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Test Coverage
- name: Install system tools
  apt: name={{ item }} state=present
    - ntpdate
    - unzip
    - vim
    - git
    - tig
    - screen
    - htop
    - fail2ban

- name: Remove packages
  apt: name={{ item }} state=absent
    - exim4

- name: Set timezone
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/timezone regexp="." line="{{ timezone }}"
  notify: update timezone

- name: Update current time
  command: ntpdate-debian
  register: ntpdate
  changed_when: "not '0.00' in ntpdate.stdout"
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: Check SSH public key
  local_action: command test -e {{ ssh_public_key_file }}
  register: ssh_public_key_test
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: Fail if no SSH public key
  fail: msg="Please put your public SSH key at {{ ssh_public_key_file }}"
  when: ssh_public_key_test.rc != 0
  ignore_errors: yes

#- name: Add my public key to root
#  authorized_key: user=root key="{{ lookup('file', ssh_public_key_file) }}"
#  when: ssh_public_key_file

- name: Disable SSHd to use DNS
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp=UseDNS
              line="UseDNS no" 
  register: sshd_config_setting

- name: Reload SSHd
  service: name=ssh state=reloaded
  when: sshd_config_setting.changed

- name: Allow the agent forward
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/ssh_config regexp=ForwardAgent
              line="ForwardAgent yes" 

- name: Enable Fail2ban SSH-DDOS
  ini_file: dest=/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf section=ssh-ddos option=enabled value=true
  notify: restart fail2ban

- name: Disable swap
  command: swapoff -va
  register: swapoff
  changed_when: swapoff.stdout.strip()
  ignore_errors: yes

# Security
- name: Kernel settings
  sysctl: name={{ item.name }} value={{ item.value }} state=present
    - {name: 'kernel.exec-shield', value: 1}
    - {name: 'kernel.randomize_va_space', value: 1}
    - {name: 'net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter', value: 1}
    - {name: 'net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route', value: 0}
    - {name: 'net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts', value: 1}
    - {name: 'net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_messages', value: 1}
    - {name: 'net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians', value: 1}
  ignore_errors: yes