict";

// Press F12 to open the DevTools. See https://github.com/sindresorhus/electron-debug.
const electron = require("electron");
const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;
const {app, Menu, ipcMain, dialog} = require("electron");
const path = require("path");
const url = require("url");
const os = require("os");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const passwordHash = require("password-hash");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const bitcoin = require("bitcoinjs-lib");
const bip32utils = require("bip32-utils");
const zencashjs = require("zencashjs");
const sql = require("sql.js");
const axios = require("axios");
const querystring = require("querystring");
const {List} = require("immutable");
const {translate} = require("./util.js");
const {DateTime} = require("luxon");
const {zenextra} = require("./zenextra.js");

let oldZAddrJSON;

const userWarningImportFileWithPKs = "New address(es) and a private key(s) will be imported. Your previous back-ups do not include the newly imported addresses or the corresponding private keys. Please use the backup feature of Arizen to make new backup file and replace your existing Arizen wallet backup. By pressing 'I understand' you declare that you understand this. For further information please refer to the help menu of Arizen.";
const userWarningExportWalletUnencrypted = "You are going to export an UNENCRYPTED wallet ( ie your private keys) in plain text. That means that anyone with this file can control your ZENs. Store this file in a safe place. By pressing 'I understand' you declare that you understand this. For further information please refer to the help menu of Arizen.";
const userWarningExportWalletEncrypted = "You are going to export an ENCRYPTED wallet and your private keys will be encrypted. That means that in order to access your private keys you need to know the corresponding username and password. In case you don't know them you cannot control the ZENs that are controled by these private keys. By pressing 'I understand' you declare that you understand this. For further information please refer to the help menu of Arizen.";

// Uncomment if you want to run in production
// Show/Hide Development menu
process.env.NODE_ENV = "production";

function sleep(millis) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, millis));

// Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don't, the window will
// be closed automatically when the JavaScript object is garbage collected.
let mainWindow;
let userInfo = {
    loggedIn: false,
    login: "",
    pass: "",
    walletDb: [],
    dbChanged: false

const defaultSettings = {
    lang: "en",
    fiatCurrency: "USD",
    notifications: 1,
    txHistory: 50,
    autoLogOffEnable: 0,
    autoLogOffTimeout: 60,
    explorerUrl: "https://explorer.horizen.global",
    apiUrls: [
    secureNodeFQDN: "",
    secureNodePort: 18231,
    domainFronting: false,
    domainFrontingUrl: "https://www.google.com",
    domainFrontingHost: "zendhide.appspot.com",
    refreshIntervalAPI: 334

const defaultInternalInfo = {pendingTxs: []};

let settings = defaultSettings;
let langDict;
let axiosApi;
let internalInfo = defaultInternalInfo;

const dbStructWallet = "CREATE TABLE wallet (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, pk TEXT, addr TEXT UNIQUE, lastbalance REAL, name TEXT);";
const dbStructSettings = "CREATE TABLE settings (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT UNIQUE, value TEXT);";
const dbStructTransactions = "CREATE TABLE transactions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, txid TEXT, time INTEGER, address TEXT, vins TEXT, vouts TEXT, amount REAL, block INTEGER);";

function tr(key, defaultVal) {
    return (settings && settings.lang) ? translate(langDict, key, defaultVal) : defaultVal;

function getRootConfigPath() {
    let rootPath = "";
    if (os.platform() === "win32" || os.platform() === "darwin") {
        rootPath = app.getPath("appData") + "/Arizen/";
    } else if (os.platform() === "linux") {
        rootPath = app.getPath("home") + "/.arizen/";
        if (!fs.existsSync(rootPath)) {
    } else {
        console.log("Unidentified OS.");
    return rootPath;

function getWalletPath() {
    return getRootConfigPath() + "wallets/";

function storeFile(filename, data) {
    const filenameTmp = filename + ".bak";
    fs.writeFileSync(filenameTmp, data, function (err) {
        if (err) {
            return console.log(err);
    fs.renameSync(filenameTmp, filename);

function encryptWallet(login, password, inputBytes) {
    let iv = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(login, "utf8"), crypto.randomBytes(64)]);
    let salt = crypto.randomBytes(64);
    let key = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, 2145, 32, "sha512");
    let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv("aes-256-gcm", key, iv);
    let encrypted = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(inputBytes), cipher.final()]);

    return Buffer.concat([iv, salt, cipher.getAuthTag(), encrypted]);

function decryptWallet(login, password, path) {
    let i = Buffer.byteLength(login);
    let inputBytes = fs.readFileSync(path);
    let recoveredLogin = inputBytes.slice(0, i).toString("utf8");
    let outputBytes = [];

    if (login === recoveredLogin) {
        let iv = inputBytes.slice(0, i + 64);
        i += 64;
        let salt = inputBytes.slice(i, i + 64);
        i += 64;
        let tag = inputBytes.slice(i, i + 16);
        i += 16;
        let encrypted = inputBytes.slice(i);
        let key = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, 2145, 32, "sha512");
        let decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv("aes-256-gcm", key, iv);

        outputBytes = decipher.update(encrypted, "binary", "binary");
        try {
            outputBytes += decipher.final("binary");
        } catch (err) {
             * Let's hope node.js crypto won't change error messages.
             * https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/ee76f3153b51c60c74e7e4b0882a99f3a3745294/src/node_crypto.cc#L3705
             * https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/ee76f3153b51c60c74e7e4b0882a99f3a3745294/src/node_crypto.cc#L312
            if (err.message.match(/Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data/)) {
                 * User should be notified that wallet couldn't be decrypted because of an invalid password.
                outputBytes = -1;
            } else if (err.message.match(/Unsupported state/)) {
                 * User should be notified that wallet couldn't be decrypted because the wallet file is corrupted.
                outputBytes = -2;
            } else {
                // FIXME: handle other errors
                throw err;
    return outputBytes;

function importWallet(filename, encrypt) {
    // check if file format is correct. Allow only awd and uawd file formats.
    if (filename.indexOf("awd") === -1 && filename.indexOf("uawd") === -1) {
        // TODO: add it to translation
        dialog.showErrorBox(tr("login.walletImportFailedBadFileFormat", "Import failed"), tr("login.dataImportFailed", "Wallet data format is incorrect - only awd and uawd file formats are supported."));

    let data;
    if (encrypt === true) {
        data = decryptWallet(userInfo.login, userInfo.pass, filename);
    } else {
        data = fs.readFileSync(filename);

    if (data === -1) {
        dialog.showErrorBox(tr("login.walletImportFailed", "Import failed"), tr("login.dataImportFailed1", "Data import failed, possible reason is wrong credentials or file is corrupted."));
    } else if (data === -2) {
        dialog.showErrorBox(tr("login.walletImportFailed", "Import failed"), tr("login.dataImportFailed2", "Data import failed, possible reason is wrong credentials."));
    } else if (data.length > 1) {
        if (encrypt) {
            fs.copy(filename, getWalletPath() + userInfo.login + ".awd");
        userInfo.dbChanged = true;
        userInfo.walletDb = new sql.Database(data);
        mainWindow.webContents.send("show-notification-response", "Import", tr("login.walletImported", "Wallet imported succesfully"), 3);

function exportWallet(filename, encrypt) {
    let data = userInfo.walletDb.export();
    if (encrypt === true) {
        data = encryptWallet(userInfo.login, userInfo.pass, data);
    storeFile(filename, data);

function pruneBackups(backupDir, walletName) {
    // shamelessly inspired by borg backup

    const pruneConfig = {
        last: 5,
        hourly: 10,
        daily: 10,

    const PRUNING_PATTERNS = [
        ["secondly", "yyyy-LL-dd HH:mm:ss"],
        ["minutely", "yyyy-LL-dd HH:mm"],
        ["hourly",   "yyyy-LL-dd HH"],
        ["daily",    "yyyy-LL-dd"],
        ["weekly",   "kkkk-WW"],
        ["monthly",  "yyyy-LL"],
        ["yearly",   "yyyy"]];

    PRUNING_PATTERNS.forEach(x => PRUNING_PATTERNS_DICT[x[0]] = x[1]);

    function listBackupFiles() {
        const filterRE = new RegExp("^" + walletName + "-\\d{14}\\.awd$");
        let files = fs.readdirSync(backupDir);
        files = files.filter(filename => filterRE.test(filename));
        return files;

    function pruneLast(files, n) {
        return files.slice(0, n || 0);

    function pruneSplit(files, rule, n) {
        let last = null;
        let keep = [];
        if (!n) {
            return keep;
        for (let f of files) {
            let stats = fs.statSync(backupDir + "/" + f);
            let period = DateTime
            if (period !== last) {
                last = period;
                if (keep.length === n) {
        return keep;

    let files = listBackupFiles();
    let toDelete = new Set(files);

    pruneLast(files, pruneConfig.last)
        .forEach(f => toDelete.delete(f));
    PRUNING_PATTERNS.forEach(rule =>
        pruneSplit(files, rule[0], pruneConfig[rule[0]])
            .forEach(f => toDelete.delete(f)));

    for (let f of toDelete) {
        fs.unlinkSync(backupDir + "/" + f);

function saveWallet() {
    const walletPath = getWalletPath() + userInfo.login + ".awd";

    if (fs.existsSync(walletPath)) {
        const backupDir = getWalletPath() + "backups";
        if (!fs.existsSync(backupDir)) {
        const timestamp = DateTime.local().toFormat("yyyyLLddHHmmss");
        const backupPath = backupDir + "/" + userInfo.login + "-" + timestamp + ".awd";
        fs.copySync(walletPath, backupPath);
        pruneBackups(backupDir, userInfo.login);

    exportWallet(walletPath, true);
    userInfo.dbChanged = false;

function generateNewAddress(count, password) {
    let i;
    let seedHex = passwordHash.generate(password, {
        "algorithm": "sha512",
        "saltLength": 32

    // chains
    let hdNode = bitcoin.HDNode.fromSeedHex(seedHex);
    let chain = new bip32utils.Chain(hdNode);

    for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {

    // Get private keys from them - return privateKeys
    return chain.getAll().map(function (x) {
        return chain.derive(x).keyPair.toWIF();

/* wallet generation from kendricktan */
function generateNewWallet(login, password) {
    let i;
    let pk;
    let pubKey;
    let db = new sql.Database();
    let privateKeys = generateNewAddress(42, password);

    // Run a query without reading the results
    for (i = 0; i <= 42; i += 1) {
        pk = zencashjs.address.WIFToPrivKey(privateKeys[i]);
        pubKey = zencashjs.address.privKeyToPubKey(pk, true);
        db.run("INSERT INTO wallet VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", [null, pk, zencashjs.address.pubKeyToAddr(pubKey), 0, ""]);

    let data = db.export();
    let walletEncrypted = encryptWallet(login, password, data);
    storeFile(getWalletPath() + login + ".awd", walletEncrypted);

function getNewAddress(name) {
    let pk;
    let addr;
    let privateKeys = generateNewAddress(1, userInfo.pass);

    pk = zencashjs.address.WIFToPrivKey(privateKeys[0]);
    addr = zencashjs.address.pubKeyToAddr(zencashjs.address.privKeyToPubKey(pk, true));
    userInfo.walletDb.run("INSERT INTO wallet VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", [null, pk, addr, 0, name]);

    return {addr: addr, name: name, lastbalance: 0, pk: pk, wif: privateKeys[0]};

function sqlSelect(asObjects, sql, ...args) {
    const stmt = userInfo.walletDb.prepare(sql);
    const results = [];
    while (stmt.step()) {
        let row = asObjects ? stmt.getAsObject() : stmt.get();
    return results;

function sqlSelectColumns(sql, ...args) {
    return sqlSelect(false, sql, ...args);

function sqlSelectObjects(sql, ...args) {
    return sqlSelect(true, sql, ...args);

function sqlRun(sql, ...args) {
    const result = userInfo.walletDb.run(sql, args);
    userInfo.dbChanged = true;
    return result;

function tableExists(table) {
    return sqlSelectColumns(`select count(*) from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = '${table}'`)[0][0] === 1;

function loadSettings() {
    /* Remove settings row from settings table. Old versions chceks row count in
     * the table and inserts missing settings if the count isn't 6. This only
     * happens in old versions after new version (f422bfff) run. */
    if (tableExists("settings")) {
        sqlRun("delete from settings where name = 'settings'");
    /* In future we'll ditch SQLite and use encrypted JSONs for storage. For now
     * store settings in temporary table "new_settings". */
    if (!tableExists("new_settings")) {
        sqlRun("create table new_settings (name text unique, value text)");

    const b64settings = sqlSelectColumns("select value from new_settings where name = 'settings'");
    if (b64settings.length === 0) {
        return defaultSettings;

    /* Later we'll want to merge user settings with default settings. */
    return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(b64settings[0][0], "base64").toString("ascii"));

function loadInternalInfo() {
    const b64internalInfo = sqlSelectColumns("select value from new_settings where name = 'internalInfo'");
    if (b64internalInfo.length === 0) {
        return defaultInternalInfo;
    return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(b64internalInfo[0][0], "base64").toString("ascii"));

function saveSettings(settings) {
    const b64settings = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(settings)).toString("base64");
    sqlRun("insert or replace into new_settings (name, value) values ('settings', ?)", b64settings);

function saveInternalInfo(internalInfo) {
    const b64internalInfo = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(internalInfo)).toString("base64");
    sqlRun("insert or replace into new_settings (name, value) values ('internalInfo', ?)", b64internalInfo);

function setSettings(newSettings) {
    settings = newSettings;

    if (settings.domainFronting) {
        axiosApi = axios.create({
            baseURL: settings.domainFrontingUrl,
            headers: {
                "Host": settings.domainFrontingHost,
                "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0"

            timeout: 30000,
    else {
      const apiUrl = settings.apiUrls[0];
      console.log("Current API URL: " + apiUrl);
        axiosApi = axios.create({
            baseURL: apiUrl,
            timeout: 30000,

function setInternalInfo(newInternalInfo) {
    internalInfo = newInternalInfo;

function upgradeDb() {
    // expects DB to be prefilled with addresses
    let addr = sqlSelectObjects("select * from wallet limit 1")[0];
    if (!("name" in addr)) {
        sqlRun("ALTER TABLE wallet ADD COLUMN name TEXT DEFAULT ''");

function exportWalletArizen(ext, encrypt) {
    let showMessage = "";
    if (encrypt) {
        showMessage = tr("warmingMessages.userWarningExportWalletEncrypted", userWarningExportWalletEncrypted);
    } else {
        showMessage = tr("warmingMessages.userWarningExportWalletUnencrypted", userWarningExportWalletUnencrypted);
        type: "warning",
        title: "Important Information",
        message: showMessage,
        buttons: [tr("warmingMessages.userWarningIUnderstand", "I understand"), tr("warmingMessages.cancel", "Cancel")],
        cancelId: -1
    }, function (response) {
        if (response === 0) {
                title: "Save wallet." + ext,
                filters: [{name: "Wallet", extensions: [ext]}],
                defaultPath: userInfo.login
            }, function (filename) {
                if (typeof filename !== "undefined" && filename !== "") {
                    if (!fs.exists(filename)) {
                            type: "warning",
                            message: "Do you want to replace file?",
                            buttons: ["Yes", "No"],
                            title: "Replace wallet?"
                        }, function (response) {
                            if (response === 0) {
                                exportWallet(filename, encrypt);
                    } else {
                        exportWallet(filename, encrypt);

function importWalletArizen(ext, encrypted) {
    if (userInfo.loggedIn) {
            title: "Import wallet." + ext,
            filters: [{name: "Wallet", extensions: [ext]}]
        }, function (filePaths) {
            if (filePaths) {
                    type: "warning",
                    message: "This will replace your actual wallet. Are you sure?",
                    buttons: ["Yes", "No"],
                    title: "Replace wallet?"
                }, function (response) {
                    if (response === 0) {
                        importWallet(filePaths[0], encrypted);

function exportPKs() {
    function exportToFile(filename) {
        fs.open(filename, "w", 0o600, (err, fd) => {
            if (err) {
                console.error(`Couldn't open "${filename}" for writing: `, err);
            } else {
                const keys = sqlSelectObjects("select pk, addr from wallet where length(addr)=35");
                for (let k of keys) {
                    if (zenextra.isPK(k.pk)) {
                        const wif = zencashjs.address.privKeyToWIF(k.pk, true);
                        fs.write(fd, wif + " " + k.addr + "\n");
                const zkeys = sqlSelectObjects("select pk, addr from wallet where length(addr)=95");
                for (let k of zkeys) {
                    if (zenextra.isPK(k.pk)) {
                        const spendingKey = zencashjs.zaddress.zSecretKeyToSpendingKey(k.pk);
                        fs.write(fd, spendingKey + " " + k.addr + "\n");

        type: "warning",
        title: "Important Information",
        message: tr("warmingMessages.userWarningExportWalletUnencrypted", userWarningExportWalletUnencrypted),
        buttons: [tr("warmingMessages.userWarningIUnderstand", "I understand"), tr("warmingMessages.cancel", "Cancel")],
        cancelId: -1
    }, function (response) {
        if (response === 0) {
                type: "warning",
                title: "Choose file for private keys",
                defaultPath: "arizen-private-keys-" + userInfo.login + ".txt"
            }, filename => {
                if (filename) {

// input is PK not wif, not spending key
function importOnePK(pk, name = "", isT = true) {
    try {
        let addr;
        if (isT) {
            if (pk.length !== 64) {
                pk = zencashjs.address.WIFToPrivKey(pk);
            const pub = zencashjs.address.privKeyToPubKey(pk, true);
            addr = zencashjs.address.pubKeyToAddr(pub);
        } else {
            if (pk.length !== 64) {
                pk = zenextra.spendingKeyToSecretKey(pk); // pk = spendingKey
            let secretKey = pk;
            let aPk = zencashjs.zaddress.zSecretKeyToPayingKey(secretKey);
            let encPk = zencashjs.zaddress.zSecretKeyToTransmissionKey(secretKey);
            addr = zencashjs.zaddress.mkZAddress(aPk, encPk);
        sqlRun("insert or ignore into wallet (pk, addr, lastbalance, name) values (?, ?, 0, ?)", pk, addr, name);
    } catch (err) {
        console.log(`Invalid private key on line in private keys file : `, err);

async function apiGet(url) {
    const resp = await axiosApi(url);
    await sleep(parseFloat(settings.refreshIntervalAPI));
    return resp.data;

async function apiPost(url, form) {
    const resp = await axiosApi.post(url, querystring.stringify(form));
    await sleep(parseFloat(settings.refreshIntervalAPI));
    return resp.data;

 * @param {Set} address
 * @param {object[]} originalVout
function getFilteredVout(address, originalVout) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        resolve(originalVout.filter(vout => {
            if (!vout.scriptPubKey.addresses) {
                return false;

            return address.has(vout.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]);

 * @param {Set} address
 * @param {object[]} originalVin
function getFilteredVin(address, originalVin) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        resolve(originalVin.filter(vin => {
            return address.has(vin.addr);

async function fetchTransactions(txIds, myAddrs) {
    const txs = [];
    const myAddrSet = new Set(!Array.isArray(myAddrs) ? [myAddrs] : myAddrs);

    for (const txId of txIds) {
        const info = await apiGet("tx/" + txId);

        let txBalance = 0;
        const vins = [];
        const vouts = [];

        // Address field in transaction rows is meaningless. Pick something sane.
        let firstMyAddr;

        const filteredVout = await getFilteredVout(myAddrSet, info.vout);
        const filteredVin = await getFilteredVin(myAddrSet, info.vin);

        for (const vout of filteredVout) {
            // XXX can it be something else?
            if (!vout.scriptPubKey) {
            let balanceAccounted = false;
            for (const addr of vout.scriptPubKey.addresses) {
                if (!balanceAccounted && myAddrSet.has(addr)) {
                    balanceAccounted = true;
                    txBalance += parseFloat(vout.value);
                    if (!firstMyAddr) {
                        firstMyAddr = addr;

                if (!vouts.includes(addr)) {

        for (const vin of filteredVin) {
            const addr = vin.addr;
            if (myAddrSet.has(addr)) {
                txBalance -= parseFloat(vin.value);
                if (!firstMyAddr) {
                    firstMyAddr = addr;

            if (!vins.includes(addr)) {

        const isWithdraw = txBalance < 0;

        const tx = {
            txid: info.txid,
            time: info.blocktime,
            address: firstMyAddr,
            vins: isWithdraw ? [...new Set(filteredVin.map(vin => vin.addr))].join(',') : [...new Set(info.vin.map(vin => vin.addr))].join(','),
            vouts: isWithdraw ? [...new Set(info.vout.map(vout => vout.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]))].join(',') : [...new Set(filteredVout.map(vout => vout.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]))].join(','),
            amount: txBalance,
            block: info.blockheight


    return txs;

async function fetchBlockchainChanges(addrObjs, knownTxIds) {
    const result = {
        changedAddrs: [],
        newTxs: []
    const txIdSet = new Set();

    for (const obj of addrObjs) {
        const info = await apiGet("/addr/" + obj.addr);
        if (obj.lastbalance !== info.balance) {
            obj.balanceDiff = info.balance - (obj.lastbalance || 0);
            obj.lastbalance = info.balance;
        info.transactions.forEach(txId => txIdSet.add(txId));

    knownTxIds.forEach(txId => txIdSet.delete(txId));

    const newTxs = await fetchTransactions([...txIdSet], addrObjs.map(obj => obj.addr));
    result.newTxs = new List(newTxs).sortBy(tx => tx.block).toArray();

    return result;

async function updateBlockchainView(webContents) {
    const addrObjs = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT addr, name, lastbalance FROM wallet where length(addr)=35");
    const knownTxIds = sqlSelectColumns("SELECT DISTINCT txid FROM transactions").map(row => row[0]);
    let totalBalance = addrObjs.filter(obj => obj.lastbalance).reduce((sum, a) => sum + a.lastbalance, 0);

    let result;
    try {
        result = await fetchBlockchainChanges(addrObjs, knownTxIds);
    } catch (e) {
        console.log("Update from API failed", e);

    for (const addrObj of result.changedAddrs) {
        sqlRun("UPDATE wallet SET lastbalance = ? WHERE addr = ?", addrObj.lastbalance, addrObj.addr);
        totalBalance += addrObj.balanceDiff;
        webContents.send("update-wallet-balance", JSON.stringify({
            response: "OK",
            addrObj: addrObj,
            diff: addrObj.balanceDiff,
            total: totalBalance

    const zAddrObjs = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT addr, name, lastbalance,pk FROM wallet where length(addr)=95");

    for (const addrObj of zAddrObjs) {
        let previousBalance;
        if (!(oldZAddrJSON === undefined || oldZAddrJSON === {})) {
            // TODO: Should do something with this
            previousBalance = oldZAddrJSON[addrObj.addr];
        } else {
            previousBalance = 0.0;
        let balance;
        if (addrObj.lastbalance === "NaN" || addrObj.lastbalance === undefined) {
            balance = 0.0;
        } else {
            balance = addrObj.lastbalance;
        let balanceDiff = balance - previousBalance;
        addrObj.lastbalance = balance;
        oldZAddrJSON[addrObj.addr] = balance;
        sqlRun("UPDATE wallet SET lastbalance = ? WHERE addr = ?", balance, addrObj.addr);
        // not balanceDiff here
        totalBalance += balance;
        if (!(balanceDiff === 0.00000000)) {
            webContents.send("update-wallet-balance", JSON.stringify({
                response: "OK",
                addrObj: addrObj,
                diff: balanceDiff,
                total: totalBalance

    // Why here ? In case balance is unchanged the 'update-wallet-balance' is never sent, but the Zen/Fiat balance will change.
    webContents.send("send-refreshed-wallet-balance", totalBalance);

    for (const tx of result.newTxs) {
        if (tx.block >= 0) {
            sqlRun("INSERT INTO transactions VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", null, tx.txid, tx.time, tx.address, tx.vins, tx.vouts, tx.amount, tx.block);
        webContents.send("get-transaction-update", JSON.stringify(tx));

function sendWallet() {
    if (!userInfo.loggedIn) {
    const resp = {};
    resp.response = "OK";
    resp.autorefresh = settings.autorefresh;
    resp.wallets = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT * FROM wallet ORDER BY lastbalance DESC, id DESC");
    resp.transactions = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT * FROM transactions ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT " + settings.txHistory);
    resp.total = resp.wallets.reduce((sum, a) => sum + a.lastbalance, 0);

    mainWindow.webContents.send("get-wallets-response", JSON.stringify(resp));

function importPKs() {
    function importFromFile(filename) {
        let i = 1;
        fs.readFileSync(filename).toString().split("\n").filter(x => x).forEach(line => {
            const matches = line.match(/^\w+/);
            if (matches) {
                let pk = matches[0];
                importOnePK(pk, "");

        type: "warning",
        title: "Important Information",
        message: tr("warmingMessages.userWarningImportFileWithPKs", userWarningImportFileWithPKs),
        buttons: [tr("warmingMessages.userWarningIUnderstand", "I understand"), tr("warmingMessages.cancel", "Cancel")],
        cancelId: -1
    }, function (response) {
        if (response === 0) {
                title: "Choose file with private keys"
            }, filenames => {
                if (filenames) {
                    for (let f of filenames) {
                    // TODO: save only if at least one key was inserted

function changeWalletPasswordBegin() {
    mainWindow.webContents.send("change-wallet-password-begin", userInfo.pass);

function changeWalletPasswordContinue(newPassword) {
    let result = {};
    try {
        userInfo.pass = newPassword;
        result.success = true;
    catch (e) {
        result.success = false;
        result.error = e;
    mainWindow.webContents.send("change-wallet-password-finish", JSON.stringify(result));

function updateMenuForDarwin(template) {
    if (os.platform() === "darwin") {
            label: app.getName(),
            submenu: [
                    role: "about"
                    type: "separator"
                    role: "services",
                    submenu: []
                    type: "separator"
                    role: "hide"
                    role: "hideothers"
                    role: "unhide"
                    type: "separator"
                    role: "quit"

function createEditSubmenu() {
    return [
            label: tr("menu.editSubmenu.undo", "Undo"),
            accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Z",
            selector: "undo:"
            label: tr("menu.editSubmenu.redo", "Redo"),
            accelerator: "Shift+CmdOrCtrl+Z",
            selector: "redo:"
        {type: "separator"},
            label: tr("menu.editSubmenu.cut", "Cut"),
            accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+X",
            selector: "cut:"
            label: tr("menu.editSubmenu.copy", "Copy"),
            accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+C",
            selector: "copy:"
            label: tr("menu.editSubmenu.paste", "Paste"),
            accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+V",
            selector: "paste:"
            label: tr("menu.editSubmenu.selectAll", "Select All"),
            accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+A",
            selector: "selectAll:"

function createHelpSubmenu() {
    return [
            label: tr("menu.helpSubmenu.arizenManual", "User Manual"),
            accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+H",
            click: () => {
            label: tr("menu.helpSubmenu.support", "Support"),
            accelerator: "Shift+CmdOrCtrl+S",
            click: () => {
        {type: "separator"},
            label: tr("menu.helpSubmenu.horizen", "Horizen"),
            click: () => {

function includeDeveloperMenu(template) {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
            label: "Developer Tools",
            submenu: [
                    label: "Toggle DevTools",
                    accelerator: process.platform === "darwin" ? "Command+I" : "Ctrl+I",
                    click(item, focusedWindow) {
                {role: "reload"},
                {role: 'forcereload'},
                {type: 'separator'},
                {role: 'togglefullscreen'},
                {type: "separator"},
                    label: tr("menu.backupUnencrypted", "Backup UNENCRYPTED wallet"),
                    click() {
                        exportWalletArizen("uawd", false);
                {type: "separator"},
                    label: "RPC console",
                    click() {

function updateMenuAtLogin() {
    const template = [
            label: tr("menu.file", "File"),
            submenu: [
                    label: tr("menu.backupEncrypted", "Backup ENCRYPTED wallet"),
                    click() {
                        exportWalletArizen("awd", true);
                    label: tr("menu.backupUnencrypted", "Backup UNENCRYPTED wallet"),
                    click() {
                        exportWalletArizen("uawd", false);
                {type: "separator"},
                    label: tr("menu.exportPrivateKeys", "Export private keys"),
                    click: function () {
                    label: tr("menu.importPrivateKeys", "Import private keys"),
                    click: function () {
                {type: "separator"},
                    label: tr("menu.changeWalletPassword", "Change wallet password"),
                    click() {
                {type: "separator"},
                    label: tr("menu.exit", "Exit"),
                    click() {
            label: tr("menu.edit", "Edit"),
            submenu: createEditSubmenu()
            label: tr("menu.help", "Help"),
            submenu: createHelpSubmenu()



function updateMenuAtLogout() {
    const template = [
            label: tr("menu.file", "File"),
            submenu: [
                    label: tr("menu.exit", "Exit"),
                    click() {
            label: tr("menu.edit", "Edit"),
            submenu: createEditSubmenu()
            label: tr("menu.help", "Help"),
            submenu: createHelpSubmenu()

function createWindow() {
    mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({width: 1010, height: 730, resizable: true, icon: "resources/zen_icon.png", webPreferences: {nodeIntegration: true}});

    // mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools();

    if (fs.existsSync(getWalletPath())) {
            pathname: path.join(__dirname, "login.html"),
            protocol: "file:",
            slashes: true
    } else {
            pathname: path.join(__dirname, "create_wallet.html"),
            protocol: "file:",
            slashes: true

    // Emitted when the window is closed.
    mainWindow.on("closed", function () {
        // Dereference the window object, usually you would store windows
        // in an array if your app supports multi windows, this is the time
        // when you should delete the corresponding element.
        mainWindow = null;

// https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/6139
if (process.platform === "linux") {

// This method will be called when Electron has finished
// initialization and is ready to create browser windows.
// Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs.
app.on("ready", () => createWindow());

// Quit when all windows are closed.
app.on("window-all-closed", function () {

app.on("activate", function () {
    // On macOS it"s common to re-create a window in the app when the
    // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open.
    if (mainWindow === null) {
        // checkAll();

app.on("before-quit", function () {
    if (true === userInfo.loggedIn && true === userInfo.dbChanged) {

ipcMain.on("set-lang", function (event, lang) {
    langDict = require("./lang/lang_" + lang + ".json");

ipcMain.on("write-login-info", function (event, data) {
    let inputs = JSON.parse(data);
    let resp = {
        response: "ERR",
        msg: ""
    let path = getWalletPath();

    /* create wallet path if necessary */
    if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {

    path += inputs.username + ".awd";
    /* check if user exists */
    if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
        if (inputs.walletPath !== "") {
            if (fs.existsSync(inputs.walletPath)) {
                let walletBytes = [];
                if (inputs.encrypted) {
                    walletBytes = decryptWallet(inputs.olduser, inputs.oldpass, inputs.walletPath);
                    if (walletBytes === -1) {
                        resp.msg = "Data import failed, possible reason is wrong credentials or file is corrupted";
                    } else if (data === -2) {
                        resp.msg = "Data import failed, possible reason is wrong credentials";
                    } else {
                        resp.msg = "Wallet decrypt failed";
                } else {
                    walletBytes = fs.readFileSync(inputs.walletPath);
                    resp.msg = "Wallet read failed";
                if (walletBytes.length > 1) {
                    let db = new sql.Database(walletBytes);
                    let walletEncrypted = encryptWallet(inputs.username, inputs.password, db.export());
                    storeFile(path, walletEncrypted);
                    resp.response = "OK";
                    resp.msg = "";
            } else {
                resp.msg = "Original file is missing";
        } else {
            generateNewWallet(inputs.username, inputs.password);
            resp.response = "OK";
    } else {
        resp.msg = "User is already registered";
    event.sender.send("write-login-response", JSON.stringify(resp));

ipcMain.on("verify-login-info", function (event, login, pass) {
    let resp;
    let path = getWalletPath() + login + ".awd";

    if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
        let walletBytes = decryptWallet(login, pass, path);
        if (walletBytes === -1) {
            resp = {
                response: "ERR_corrupted_file"
        } else if (walletBytes === -2) {
            resp = {
                response: "ERR_wrong_credentials"
        } else if (walletBytes.length > 1) {
            userInfo.loggedIn = true;
            userInfo.login = login;
            userInfo.pass = pass;
            userInfo.walletDb = new sql.Database(walletBytes);
            resp = {
                response: "OK",
                user: login
    } else {
        resp = {
            response: "ERR_nonexistent_wallet_name"

    event.sender.send("verify-login-response", JSON.stringify(resp));

ipcMain.on("check-login-info", function (event) {
    let resp = {
        response: "ERR",
        user: ""

    if (userInfo.loggedIn) {
        resp.response = "OK";
        resp.user = userInfo.login;
    event.sender.send("check-login-response", JSON.stringify(resp));

ipcMain.on("do-logout", function () {
    if (true === userInfo.dbChanged) {
    userInfo.login = "";
    userInfo.pass = "";
    userInfo.walletDb = [];
    userInfo.loggedIn = false;

ipcMain.on("exit-from-menu", function () {

function importSingleKey(name, pk, isT) {
    importOnePK(pk, name, isT);

ipcMain.on("import-single-key", function (event, name, pk, isT) {
    importSingleKey(name, pk, isT);

ipcMain.on("import-single-key-Sync", function (event, name, pk, isT) {
    importSingleKey(name, pk, isT);
    event.returnValue = true;

ipcMain.on("get-wallets", () => {
    mainWindow.webContents.send("settings", JSON.stringify(settings));
    mainWindow.webContents.send("internal-info", JSON.stringify(internalInfo));

ipcMain.on("refresh-wallet", function (event) {
    let resp = {response: "ERR"};

    if (userInfo.loggedIn) {
        resp.response = "OK";
        resp.autorefresh = settings.autorefresh;

    event.sender.send("refresh-wallet-response", JSON.stringify(resp));

ipcMain.on("rename-wallet", function (event, address, name) {
    let resp = {
        response: "ERR",
        msg: "not logged in"

    if (userInfo.loggedIn) {
        const count = sqlSelectColumns("SELECT count(*) FROM wallet WHERE addr = ?", address)[0][0];
        if (count) {
            sqlRun("UPDATE wallet SET name = ? WHERE addr = ?", name, address);
            resp = {
                response: "OK",
                msg: "address " + address + " set to " + name,
                addr: address,
                newname: name
        } else {
            resp.msg = "address not found";
    event.sender.send("rename-wallet-response", JSON.stringify(resp));

ipcMain.on("get-wallet-by-name", function (event, name) {
    let resp = {
        response: "ERR",
        msg: "not logged in"

    if (userInfo.loggedIn) {
        const walletAddr = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT * FROM wallet WHERE name = ?", name)[0];
        if (walletAddr) {
            resp = {
                response: "OK",
                wallets: walletAddr
        } else {
            resp.msg = "name not found";
    event.sender.send("get-wallet-by-name-response", JSON.stringify(resp));

ipcMain.on("generate-wallet", function (event, name) {
    let resp = {
        response: "ERR",
        msg: "not logged in"

    if (userInfo.loggedIn) {
        resp.response = "OK";
        resp.addr = getNewAddress(name);

    event.sender.send("generate-wallet-response", JSON.stringify(resp));

ipcMain.on("save-settings", function (event, newSettingsStr) {
    if (!userInfo.loggedIn) {
    const newSettings = JSON.parse(newSettingsStr);
    event.sender.send("save-settings-response", JSON.stringify({response: "OK"}));
    event.sender.send("settings", newSettingsStr);

ipcMain.on("save-internal-info", function (event, newInternalInfoStr) {
    if (!userInfo.loggedIn) {
    const newInternalInfo = JSON.parse(newInternalInfoStr);
    //event.sender.send("save-settings-response", JSON.stringify({response: "OK"}));
    event.sender.send("internalInfo", newInternalInfoStr);

ipcMain.on("show-notification", function (event, title, message, duration) {
    if (settings.notifications === 1) {
        event.sender.send("show-notification-response", title, message, duration);
    } else {
        console.log(title + ": " + message);

ipcMain.on("check-if-address-in-wallet", function (event, address) {
    let exist = false;
    let result = sqlSelectObjects("Select * from wallet"); // where length(addr)=35 //take only T addresses // or ("Select * from wallet where addr = ?", [zAddress]);
    for (let k of result) {
        if (k.addr === address) {
            exist = true;
    event.returnValue = {exist: exist, result: result};

ipcMain.on("change-wallet-password-continue", (event, newPassword) => {

function checkSendParameters(fromAddresses, toAddresses, fee) {
    let errors = [];

    for (const fromAddress of fromAddresses) {
        if (fromAddress.length !== 35) {
            errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.fromAddressBadLength", "Bad length of the source address!"));

        if (fromAddress.substring(0, 2) !== "zn") {
            errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.fromAddressBadPrefix", "Bad source address prefix - it has to be 'zn'!"));

    for (const toAddress of toAddresses) {
        if (toAddress.length !== 35) {
            errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.toAddressBadLength", "Bad length of the destination address!"));

        if (toAddress.substring(0, 2) !== "zn") {
            errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.toAddressBadPrefix", "Bad destination address prefix - it has to be 'zn'!"));

    if (typeof parseInt(fee, 10) !== "number" || fee === "") {
        errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.feeNotNumber", "Fee is NOT a number!"));

    // fee can be zero, in block can be few transactions with zero fee
    if (fee < 0) {
        errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.feeIsNegative", "Fee has to be greater than or equal to zero!"));

    return errors;

function checkStandardSendParameters(fromAddress, toAddress, fee, amount) {
    let errors = checkSendParameters([fromAddress], [toAddress], fee);

    if (typeof parseInt(amount, 10) !== "number" || amount === "") {
        errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.amountNotNumber", "Amount is NOT a number"));

    if (amount <= 0) {
        errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.amountIsZero", "Amount has to be greater than zero!"));

    return errors;

function checkBatchSplitParameters(fromAddresses, toAddress, fee, splitTo) {
    let errors = checkSendParameters(fromAddresses, [toAddress], fee);

    if (splitTo <= 0) {
        errors.push(tr("wallet.batchSplit.messages.splitToIsZero", "Split to amounts have to be greater than zero!"));

    return errors;

function checkBatchWithdrawParameters(fromAddresses, toAddress, fee, thresholdLimit) {
    let errors = checkSendParameters(fromAddresses, [toAddress], fee);

    if (thresholdLimit < 0) {
        errors.push(tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.amountIsZero", "Threshold limit has to be greater than or equal to zero!"));

    return errors;

ipcMain.on("send", async function (event, fromAddress, toAddress, fee, amount) {
    let paramErrors = checkStandardSendParameters(fromAddress, toAddress, fee, amount);
    if (paramErrors.length) {
        // TODO: Come up with better message. For now, just make a HTML out of it.
        const errString = paramErrors.join("<br/>\n\n");
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", errString);

    try {
        // Convert to satoshi
        let amountInSatoshi = Math.round(amount * 100000000);
        let feeInSatoshi = Math.round(fee * 100000000);
        let err = "";
        let walletAddr = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT * FROM wallet WHERE addr = ?", fromAddress)[0];

        if (!walletAddr) {
            err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.unknownAddress", "Source address is not in your wallet!");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

        if (walletAddr.lastbalance < (parseFloat(amount) + parseFloat(fee))) {
            err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.insufficientFundsSourceAddr", "Insufficient funds on source address!");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

        let privateKey = walletAddr.pk;

        const prevTxURL = "/addr/" + fromAddress + "/utxo";
        const infoURL = "/status?q=getInfo";
        const sendRawTxURL = "/tx/send";

        // Building our transaction TXOBJ
        // Calculate maximum ZEN satoshis that we have
        let satoshisSoFar = 0;
        let history = [];
        let recipients = [{address: toAddress, satoshis: amountInSatoshi}];

        const txData = await apiGet(prevTxURL);
        const infoData = await apiGet(infoURL);

        const blockHeight = infoData.info.blocks - 300;
        const blockHashURL = "/block-index/" + blockHeight;

        const blockHash = (await apiGet(blockHashURL)).blockHash;

        // Iterate through each utxo and append it to history
        for (let i = 0; i < txData.length; i++) {
            if (txData[i].confirmations === 0) {

            if (txData[i].isCoinbase) {
                err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.isCoinbaseUTXO", "Your address contains newly mined coins, also called coinbase unspent transaction outputs (coinbase UTXO). These need to be shielded and unshielded first before they can be spent, please import the private key of this address into a full wallet like Swing and then send all your coins from this address to a Z-address and then back to this T-address. You will be then able to spend them in Arizen as well.");
                event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

            history = history.concat({
                txid: txData[i].txid,
                vout: txData[i].vout,
                scriptPubKey: txData[i].scriptPubKey

            // How many satoshis we have so far
            satoshisSoFar = satoshisSoFar + txData[i].satoshis;
            if (satoshisSoFar >= amountInSatoshi + feeInSatoshi) {

        // If we don't have enough address - fail and tell it to the user
        if (satoshisSoFar < amountInSatoshi + feeInSatoshi) {
            err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.insufficientFundsSourceAddr", "Insufficient funds on source address!");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

        // If we don't have exact amount - refund remaining to current address
        if (satoshisSoFar !== (amountInSatoshi + feeInSatoshi)) {
            let refundSatoshis = satoshisSoFar - amountInSatoshi - feeInSatoshi;
            recipients = recipients.concat({address: fromAddress, satoshis: refundSatoshis});

        // Create transaction
        let txObj = zencashjs.transaction.createRawTx(history, recipients, blockHeight, blockHash);

        // Sign each history transcation
        for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i++) {
            txObj = zencashjs.transaction.signTx(txObj, i, privateKey, true);

        // Convert it to hex string
        const txHexString = zencashjs.transaction.serializeTx(txObj);
        const txRespData = await apiPost(sendRawTxURL, {rawtx: txHexString});

        let message = "TXid:\n\n<small>" + txRespData.txid + "</small><br /><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"openUrl('" + settings.explorerUrl + "/tx/" + txRespData.txid + "')\" class=\"walletListItemDetails transactionExplorer\" target=\"_blank\">Show Transaction in Explorer</a>";
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "ok", message);
    catch (e) {
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", e.message);

 * Filters out all zero balanced wallets
 * @param fromAddressesAll - all selected addresses
 * @param thresholdLimit - threshold limit, eg 42
 * @returns {Array} - filtered non-zero addresses
function filterOutZeroAddresses(fromAddressesAll, thresholdLimit) {
    let fromAddresses = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < fromAddressesAll.length; i++) {
        let walletAddr = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT * FROM wallet WHERE addr = ?", fromAddressesAll[i])[0];
        if (walletAddr) {
            if (walletAddr.lastbalance !== 0 && walletAddr.lastbalance > thresholdLimit) {

    return fromAddresses

 * @param fromAddresses - array of addresses
 * @returns {string} - returns string of addresses
function getPreviousTxURL(fromAddresses) {
    let prevTxURLs = [];
    let prefix = "/addrs/";
    let prevTxURL = prefix;
    let notModulo = false;

    for (let i = 1; i < fromAddresses.length + 1; i++) {
        if (i % 10 === 0) {
            prevTxURL += fromAddresses[i - 1];
            prevTxURL += "/utxo";
            prevTxURLs = prevTxURLs.concat(prevTxURL);
            prevTxURL = prefix;
            notModulo = false;
        } else {
            prevTxURL += fromAddresses[i - 1] + ",";
            notModulo = true;

    if (notModulo) {
        prevTxURL = prevTxURL.substring(0, prevTxURL.length - 1);
        prevTxURL += "/utxo";
        prevTxURLs = prevTxURLs.concat(prevTxURL);

    return prevTxURLs

 * Iterate through each UTXO and append it to history specifically to every mapped address
 * @param event - for throwing error
 * @param txData - transaction data
 * @param addrPk {Map<string, string>} - {Map<address, PK>}
 * @returns {Map<string, Object>} - Map<address, Object> for better data storage and use
function generateMap(event, txData, addrPk) {
    let map = new Map();
    let walletId = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < txData.length; i++) {
        if (txData[i].confirmations === 0) {

        if (txData[i].isCoinbase) {
            let err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.isCoinbaseUTXO", "Your address contains newly mined coins, also called coinbase unspent transaction outputs (coinbase UTXO). These need to be shielded and unshielded first before they can be spent, please import the private key of this address into a full wallet like Swing and then send all your coins from this address to a Z-address and then back to this T-address. You will be then able to spend them in Arizen as well.");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

        // if exist in Map, then edit, if not, then create
        if (map.has(txData[i].address)) {
            map.get(txData[i].address).satoshis += txData[i].satoshis;
            map.get(txData[i].address).history = map.get(txData[i].address).history.concat({
                txid: txData[i].txid,
                vout: txData[i].vout,
                scriptPubKey: txData[i].scriptPubKey
        } else {
            let obj = {
                id: walletId,
                pk: addrPk.get(txData[i].address),
                satoshis: txData[i].satoshis,
                history: [{
                    txid: txData[i].txid,
                    vout: txData[i].vout,
                    scriptPubKey: txData[i].scriptPubKey
            map.set(txData[i].address, obj);
            walletId += 1;

    return map

 * @param event
 * @param start
 * @param nAddress
 * @param data
 * @param thresholdLimitInSatoshi
 * @param feeInSatoshi
 * @param toAddress
 * @param blockHeight
 * @param blockHash
function calculateForNaddress(event, start, nAddress, data, thresholdLimitInSatoshi, feeInSatoshi, toAddress, blockHeight, blockHash) {
    let history = [];
    let err = "";

    let amountInSatoshiToSend = 0.0;
    amountInSatoshiToSend -= feeInSatoshi;

    for (let value of data.values()) {
        if (value.id >= start) {
            if (value.id === (start + nAddress)) {
            amountInSatoshiToSend += (value.satoshis - thresholdLimitInSatoshi);

    if (amountInSatoshiToSend <= 0.0) {
        err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.sumLowerThanFee", "Your summed balance over all source addresses is lower than the fee!");
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

    let recipients = [{address: toAddress, satoshis: amountInSatoshiToSend}];

    for (let [key, value] of data.entries()) {
        if (value.id >= start) {
            if (value.id === (start + nAddress)) {

            // Refund thresholdLimitInSatoshi amount to current address
            if (thresholdLimitInSatoshi > 0) {
                recipients = recipients.concat({
                    address: key,
                    satoshis: thresholdLimitInSatoshi

            value.history.forEach(function(h) {
                history = history.concat(h);

    // Create transaction
    let txObj = zencashjs.transaction.createRawTx(history, recipients, blockHeight, blockHash);

    // Sign history/transaction with PKs
    let j = 0;
    for (let value of data.values()) {
        if (value.id >= start) {
            if (value.id === (start + nAddress)) {

            for (let i = 0; i < value.history.length; i++) {
                txObj = zencashjs.transaction.signTx(txObj, j, value.pk, true);
                j += 1;

    // Convert it to hex string
    return zencashjs.transaction.serializeTx(txObj);

 * @param event
 * @param txData
 * @param thresholdLimitInSatoshi
 * @param feeInSatoshi
 * @param toAddress
 * @param blockHeight
 * @param blockHash
 * @param addrPk
function getMaxTxHexStrings(event, txData, thresholdLimitInSatoshi, feeInSatoshi, toAddress, blockHeight, blockHash, addrPk) {
    // API request limit, URL length
    const maxKbSize = 100;
    let txHexStrings = [];
    let err = "";
    let start = 0;
    let nAddrToValidate = 1;
    let nAddrProcessed = 0;
    let booster = 25;
    let boosterEnabled = false;

    // prepare data
    let data = generateMap(event, txData, addrPk);

    // Enable booster if there are many addresses
    if (data.size >= booster) {
        nAddrToValidate = booster;
        boosterEnabled = true;

    while (true) {
        let txHexString = calculateForNaddress(event, start, nAddrToValidate, data, thresholdLimitInSatoshi, feeInSatoshi, toAddress, blockHeight, blockHash);

        if ((Buffer.byteLength(txHexString, "utf8") / 1024) > maxKbSize) {
            if (nAddrToValidate === 1) {
                err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.tooManyUTXOs", "Your address consists of too many UTXOs, it is not possible to send this transaction via API!");
                event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

            if (boosterEnabled) {
                nAddrToValidate = 1;
                boosterEnabled = false;
            } else {
                txHexStrings = txHexStrings.concat(calculateForNaddress(event, start, nAddrToValidate - 1, data, thresholdLimitInSatoshi, feeInSatoshi, toAddress, blockHeight, blockHash));
                start = nAddrProcessed;

                nAddrToValidate = ((start + booster) < data.size) ? booster : 1;
                boosterEnabled = ((start + booster) < data.size);
        } else {
            nAddrProcessed += boosterEnabled ? booster : 1;
            nAddrToValidate += 1;
            boosterEnabled = false;

        // while terminal condition
        if (data.size === nAddrProcessed) {
            txHexStrings = txHexStrings.concat(txHexString);

    return txHexStrings

 * @param event
 * @param {array} fromAddressesAll - Array of strings, array of ZEN addresses
 * @param toAddress - one destination ZEN address
 * @param fee - fee for the whole transaction
 * @param thresholdLimit - How many ZENs will remain in every fromAddresses
ipcMain.on("send-many", async function (event, fromAddressesAll, toAddress, fee, thresholdLimit = 42.0) {
    let paramErrors = checkBatchWithdrawParameters(fromAddressesAll, toAddress, fee, thresholdLimit);
    if (paramErrors.length) {
        // TODO: Come up with better message. For now, just make a HTML out of it.
        const errString = paramErrors.join("<br/>\n\n");
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", errString);

    try {
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Variables
        const infoURL = "/status?q=getInfo";
        const sendRawTxURL = "/tx/send";
        let finalMessage = "";
        // <address, PK> pairs
        let addrPk = new Map();
        let err = "";
        const satoshi = 100000000;
        let feeInSatoshi = Math.round(fee * satoshi);
        let thresholdLimitInSatoshi = Math.round(thresholdLimit * satoshi);
        let fromAddresses = filterOutZeroAddresses(fromAddressesAll, thresholdLimit);

        // check if there isn't any address with a balance
        if(fromAddresses.length === 0){
            err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.noSourceAddress", "No source address was selected!");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

        for (let i = 0; i < fromAddresses.length; i++) {
            let walletAddr = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT * FROM wallet WHERE addr = ?", fromAddresses[i])[0];

            if (!walletAddr) {
                err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.unknownAddress", "Source address is not in your wallet!");
                event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

            addrPk.set(walletAddr.addr, walletAddr.pk);

        if (addrPk.size !== fromAddresses.length) {
            err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.numberOfKeys", "# private keys and # addresses are not equal!");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Get previous transactions
        const prevTxURLs = getPreviousTxURL(fromAddresses);
        let txData = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < prevTxURLs.length; i++) {
            txData = txData.concat(await apiGet(prevTxURLs[i]));

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        const infoData = await apiGet(infoURL);
        const blockHeight = infoData.info.blocks - 300;
        const blockHashURL = "/block-index/" + blockHeight;
        const blockHash = (await apiGet(blockHashURL)).blockHash;

        const txHexStrings = getMaxTxHexStrings(event, txData, thresholdLimitInSatoshi, feeInSatoshi, toAddress, blockHeight, blockHash, addrPk);

        for(let i = 0; i < txHexStrings.length; i++){
            const txRespData = await apiPost(sendRawTxURL, {rawtx: txHexStrings[i]});
            finalMessage += `<small><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="openUrl('${settings.explorerUrl}/tx/${txRespData.txid}')" class="walletListItemDetails transactionExplorer monospace" target="_blank">${txRespData.txid}</a>`;
            finalMessage += "</small><br/>\n\n";

        event.sender.send("send-finish", "ok", finalMessage);
    catch (e) {
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", e.message);

 * @param event
 * @param txData
 * @param splitToInSatoshi
 * @param feeInSatoshi
 * @param toAddresses
 * @param blockHeight
 * @param blockHash
 * @param addrPk
function getTxHexStringsForSplit(event, txData, toAddresses, splitToInSatoshi, feeInSatoshi, blockHeight, blockHash, addrPk) {
    let history = [];
    let err = "";

    // prepare data
    let data = generateMap(event, txData, addrPk);

    let amountInSatoshiToSend = 0.0;
    for (let value of data.values()) {
        amountInSatoshiToSend += value.satoshis;
    amountInSatoshiToSend -= feeInSatoshi;

    if (amountInSatoshiToSend <= 0.0) {
        err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.sumLowerThanFee", "Your summed balance over all source addresses is lower than the fee!");
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

    let recipients = [];

    let quotient = Math.floor(amountInSatoshiToSend / splitToInSatoshi);
    let remainder = amountInSatoshiToSend % splitToInSatoshi;

    if (remainder !== 0) {
        quotient += 1;

    // if there is less addresses - refund the rest to the last address
    if (quotient > toAddresses.length) {
        quotient = toAddresses.length;

    let toAddress;
    for (let i = 0; i < quotient; i++) {
        toAddress = toAddresses[i];
        // refund the rest to the last address
        if (i === (quotient - 1)) {
            recipients = recipients.concat({
                address: toAddress,
                satoshis: (amountInSatoshiToSend - (i * splitToInSatoshi))
        } else {
            recipients = recipients.concat({
                address: toAddress,
                satoshis: splitToInSatoshi

    for (let value of data.values()) {
        value.history.forEach(function(h) {
            history = history.concat(h);

    // Create transaction
    let txObj = zencashjs.transaction.createRawTx(history, recipients, blockHeight, blockHash);

    // Sign history/transaction with PKs
    for (let value of data.values()) {
        for (let i = 0; i < value.history.length; i++) {
            txObj = zencashjs.transaction.signTx(txObj, i, value.pk, true);

    // Convert it to hex string
    return zencashjs.transaction.serializeTx(txObj);

ipcMain.on("split", async function (event, fromAddress, toAddresses, fee, splitTo = 42.0) {
    let paramErrors = checkBatchSplitParameters(toAddresses, fromAddress, fee, splitTo);
    if (paramErrors.length) {
        // TODO: Come up with better message. For now, just make a HTML out of it.
        const errString = paramErrors.join("<br/>\n\n");
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", errString);

    try {
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Variables
        const infoURL = "/status?q=getInfo";
        const sendRawTxURL = "/tx/send";
        let finalMessage = "";
        // <address, PK> pairs
        let addrPk = new Map();
        let err = "";
        const satoshi = 100000000;
        let feeInSatoshi = Math.round(fee * satoshi);
        let splitToInSatoshi = Math.round(splitTo * satoshi);

        // check if an address has been selected
        if(fromAddress === ""){
            err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.noSourceAddress", "No source address was selected!");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

        let walletAddr = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT * FROM wallet WHERE addr = ?", fromAddress)[0];
        if (!walletAddr) {
            err = tr("wallet.tabWithdraw.messages.unknownAddress", "One of your destination address is not in your wallet!");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);
        addrPk.set(walletAddr.addr, walletAddr.pk);

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Get previous transactions
        const prevTxURL = "/addrs/" + fromAddress + "/utxo";
        let txData = await apiGet(prevTxURL);

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        const infoData = await apiGet(infoURL);
        const blockHeight = infoData.info.blocks - 300;
        const blockHashURL = "/block-index/" + blockHeight;
        const blockHash = (await apiGet(blockHashURL)).blockHash;

        const txHexString = getTxHexStringsForSplit(event, txData, toAddresses, splitToInSatoshi, feeInSatoshi, blockHeight, blockHash, addrPk);

        if ((Buffer.byteLength(txHexString, "utf8") / 1024) > 100) {
            err = tr("wallet.batchSplit.messages.tooManyInputsOutputs", "Your transaction contains too many inputs/outputs addresses, please try less address!");
            event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", err);

        const txRespData = await apiPost(sendRawTxURL, {rawtx: txHexString});
        finalMessage += `<small><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="openUrl('${settings.explorerUrl}/tx/${txRespData.txid}')" class="walletListItemDetails transactionExplorer monospace" target="_blank">${txRespData.txid}</a>`;
        finalMessage += "</small><br/>\n\n";

        event.sender.send("send-finish", "ok", finalMessage);
    catch (e) {
        event.sender.send("send-finish", "error", e.message);

ipcMain.on("create-paper-wallet", (event, name, addToWallet) => {
    let wif;
    if (addToWallet) {
        const addr = getNewAddress(name);
            JSON.stringify({response: "OK", addr: addr}));
        wif = addr.wif;
    } else {
        wif = generateNewAddress(1, userInfo.pass)[0];
    mainWindow.webContents.send("export-paper-wallet", wif, name);

ipcMain.on("renderer-show-message-box", (event, msgStr, buttons) => {
    buttons = buttons.concat([tr("warmingMessages.cancel", "Cancel")]);
        type: "warning",
        title: "Important Information",
        message: msgStr,
        buttons: buttons,
        cancelId: -1
    }, function (response) {
        event.returnValue = response;

ipcMain.on("update-Z-old-balance", (event) => {
    // zAddrObjs
    oldZAddrJSON = {};
    let oldZAddrTmp = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT addr, name, lastbalance,pk FROM wallet where length(addr)=95");
    for (const addrObj of oldZAddrTmp) {
        oldZAddrJSON[addrObj.addr] = addrObj.lastbalance;
    event.returnValue = true

ipcMain.on("get-all-Z-addresses", (event) => {
    // zAddrObjs
    event.returnValue = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT addr, name, lastbalance, pk FROM wallet where length(addr)=95");

ipcMain.on("update-addr-in-db", (event, addrObj) => {
    sqlRun("UPDATE wallet SET lastbalance = ? WHERE addr = ?", addrObj.lastbalance, addrObj.addr);
    event.returnValue = true;

ipcMain.on("get-address-object", (event, fromAddress) => {
    // addrObjs
    event.returnValue = sqlSelectObjects("SELECT * FROM wallet WHERE addr = ?", fromAddress)[0];

ipcMain.on("DB-insert-address", function (event, nameAddress, pkZaddress, zAddress) {
    let resp = {
        response: "ERR",
        msg: "not logged in"

    if (userInfo.loggedIn) {
        resp.response = "OK";
        resp.addr = {addr: zAddress, name: nameAddress, lastbalance: 0, pk: pkZaddress};
        userInfo.walletDb.run("INSERT INTO wallet VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", [null, pkZaddress, zAddress, 0, nameAddress]);

    event.sender.send("generate-wallet-response", JSON.stringify(resp));