
Test Coverage
## Contributing ##

While not required to contribute, we recommend [RVM]( to manage your rubies.

1. Read the [Contributor Code of Conduct](
2. [Fork]( the [repository](
3. Clone the project `git clone[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME]/aasm.git`
4. `cd aasm`
5. Create your feature branch `git checkout -b my-new-feature`
6. Write tests for your changes (feature/bug)
7. Write your (feature/bugfix)
8. Install the dependencies `appraisal install`
9. Run the tests `appraisal rspec`
10. Commit your changes `git commit -am 'Added some feature'`
11. Push to the branch `git push origin my-new-feature`
12. Create a new [Pull Request](

There are some option dependencies as well.

- [MongoDB server](
- [Redis](
- [DynamoDB (local)](

If we've missed something please open an [issue](