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[{"fields": {"url": "https://cloud.google.com/", "description": "App Engine, Cloud Storage, BigQuery and Compute Engine\r\n", "authority": "Google", "title": "Cloud developer"}, "model": "curriculum.certification", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"start_month": 3, "start_year": 2014, "resume": 1, "end_year": null, "expires": false, "end_month": null, "certification": 1}, "model": "curriculum.certificationitem", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"start_month": 7, "start_year": 2015, "description": "In charge of all web projects:\r\nCloud Web dashboard maintenance \r\nPrincipal reviewer and best practices evangelist\r\nUnit tests and continious integrator", "weight": 1, "title": "Lead Developer UX", "end_year": 2015, "resume": 1, "results": "", "environment": "Python, Django, Javascript, CentOS, Boto, Docker, Jenkins", "end_month": 10, "entreprise": "Outscale", "context": "As member of user experience team in this French cloud provider.", "still": false, "type": "SALAR"}, "model": "curriculum.experience", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"start_month": 12, "start_year": 2013, "description": "Create and implement framework for benchmark cloud providers\r\nDesign WebUI for analyze and compare cloud's performances\r\nAlpha/Beta tests and troubleshooting for private/public clouds\r\nCreate a cloud broker dealing with more than 15 providers\r\nDevelop an object storage benchmark framework", "weight": 2, "title": "Full-Stack Developer", "end_year": 2015, "resume": 1, "results": "Data produced from benchmark are sell every month to web medias\r\nAnalyse more than 300 VM type (flavor+image+root disk) and 50 volume type\r\nLaunched more than 250.000 benchmark with about 300 per day\r\n", "environment": "OpenStack, Cloud public, Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, CoreOS, Benchmark, Celery, Ansible, Docker, GitHub, Travis-CI", "end_month": 5, "entreprise": "CloudScreener.com", "context": "Start-up aiming clouds comparaison on commercial and performances aspects.", "still": false, "type": "SALAR"}, "model": "curriculum.experience", "pk": 2}, {"fields": {"start_month": 2, "start_year": 2013, "description": "Linux and network administration:\r\nLevel 2/3 support with on-call\r\nInstallation, maintenance and evolution of customers' platform\r\nAWS, Google Cloud Platform and OpenStack administration\r\nDevelopment:\r\nReplace Numeter's CakePHP WebUI by a Django one\r\nCreate DevOps tools for ease customers' workload", "weight": 2, "title": "DevOps", "end_year": 2015, "resume": 1, "results": "", "environment": "OpenVZ, KVM, LXC, Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Puppet, Ansible, OpenStack, AWS, Python, Django, Nginx, Apache, PHP-FPM, Docker, MariaDB", "end_month": 7, "entreprise": "eNovance from Red Hat", "context": "Start-up specialized Web infrastructure and hybrid cloud with strong culture and implication in Opensource.", "still": false, "type": "SALAR"}, "model": "curriculum.experience", "pk": 3}, {"fields": {"start_month": 9, "start_year": 2011, "description": "Linux and network administration:\r\nLevel 1/2 support with Linux/Windows platform\r\nWriting installation and operations documentation\r\nDevelopment:\r\nWebUI interfacing Nagios and GLPI\r\nWriting Nagios/NRPE/SNMP tests", "weight": 1, "title": "System analyst", "end_year": 2012, "resume": 1, "results": "", "environment": "Debian, Nagios, Nginx, Python, Django. GLPI, Windows Server 2008, uWSGI, Heartbeat", "end_month": 10, "entreprise": "Autolib'", "context": "In operations team in charge of Autolib' information system's health when company just released its public service.", "still": false, "type": "SALAR"}, "model": "curriculum.experience", "pk": 4}, {"fields": {"start_month": 1, "start_year": 2011, "description": "Datacenter operator:\r\nBare metals and network streams daily check\r\nMaintenance of current networks\r\nAssembly machine under Debian/OpenBSD\r\nSystem administration:\r\nMaintenance of Unix/Linux services\r\nInternationnal support\r\n", "weight": 0, "title": "System and network Administrator", "end_year": 2011, "resume": 1, "results": "", "environment": "Debian, OpenBSD, OpenVPN, iptables, OpenWRT", "end_month": 9, "entreprise": "Security Keepers", "context": "Small IT services company which hosts customer's infrastructures and purpose custom services to its customers.", "still": false, "type": "SALAR"}, "model": "curriculum.experience", "pk": 5}, {"fields": {"start_month": 12, "start_year": 2012, "description": "GNU administration commands and stream handling\r\nInstallation and administration of MySQL\r\nBash scripting\r\nMiscellaneous administrator tools (screen, vim, etc) ", "weight": 0, "title": "GNU/Linux Trainer", "end_year": 2013, "resume": 1, "results": "", "environment": "Linux, Ubuntu, Shell, MySQL", "end_month": 1, "entreprise": "AJC Formation", "context": "In class of 15 students with wide variety ages and skills.", "still": false, "type": "SALAR"}, "model": "curriculum.experience", "pk": 6}, {"fields": {"description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.language", "pk": "English"}, {"fields": {"description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.language", "pk": "French"}, {"fields": {"level": "BIL", "language": "French", "resume": 1}, "model": "curriculum.languageitem", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"level": "PRO", "language": "English", "resume": 1}, "model": "curriculum.languageitem", "pk": 2}, {"fields": {"url": "https://github.com/django-dbbackup/django-dbbackup", "description": "Management commands to help backup and restore your project database and media files.", "title": "Django-DBbaackup"}, "model": "curriculum.project", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"url": "https://github.com/apache/libcloud", "description": "Apache Libcloud is a Python library which hides differences between different cloud provider APIs and allows you to manage different cloud resources through a unified and easy to use API", "title": "Libcloud"}, "model": "curriculum.project", "pk": 2}, {"fields": {"url": "https://github.com/spulec/moto", "description": "Library that allows tests to easily mock out the boto library\r\n", "title": "Moto"}, "model": "curriculum.project", "pk": 3}, {"fields": {"url": "https://github.com/jschneier/django-storages", "description": "django-storages is a project to provide a variety of storage backends in a single library.", "title": "Django Storages (Redux)"}, "model": "curriculum.project", "pk": 4}, {"fields": {"url": "https://github.com/redhat-cip/numeter", "description": "Numeter is a new and dynamic graphing solution made by some of the folks at eNovance. We use it as part of our cloud solutions. It is based on Python, sexy and highly scalable.", "title": "Numeter"}, "model": "curriculum.project", "pk": 5}, {"fields": {"start_month": 6, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "resume": 1, "end_year": null, "project": 1, "end_month": null, "contribution": "Working as developer/administrator,\r\n- Increased code coverage from 0 to 60%\r\n- Adapt to Django's Storage API", "still": true}, "model": "curriculum.projectitem", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"start_month": 1, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 2, "resume": 1, "end_year": null, "project": 2, "end_month": null, "contribution": "- Added Cloudwatt Driver\r\n- Added RunAbove Driver\r\n- Added Gandi compute features", "still": true}, "model": "curriculum.projectitem", "pk": 2}, {"fields": {"start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "resume": 1, "end_year": null, "project": 3, "end_month": null, "contribution": "- Added API endpoints\r\n- Added documention", "still": true}, "model": "curriculum.projectitem", "pk": 3}, {"fields": {"start_month": 4, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "resume": 1, "end_year": null, "project": 4, "end_month": null, "contribution": "Added DropBox driver", "still": true}, "model": "curriculum.projectitem", "pk": 4}, {"fields": {"start_month": 6, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 0, "resume": 1, "end_year": 2014, "project": 5, "end_month": 2, "contribution": "- Replaced PHPCake WebUI with a Django one\r\n- Created full mock backend for ease development\r\n- Added agnostic charts API", "still": false}, "model": "curriculum.projectitem", "pk": 5}, {"fields": {"project_summary": "I'm really involved in Open source contributing especially around Python, Django and Cloud. I'm frequently contribute for add Python 3 compatibility, tests and continuous integration. I also make patches for implement features which my society or I need.", "google": "113184875164042424273", "image": "./avatar.png", "hobbies": "Skateboarding, hacking, photography and agility", "linkedin": "anthonymonthe", "skype": "montheanthony", "city": "", "title": "Python/Django Full-Stack Developer", "tags": "python,django,cloud,linux", "driving_license": "European car license", "twitter": "", "website": "https://anthony-monthe.me/weblog/", "firstname": "Anthony", "resume": "An hacker, Pythoner, computer whisperer, Djangonaute, Computer scientist, Cloud pratician, Dev[Ops], Shell bilingual, Free software lover, Regular expressionist, tortured by JS, AZERTY pianist.", "lastname": "Monthe", "phone": "+33676484810", "address": "", "skill_summary": "My expertise is primarily based on Python and Django and as Full-stack Developer I'm able to manage scalable architectures based on Linux and/or Cloud. I also have a great background in System administration which make me naturally learn DevOps tools such as Docker or Ansible.", "github": "ZuluPro", "country": "France", "email": "anthony.monthe@gmail.com", "stackoverflow": 1454176, "experience_summary": "Most of my jobs was hybrid between Linux system administration and Python development. Generally recruited as Admin, I always used programming for make my work easier and more efficient. This defines me today as a Full-Stack Developer.", "training_summary": "I began my computer sciences studies very young with a French professional cursus. These six years learned me most requirements for Dev and Ops jobs: OSI model, System engineering, Relational algebra and Oriented Object Programming."}, "model": "curriculum.resume", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.python.org/", "color": "3673a6", "tags": "development", "name": "Python", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.djangoproject.com/", "color": "0C4B33", "tags": "python,web,wsgi,development", "name": "Django", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 2}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.linux.org/", "color": "777777", "tags": "os", "name": "Linux", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 3}, {"fields": {"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing", "color": "", "tags": "", "name": "Cloud computing", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 4}, {"fields": {"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript", "color": "444", "tags": "development,web,js", "name": "Javascript", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 5}, {"fields": {"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5", "color": "38EA98", "tags": "web,user-experience", "name": "HTML5", "description": "HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. It was finalized, and published, on 28 October 2014 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).[2][3] This is the fifth revision of the HTML standard since the inception of the World Wide Web. The previous version, HTML 4, was standardized in 1997."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 6}, {"fields": {"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets", "color": "387FEA", "tags": "web,user-experience", "name": "CSS3", "description": "Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language.[1] Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to rendering in speech, or on other media. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a cornerstone technology used by most websites to create visually engaging webpages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 7}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.celeryproject.org/", "color": "E9F4D6", "tags": "message,broker,queue,python", "name": "Celery", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 8}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/", "color": "BCAAFF", "tags": "linux,unix,scripting", "name": "Shell", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 9}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.docker.com/", "color": "4AC9EE", "tags": "linux,container,deployment", "name": "Docker", "description": "An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins"}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 10}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.debian.org/", "color": "d70a53", "tags": "linux,unix,os", "name": "Debian", "description": "Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 11}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.ubuntu.com/", "color": "00DF47", "tags": "linux", "name": "Ubuntu", "description": "Ubuntu is an open source software platform that runs from the cloud, to the smartphone, to all your things"}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 12}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/linux-platforms/enterprise-linux", "color": "cc0000", "tags": "linux,unix,os", "name": "Red Hat", "description": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a Linux distribution developed by Red Hat and targeted toward the commercial market."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 13}, {"fields": {"url": "https://coreos.com/", "color": "a3da53", "tags": "linux,unix,os,docker", "name": "CoreOS", "description": "CoreOS is an open-source lightweight operating system based on the Linux kernel and designed for providing infrastructure to clustered deployments, while focusing on automation, ease of applications deployment, security, reliability and scalability."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 14}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.apple.com/osx/", "color": "EEEEEE", "tags": "unix,os", "name": "OS X", "description": "OS X (pronounced /\u02cco\u028a.\u025bs \u02c8t\u025bn/;[14] originally Mac OS X) is a series of Unix-based graphical interface operating systems (OS) developed and marketed by Apple Inc."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 15}, {"fields": {"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AWK", "color": "999999", "tags": "shell", "name": "AWK", "description": "AWK is an interpreted programming language designed for text processing and typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool. It is a standard feature of most Unix-like operating systems."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 16}, {"fields": {"url": "http://getbootstrap.com/", "color": "664B8E", "tags": "web,user-experience,javascript,js,css", "name": "Bootstrap", "description": "Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 17}, {"fields": {"url": "http://purecss.io/", "color": "191818", "tags": "web,user-experience,css", "name": "Pure", "description": "A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 18}, {"fields": {"url": "https://modernizr.com/", "color": "F7CBE0", "tags": "web,user-experience,javascript,js,css", "name": "Modernizr", "description": "Modernizr tells you what HTML, CSS and JavaScript features the user\u2019s browser has to offer."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 19}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.django-rest-framework.org/", "color": "812F30", "tags": "python,web,rest,api", "name": "Django REST framework", "description": "Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 20}, {"fields": {"url": "http://tastypieapi.org/", "color": "000000", "tags": "python,web,rest,api,django", "name": "Tastypie", "description": "Tastypie is a webservice API framework for Django. It provides a convenient, yet powerful and highly customizable abstraction for creating REST-style interfaces."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 21}, {"fields": {"url": "http://flask.pocoo.org/", "color": "248608", "tags": "python,web,wsgi,development", "name": "Flask", "description": "Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It's BSD licensed."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 22}, {"fields": {"url": "https://libcloud.apache.org/", "color": "AAAAAA", "tags": "python,development,cloud", "name": "Libcloud", "description": "Python library for interacting with many of the popular cloud service providers using a unified API."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 23}, {"fields": {"url": "http://django-blog-zinnia.com/", "color": "860885", "tags": "python,web,blog,django,development", "name": "Zinnia", "description": "Simple yet powerful and really extendable application for managing a blog within your Django Web site, Zinnia has been made for publishing Weblog entries and designed to do it well."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 24}, {"fields": {"url": "http://jinja.pocoo.org/", "color": "B31717", "tags": "python,template", "name": "Jinja", "description": "Jinja2 is a full featured template engine for Python. It has full unicode support, an optional integrated sandboxed execution environment, widely used and BSD licensed."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 25}, {"fields": {"url": "http://sphinx-doc.org/", "color": "084C73", "tags": "python,web,documentation,rst,restructuredtext", "name": "Sphinx", "description": "Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation, written by Georg Brandl and licensed under the BSD license."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 26}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/", "color": "A08010", "tags": "python,network,tcp/ip,tcp,ip", "name": "Scapy", "description": "Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 27}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.reportlab.com/", "color": "00337F", "tags": "python,pdf", "name": "ReportLab", "description": "ReportLab toolkit is our main open-source library; it is a collection of open source Python language modules organised and supported by ReportLab. The modules are primarily concerned with automating methods for generating Portable Document Format (PDF) files, but there is also a cross-platform vector graphics library able to generate bitmap and vector charts and drawings. "}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 28}, {"fields": {"url": "https://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "color": "003B37", "tags": "python,unittest", "name": "nose", "description": "nose extends unittest to make testing easier.\r\n"}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 29}, {"fields": {"url": "http://coverage.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "color": "466316", "tags": "python,unittest", "name": "Coverage", "description": "Coverage.py is a tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs. It monitors your program, noting which parts of the code have been executed, then analyzes the source to identify code that could have been executed but was not."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 30}, {"fields": {"url": "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/twine", "color": "166316", "tags": "python", "name": "Twine", "description": "Collection of utilities for interacting with PyPI."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 31}, {"fields": {"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_protocol_suite", "color": "0E0338", "tags": "networking", "name": "TCP/IP", "description": "The Internet protocol suite is the computer networking model and set of communications protocols used on the Internet and similar computer networks"}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 32}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.cisco.com/", "color": "387FEA", "tags": "networking,firewall,router,switch", "name": "Cisco", "description": "Network and switch administration"}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 33}, {"fields": {"url": "http://netfilter.org/", "color": "101010", "tags": "networking,firewall,linux,netfilter", "name": "iptables", "description": "netfilter.org is home to the software of the packet filtering framework inside the Linux 2.4.x and later kernel series. Software commonly associated with netfilter.org is iptables. Software inside this framework enables packet filtering, network address [and port] translation (NA[P]T) and other packet mangling. It is the re-designed and heavily improved successor of the previous Linux 2.2.x ipchains and Linux 2.0.x ipfwadm systems."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 34}, {"fields": {"url": "https://openvpn.net/", "color": "F38220", "tags": "networking,vpn,linux", "name": "OpenVPN", "description": "OpenVPN is an open-source software application that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities. It uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange. It is capable of traversing network address translators (NATs) and firewalls. It was written by James Yonan and is published under the GNU General Public License (GPL)."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 35}, {"fields": {"url": "http://aws.amazon.com/", "color": "f7981d", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,saas,compute,storage", "name": "Amazon", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 36}, {"fields": {"url": "https://cloud.google.com/", "color": "407BDC", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,saas,compute,storage,docker,kubernetes", "name": "Google Cloud", "description": "Google Cloud Platform is a set of modular cloud-based services that allow you to create anything from simple websites to complex applications."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 37}, {"fields": {"url": "https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs", "color": "185FCA", "tags": "cloud,paas", "name": "Google App Engine", "description": "Google App Engine lets you build and run applications on Google\u2019s infrastructure. App Engine applications are easy to create, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as your traffic and data storage needs change. With App Engine, there are no servers for you to maintain. You simply upload your application and it\u2019s ready to go."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 38}, {"fields": {"url": "http://azure.microsoft.com/", "color": "26A5DD", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,saas,compute,storage", "name": "Azure", "description": "Microsoft Azure /\u02c8\u00e6\u0292\u0259r/ is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure, created by Microsoft, for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed and Microsoft partner hosted datacenters."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 39}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.openstack.org/", "color": "e6584f", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,compute,storage", "name": "Openstack", "description": "Open source software for creating private and public clouds."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 40}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.runabove.com/", "color": "050505", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,saas,compute,storage,openstack", "name": "Runabove", "description": "Runabove is the innovation brand of the OVH Group. This is where you can discover, test, learn and prepare your projects based on new solutions available soon under the OVH Group brands."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 41}, {"fields": {"url": "https://cloudstack.apache.org/", "color": "387FEA", "tags": "cloud,iaas,compute,storage", "name": "Cloudstack", "description": "Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. "}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 42}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.orange-business.com/fr/cloud-computing", "color": "F60", "tags": "cloud,iaas,compute", "name": "Orange Cloud Business", "description": "Orange Business Services covers all the needs of its customers in terms of cloud infrastructure (IaaS) through its flexible range that combines the computing offerings (Flexible Computing) and backup (Flexible Storage)."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 43}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.outscale.com/", "color": "202020", "tags": "cloud,iaas,compute,storage", "name": "Outscale", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 44}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.rackspace.com/", "color": "C40022", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,openstack,compute,storage", "name": "Rackspace", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 45}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.ikoula.com/en", "color": "F39A01", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,cloudstack,compute", "name": "Ikoula", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 46}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.gandi.net/", "color": "000000", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,compute,storage", "name": "Gandi", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 47}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.numergy.com/", "color": "4D1A6E", "tags": "cloud,iaas,openstack,vmware,compute,storage", "name": "Numergy", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 48}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.softlayer.com/", "color": "AAAAAA", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,compute,storage", "name": "Softlayer", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 49}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.joyent.com/", "color": "F60", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,compute,storage,docker", "name": "Joyent", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 50}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.digitalocean.com/", "color": "3686be", "tags": "cloud,iaas,compute", "name": "Digital Ocean", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 51}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.aruba.it/", "color": "F86313", "tags": "cloud,iaas,compute", "name": "Aruba IT", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 52}, {"fields": {"url": "https://dashboard.heroku.com/", "color": "5A458E", "tags": "cloud,paas,web", "name": "Heroku", "description": "Heroku is a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) supporting several programming languages. Heroku was acquired by Salesforce.com in 2010. Heroku, one of the first cloud platforms, has been in development since June 2007, when it supported only the Ruby programming language, but has since added support for Java, Node.js, Scala, Clojure, Python, PHP and Go."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 53}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.cloudsigma.com/", "color": "17A753", "tags": "cloud,iaas,compute", "name": "CloudSigma", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 54}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.1and1.fr/", "color": "004192", "tags": "cloud,iaas,compute", "name": "1&1", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 55}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.fabfile.org/", "color": "FECB4A", "tags": "python,deployment,automation", "name": "Fabric", "description": "Fabric is a Python library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 56}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.ansible.com/home", "color": "222", "tags": "python,deployment,automation", "name": "Ansible", "description": "Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications\u2014 automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 57}, {"fields": {"url": "https://puppetlabs.com/", "color": "2F2F6C", "tags": "ruby,deployment,automation", "name": "Puppet", "description": "Puppet is an open-source configuration management utility. It runs on many Unix-like systems as well as on Microsoft Windows, and includes its own declarative language to describe system configuration."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 58}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.vagrantup.com/", "color": "48B4FB", "tags": "deployment,automation,cloud", "name": "Vagrant", "description": "Vagrant is computer software that creates and configures virtual development environments. It can be seen as a higher-level wrapper around virtualization software such as VirtualBox, VMware, KVM and Linux Containers (LXC), and around configuration management software such as Ansible, Chef, Salt, and Puppet."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 59}, {"fields": {"url": "https://git-scm.com/", "color": "F54D27", "tags": "version-control,shell", "name": "Git", "description": "Git is a widely used version control system for software development. It is a distributed revision control system with an emphasis on speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 60}, {"fields": {"url": "https://gitlab.com/", "color": "58478A", "tags": "version-control", "name": "GitLab", "description": "GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager with wiki and issue tracking features. GitLab offers hosted accounts similar to GitHub, but also allows its software to be used on third-party servers."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 61}, {"fields": {"url": "http://gitolite.com/gitolite/index.html", "color": "EEE", "tags": "version-control", "name": "Gitolite", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 62}, {"fields": {"url": "https://jenkins-ci.org/", "color": "D33833", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment,unittest,functionnal-test,quality", "name": "Jenkins", "description": "Jenkins provides continuous integration services for software development. It is a server-based system running in a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat. It supports SCM tools including AccuRev, CVS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, Clearcase and RTC, and can execute Apache Ant and Apache Maven based projects as well as arbitrary shell scripts and Windows batch commands. The primary developer of Jenkins is Kohsuke Kawaguchi. Released under the MIT License, Jenkins is free software."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 63}, {"fields": {"url": "https://circleci.com/", "color": "002632", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment,unittest", "name": "CircleCI", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 64}, {"fields": {"url": "https://travis-ci.org/", "color": "999", "tags": "continious-integration,ci,continious-deployment,unittest", "name": "Travis CI", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 65}, {"fields": {"url": "https://coveralls.io/", "color": "B74846", "tags": "ci,unittest,continious-integration,coverage", "name": "Coveralls", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 66}, {"fields": {"url": "http://httpd.apache.org/", "color": "304558", "tags": "web,frontend", "name": "Apache", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 67}, {"fields": {"url": "http://nginx.org/", "color": "090", "tags": "web,frontend,ha,high-avaibility,load-balancer,lb", "name": "Nginx", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 68}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.varnish-cache.org/", "color": "2C3B46", "tags": "web,cache,reverse-proxy", "name": "Varnish", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 69}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.haproxy.org/", "color": "E8E8D0", "tags": "reverse-proxy,load-balancer,lb", "name": "HAProxy", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 70}, {"fields": {"url": "http://redis.io/", "color": "D92B21", "tags": "cache,database,nosql", "name": "Redis", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 71}, {"fields": {"url": "http://memcached.org/", "color": "2D8E83", "tags": "cache", "name": "Memcached", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 72}, {"fields": {"url": "http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/wiki/WikiStart", "color": "C8D983", "tags": "python,wsgi,web,application", "name": "uWSGI", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 73}, {"fields": {"url": "http://gunicorn.org/", "color": "449442", "tags": "python,wsgi,web,application", "name": "Gunicorn", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 74}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.rabbitmq.com/", "color": "F60", "tags": "message,broker,queue", "name": "RabbitMQ", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 75}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.squid-cache.org/", "color": "169DC9", "tags": "proxy,cache", "name": "Squid", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 76}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.postfix.org/", "color": "F7EDA4", "tags": "mail", "name": "Postfix", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 77}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.zimbra.com/", "color": "006B98", "tags": "mail,postfix,amavis", "name": "Zimbra", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 78}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.nagios.org/", "color": "444", "tags": "supervision,monitoring", "name": "Nagios", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 79}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.centreon.com/", "color": "A4CC08", "tags": "supervision,monitoring,nagios", "name": "Centreon", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 80}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.cacti.net/", "color": "379B1A", "tags": "monitoring,metrology", "name": "Cacti", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 81}, {"fields": {"url": "https://github.com/enovance/numeter/", "color": "179", "tags": "monitoring,metrology", "name": "Numeter", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 82}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.openldap.org/", "color": "8F526D", "tags": "directory", "name": "OpenLDAP", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 83}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.mysql.com/", "color": "015A84", "tags": "mariadb,database,sql", "name": "MySQL", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 84}, {"fields": {"url": "https://mariadb.org/", "color": "344371", "tags": "mysql,database,sql", "name": "MariaDB", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 85}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.percona.com/", "color": "E67B1A", "tags": "mysql,mariadb,database,db,sql", "name": "Percona", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 86}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.postgresql.org/", "color": "0092C3", "tags": "database,db,sql", "name": "PostgreSQL", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 87}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.mongodb.org/", "color": "3B291F", "tags": "database,db,nosql", "name": "MongoDB", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 88}, {"fields": {"url": "https://openvz.org/Main_Page", "color": "2C6633", "tags": "linux,container", "name": "OpenVZ", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 89}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.glpi-project.org/", "color": "E8BF4D", "tags": "itil", "name": "GLPI", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 90}, {"fields": {"url": "https://jquery.com/", "color": "0769AD", "tags": "javascript,js,web", "name": "jQuery", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 91}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.highcharts.com/", "color": "8185E8", "tags": "javascript,js,web,charts", "name": "Highcharts", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 92}, {"fields": {"url": "http://d3js.org/", "color": "F68849", "tags": "javascript,js,web,drawing", "name": "D3.js", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 93}, {"fields": {"url": "https://select2.github.io/", "color": "D9EDF7", "tags": "javascript,js,web", "name": "Select2", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 94}, {"fields": {"url": "https://angular.io/", "color": "B33035", "tags": "javascript,js,web", "name": "Angular", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 95}, {"fields": {"url": "https://nodejs.org/", "color": "80BD01", "tags": "javascript,js,web", "name": "NodeJS", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 96}, {"fields": {"url": "http://phantomjs.org/", "color": "00B4BE", "tags": "javascript,js,web,nodejs", "name": "PhantomJS", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 97}, {"fields": {"url": "https://wordpress.com/", "color": "1E8CBE", "tags": "web,blog,php", "name": "Wordpress", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 98}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.drupal.org/", "color": "3E9DD8", "tags": "web,blog,php", "name": "Drupal", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 99}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki", "color": "F3D30C", "tags": "web,php,wiki", "name": "Mediawiki", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 100}, {"fields": {"url": "http://semantic-mediawiki.org/", "color": "C3B30C", "tags": "web,php,wiki", "name": "Semantic", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 101}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.samba.org/", "color": "95A599", "tags": "storage,shared", "name": "Samba", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 102}, {"fields": {"url": "http://linux-nfs.org/", "color": "6292BE", "tags": "storage,shared", "name": "NFS", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 103}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.proftpd.org/", "color": "FF0000", "tags": "storage,ftp", "name": "ProFTPd", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 104}, {"fields": {"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing", "color": "#AAC", "tags": "cloud,iaas,paas,saas", "name": "Public cloud", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 105}, {"fields": {"url": "https://snap-ci.com/", "color": "e25995", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment", "name": "Snap-CI", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 106}, {"fields": {"url": "https://semaphoreci.com/", "color": "cfe0ae", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment", "name": "Semaphore", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 107}, {"fields": {"url": "https://drone.io/", "color": "5a5a5a", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment", "name": "Drone.IO", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 108}, {"fields": {"url": "https://codeship.com/projects", "color": "0F1A28", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment", "name": "Codeship", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 109}, {"fields": {"url": "https://ci.appveyor.com/projects", "color": "2ba6cb", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment", "name": "AppVeyor", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 110}, {"fields": {"url": "https://ci.solanolabs.com", "color": "55A800", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment", "name": "Solano CI", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 111}, {"fields": {"url": "https://app.shippable.com/", "color": "58595b", "tags": "continious-integration", "name": "Shippable", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 112}, {"fields": {"url": "https://app.wercker.com/", "color": "4c5d79", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment", "name": "wercker", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 113}, {"fields": {"url": "https://magnum-ci.com", "color": "e86e4c", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment", "name": "Magnum-CI", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 114}, {"fields": {"url": "https://codecov.io/", "color": "ff2568", "tags": "continious-integration,coverage,test", "name": "Codecov", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 115}, {"fields": {"url": "https://codeclimate.com/", "color": "323543", "tags": "continious-integration", "name": "Code Climate", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 116}, {"fields": {"url": "https://landscape.io", "color": "e5e9ec", "tags": "continious-integration,lint", "name": "Lanscape", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 117}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.codacy.com/", "color": "222222", "tags": "continious-integration,lint,coverage", "name": "Codacy", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 118}, {"fields": {"url": "https://gemnasium.com/", "color": "2c3035", "tags": "continious-integration", "name": "Gemnasium", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 119}, {"fields": {"url": "https://requires.io", "color": "BBBBBB", "tags": "continious-integration", "name": "requires.io", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 120}, {"fields": {"url": "https://saucelabs.com/", "color": "e9424b", "tags": "continious-integration,continious-deployment,functionnal-test,selenium", "name": "Sauce Labs", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 121}, {"fields": {"url": "https://tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "color": "444444", "tags": "python,test,unittest", "name": "tox", "description": "tox aims to automate and standardize testing in Python. It is part of a larger vision of easing the packaging, testing and release process of Python software."}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 122}, {"fields": {"url": "http://www.seleniumhq.org/", "color": "3A4869", "tags": "functionnal-test,quality", "name": "Selenium", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 123}, {"fields": {"url": "https://www.cloudwatt.com/", "color": "3A8CCA", "tags": "cloud,iaas,openstack,compute,storage", "name": "Cloudwatt", "description": ""}, "model": "curriculum.skill", "pk": 124}, {"fields": {"category": "Development", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 2, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 1}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 7, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 2, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 2}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 2}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2009, "weight": 2, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 7}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 10}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2009, "weight": 2, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 6}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 11}, {"fields": {"category": "Development", "start_month": 8, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 2, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 8}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 12}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2009, "weight": 2, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 3}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 13}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2009, "weight": 2, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 9}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 14}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 2, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 5}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 15}, {"fields": {"category": "Deployment", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 10}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 16}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2008, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 11}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 17}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2009, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 12}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 18}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 13}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 19}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 14}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 20}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2009, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 15}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 21}, {"fields": {"category": "Development", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 16}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 22}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 7, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 17}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 23}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 18}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 24}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 19}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 25}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2012, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 20}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 26}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 10, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 21}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 27}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 22}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 28}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 24}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 29}, {"fields": {"category": "Development", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 25}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 30}, {"fields": {"category": "Development", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 26}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 31}, {"fields": {"category": "Development", "start_month": 4, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 27}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 32}, {"fields": {"category": "Development", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 28}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 33}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 29}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 34}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2012, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 30}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 35}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 31}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 36}, {"fields": {"category": "Network administration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2007, "weight": 2, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 32}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 37}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 11, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 23}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 38}, {"fields": {"category": "Network administration", "start_month": 11, "start_year": 2007, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 33}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 39}, {"fields": {"category": "Network administration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2008, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 34}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 40}, {"fields": {"category": "Network administration", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2010, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 35}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 41}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 36}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 42}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 37}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 43}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 38}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 44}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 39}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 45}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 40}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 46}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 4, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 41}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 47}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 12, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 42}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 48}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 43}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 49}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 44}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 50}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 12, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 45}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 51}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 46}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 52}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 47}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 53}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 48}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 54}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 10, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 49}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 55}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 12, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 50}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 56}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 10, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 51}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 57}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 52}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 58}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 53}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 59}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 12, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 54}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 60}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 55}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 61}, {"fields": {"category": "Deployment", "start_month": 11, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 56}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 62}, {"fields": {"category": "Deployment", "start_month": 12, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 57}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 63}, {"fields": {"category": "Deployment", "start_month": 4, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 58}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 64}, {"fields": {"category": "Deployment", "start_month": 12, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 59}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 65}, {"fields": {"category": "Development", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 60}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 66}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 61}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 67}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 62}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 68}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2012, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 63}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 69}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 64}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 70}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 7, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 65}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 71}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 11, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 66}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 72}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 67}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 73}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 68}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 74}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 4, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 69}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 75}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 4, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 70}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 76}, {"fields": {"category": "Database and cache", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 71}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 77}, {"fields": {"category": "Database and cache", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2012, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 72}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 78}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2012, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 73}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 79}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 74}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 80}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 7, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 75}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 81}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2008, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 76}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 82}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 77}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 83}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 78}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 84}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2008, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 79}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 85}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 80}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 86}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 81}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 87}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 82}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 88}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 12, "start_year": 2009, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 83}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 89}, {"fields": {"category": "Database and cache", "start_month": 10, "start_year": 2009, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 84}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 90}, {"fields": {"category": "Database and cache", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 85}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 91}, {"fields": {"category": "Database and cache", "start_month": 8, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 86}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 92}, {"fields": {"category": "Database and cache", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 87}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 93}, {"fields": {"category": "Database and cache", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 88}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 94}, {"fields": {"category": "Deployment", "start_month": 6, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 89}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 95}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 90}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 96}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2011, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 91}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 97}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 92}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 98}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2012, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 93}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 99}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 94}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 100}, {"fields": {"category": "Frontend development", "start_month": 12, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 95}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 101}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 96}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 102}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 97}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 103}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 98}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 104}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 0, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 99}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 105}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2010, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 100}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 106}, {"fields": {"category": "Web development", "start_month": 1, "start_year": 2014, "weight": 1, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 101}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 107}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2010, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 102}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 108}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 5, "start_year": 2012, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 103}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 109}, {"fields": {"category": "System administration", "start_month": 4, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 104}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 110}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 3, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 2, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 105}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 111}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 106}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 112}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 107}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 113}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 109}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 114}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 111}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 115}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 112}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 116}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 113}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 117}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 114}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 118}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 115}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 119}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 116}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 120}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 117}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 121}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 118}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 122}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 119}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 123}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 0, "level": "E", "resume": 1, "skill": 120}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 124}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 121}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 125}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 9, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "A", "resume": 1, "skill": 122}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 126}, {"fields": {"category": "Test and continious integration", "start_month": 2, "start_year": 2015, "weight": 1, "level": "B", "resume": 1, "skill": 123}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 127}, {"fields": {"category": "Cloud computing", "start_month": 4, "start_year": 2013, "weight": 1, "level": "S", "resume": 1, "skill": 124}, "model": "curriculum.skillitem", "pk": 128}, {"fields": {"school": "INEAD", "description": "Object-oriented programming with Java and Python\r\nLinux system and network administration\r\nRelational database management system with Oracle and MySQL", "degree": "Bachelor", "resume": 1, "month": 2, "topic": "Computer sciences", "result": "", "year": 2013}, "model": "curriculum.training", "pk": 1}, {"fields": {"school": "Akor", "description": "Linux system administration\r\nRelational algebra and SQL\r\nAlgorithmics and PHP programming\r\nShell scripting", "degree": "Higher technician certificate", "resume": 1, "month": 6, "topic": "System and network", "result": "", "year": 2011}, "model": "curriculum.training", "pk": 2}, {"fields": {"school": "Jacques Pr\u00e9vert", "description": "TCP/IP stack and OSI model\r\nCisco switches and routers management\r\nLinux system and network administration\r\nWindows Server administration\r\nVirtual networks (VPN, VLAN)", "degree": "Professional baccalaureate", "resume": 1, "month": 6, "topic": "System and network", "result": "", "year": 2009}, "model": "curriculum.training", "pk": 3}, {"fields": {"school": "La Fayette", "description": "Analog and digital electronic\r\nProgramming on 68HC11", "degree": "Patent of professional Studies", "resume": 1, "month": 6, "topic": "Electronic sciences", "result": "", "year": 2007}, "model": "curriculum.training", "pk": 4}]