<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Abbadon1334\ATKFastRoute\Route; use Abbadon1334\ATKFastRoute\Handler\Contracts\iOnRoute;use Abbadon1334\ATKFastRoute\Handler\RoutedCallable;use Abbadon1334\ATKFastRoute\Handler\RoutedMethod;use Abbadon1334\ATKFastRoute\Handler\RoutedServeStatic;use Abbadon1334\ATKFastRoute\Handler\RoutedUI;use Atk4\Core\Exception;use Atk4\Core\Factory;use Atk4\Ui\JsExpressionable; class Route implements iRoute{ /** * @var array|null */ protected $methods; /** * @var string */ protected $route; /** * @var iOnRoute|null */ protected $handler; /** * Route constructor. */ public function __construct(string $route, array $methods = null, iOnRoute $handler = null) { $this->methods = $methods ?? []; $this->route = $route; $this->handler = $handler; } public static function fromArray(array $route): iRoute { /** @var iRoute $iroute */ $iroute = Factory::factory( [ static::class, ], [ $route[0], $route[1], self::getHandlerFromArray( $route[2], $route[3] ?? null, $route[4] ?? null, ), ] ); return $iroute; } Method `getHandlerFromArray` has 28 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `getHandlerFromArray` has a Cognitive Complexity of 9 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. private static function getHandlerFromArray(array $handler_array, ?callable $callbackOnBefore, ?callable $callbackOnAfter): iOnRoute { $handler = null; $first_element = $handler_array[0]; $second_element = $handler_array[1] ?? null; switch (true) { case is_callable($first_element): $handler = Factory::factory([RoutedCallable::class], [$first_element]); break; case is_string($first_element) && is_string($second_element): $handler = Factory::factory([RoutedMethod::class], $handler_array); break; case is_a($first_element, RoutedServeStatic::class, true): $handler = Factory::factory([RoutedServeStatic::class], $second_element); break; case is_a($first_element, jsExpressionable::class, true): $handler = Factory::factory([RoutedUI::class], $handler_array); break; } if ($handler === null) { throw (new Exception('Error Transforming Route to Array')) ->addMoreInfo('array', $handler_array); } if ($callbackOnBefore !== null) { $handler->setBeforeRoute($callbackOnBefore); } if ($callbackOnAfter !== null) { $handler->setAfterRoute($callbackOnAfter); } return $handler; } public function getMethods(): array { return $this->methods; } public function getRoute(): string { return $this->route; } public function getHandler(): iOnRoute { return $this->handler; } public function addMethod(string ...$method): iRoute { $this->methods = $method; return $this; } public function setHandler(iOnRoute $routeHandler): void { $this->handler = $routeHandler; } public function toArray(): array { return [ $this->getMethods(), $this->getRoute(), $this->getHandler() /* ->toArray() */, ]; }}