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<script lang="ts">
    import ExternalLink from '$components/externalLink.svelte';
    import FerrisNormal from '$components/ferris/normal.svelte';

    <title>What is Rust Jungle</title>

<div class="pure-g">
    <section class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
        <h1>About Rust Jungle</h1>

            Rust Jungle is based on the awesome Tour of Rust and is built with the high-performance JS
            framework SvelteKit.

            This project is open source and you're welcome to contribute to it via <ExternalLink

            Rust has a steep learning curve and for some people this might be the reason to look for an
            alternative.<br />In my experience, once you've learned Rust, you will love it. Others share
            my experience, otherwise it wouldn't be the
                >most loved language for four years in a row</ExternalLink

            The goal of Rust Jungle is to give you an easy start with the Rust programming language with
            short but useful lessons, separated into stages.<br />And you are not alone in the Rust
            Jungle! <ExternalLink href="">Ferris the crab</ExternalLink> will be with

        <h2>Structure of Rust Jungle</h2>
            Rust Jungle is separated into stages and every stage has multiple lessons. A lesson consists
            of a small portion of text with an optional running code example and optional further
        <p>The text just uses 2 kinds of highlighting:</p>
                <code>Code blocks</code> - Rust syntax elements have a dark background and a white color.
                <i>Special words</i> - special words or phrases are highlighted with an italic font.

            Every stage starts with an introduction which covers all following lessons from that stage in
            short. It ends with a short summary of that stage.<br />You can easily ifentify summaries by
            watching out for a happy Ferris.

        <p>Every stage has a maximum of 20 lessons.</p>

        <h2>Further learning resources</h2>

                <ExternalLink href=""
                    >The official Rust book</ExternalLink
                <ExternalLink href=""
                    >Rust by Example</ExternalLink
                <ExternalLink href="">Rustlings</ExternalLink>
                <ExternalLink href="">Rust Cheat Sheet</ExternalLink>

            You're welcome to join <ExternalLink href=""
                >the official Discord server</ExternalLink
            > to connect with other Rustaceans. This is also a place to ask for further help.

    <section class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
        <FerrisNormal />