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# Changes of js-cleanup

## \[1.2.1] - 2022-02-02

### Added

- [Add @ts-expect-error to TS directives](aMarCruz/js-cleanup#19), thanks to @vostrnad

## \[1.2.0] - 2020-09-22

### Changed

- Fix all the lint errors in src and test.
- Emit correct typings for each bundle.
- Revised npm scripts, using "prepare" instead "prepublish".
- Simplify eslintrc using [eslint-config-standardize]( + [eslint-plugin-prettierx](
- Simplify tsconfig.json.
- Sync CI configuration with new NodeJS requirements.
- Require NodeJS 10.14.2 or 12.0 and above.
- Update dependencies / devDependencies.

## \[1.0.1] - 2019-01-18

### Added

- Codacy test and badge.

### Changed

- Use instead for badges.
- Update year of license.
- Update dependencies.

### Fixed

- Linting issues.
- Issue with ES6 TL reported in rollup-plugin-cleanup #15 by @stotter

## \[1.0.0] - 2018-12-26

### Added

- The `ts3s` filter for TypeScript [Tripe-Slash]( directives.

### Fixed

- wrong definition of the `file` parameter.
- errors in the Readme.
- links to js-cleanup in package.json

## \[0.9.0] - 2018-12-26

- Initial Release.
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