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!function (t) {
    t.color = {}, t.color.make = function (i, e, o, n) {
        var a = {};
        return a.r = i || 0, a.g = e || 0, a.b = o || 0, a.a = null != n ? n : 1, a.add = function (t, i) {
            for (var e = 0; e < t.length; ++e)a[t.charAt(e)] += i;
            return a.normalize()
        }, a.scale = function (t, i) {
            for (var e = 0; e < t.length; ++e)a[t.charAt(e)] *= i;
            return a.normalize()
        }, a.toString = function () {
            return a.a >= 1 ? "rgb(" + [a.r, a.g, a.b].join(",") + ")" : "rgba(" + [a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a].join(",") + ")"
        }, a.normalize = function () {
            function t(t, i, e) {
                return t > i ? t : i > e ? e : i

            return a.r = t(0, parseInt(a.r), 255), a.g = t(0, parseInt(a.g), 255), a.b = t(0, parseInt(a.b), 255), a.a = t(0, a.a, 1), a
        }, a.clone = function () {
            return t.color.make(a.r, a.b, a.g, a.a)
        }, a.normalize()
    }, t.color.extract = function (i, e) {
        var o;
        do {
            if (o = i.css(e).toLowerCase(), "" != o && "transparent" != o)break;
            i = i.parent()
        } while (i.length && !t.nodeName(i.get(0), "body"));
        return "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" == o && (o = "transparent"), t.color.parse(o)
    }, t.color.parse = function (e) {
        var o, n = t.color.make;
        if (o = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(e))return n(parseInt(o[1], 10), parseInt(o[2], 10), parseInt(o[3], 10));
        if (o = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(e))return n(parseInt(o[1], 10), parseInt(o[2], 10), parseInt(o[3], 10), parseFloat(o[4]));
        if (o = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(e))return n(2.55 * parseFloat(o[1]), 2.55 * parseFloat(o[2]), 2.55 * parseFloat(o[3]));
        if (o = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(e))return n(2.55 * parseFloat(o[1]), 2.55 * parseFloat(o[2]), 2.55 * parseFloat(o[3]), parseFloat(o[4]));
        if (o = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(e))return n(parseInt(o[1], 16), parseInt(o[2], 16), parseInt(o[3], 16));
        if (o = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(e))return n(parseInt(o[1] + o[1], 16), parseInt(o[2] + o[2], 16), parseInt(o[3] + o[3], 16));
        var a = t.trim(e).toLowerCase();
        return "transparent" == a ? n(255, 255, 255, 0) : (o = i[a] || [0, 0, 0], n(o[0], o[1], o[2]))
    var i = {
        aqua: [0, 255, 255],
        azure: [240, 255, 255],
        beige: [245, 245, 220],
        black: [0, 0, 0],
        blue: [0, 0, 255],
        brown: [165, 42, 42],
        cyan: [0, 255, 255],
        darkblue: [0, 0, 139],
        darkcyan: [0, 139, 139],
        darkgrey: [169, 169, 169],
        darkgreen: [0, 100, 0],
        darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107],
        darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139],
        darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47],
        darkorange: [255, 140, 0],
        darkorchid: [153, 50, 204],
        darkred: [139, 0, 0],
        darksalmon: [233, 150, 122],
        darkviolet: [148, 0, 211],
        fuchsia: [255, 0, 255],
        gold: [255, 215, 0],
        green: [0, 128, 0],
        indigo: [75, 0, 130],
        khaki: [240, 230, 140],
        lightblue: [173, 216, 230],
        lightcyan: [224, 255, 255],
        lightgreen: [144, 238, 144],
        lightgrey: [211, 211, 211],
        lightpink: [255, 182, 193],
        lightyellow: [255, 255, 224],
        lime: [0, 255, 0],
        magenta: [255, 0, 255],
        maroon: [128, 0, 0],
        navy: [0, 0, 128],
        olive: [128, 128, 0],
        orange: [255, 165, 0],
        pink: [255, 192, 203],
        purple: [128, 0, 128],
        violet: [128, 0, 128],
        red: [255, 0, 0],
        silver: [192, 192, 192],
        white: [255, 255, 255],
        yellow: [255, 255, 0]
}(jQuery), function (t) {
    function i(i, e) {
        var o = e.children("." + i)[0];
        if (null == o && (o = document.createElement("canvas"), o.className = i, t(o).css({
                direction: "ltr",
                position: "absolute",
                left: 0,
                top: 0
            }).appendTo(e), !o.getContext)) {
            if (!window.G_vmlCanvasManager)throw new Error("Canvas is not available. If you're using IE with a fall-back such as Excanvas, then there's either a mistake in your conditional include, or the page has no DOCTYPE and is rendering in Quirks Mode.");
            o = window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(o)
        this.element = o;
        var n = this.context = o.getContext("2d"), a = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, r = n.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || n.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || n.msBackingStorePixelRatio || n.oBackingStorePixelRatio || n.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
        this.pixelRatio = a / r, this.resize(e.width(), e.height()), this.textContainer = null, this.text = {}, this._textCache = {}

    function e(e, n, a, r) {
        function l(t, i) {
            i = [xi].concat(i);
            for (var e = 0; e < t.length; ++e)t[e].apply(this, i)

        function s() {
            for (var e = {Canvas: i}, o = 0; o < r.length; ++o) {
                var n = r[o];
                n.init(xi, e), n.options && t.extend(!0, ni, n.options)

        function c(i) {
            t.extend(!0, ni, i), i && i.colors && (ni.colors = i.colors), null == ni.xaxis.color && (ni.xaxis.color = t.color.parse(ni.grid.color).scale("a", .22).toString()), null == ni.yaxis.color && (ni.yaxis.color = t.color.parse(ni.grid.color).scale("a", .22).toString()), null == ni.xaxis.tickColor && (ni.xaxis.tickColor = ni.grid.tickColor || ni.xaxis.color), null == ni.yaxis.tickColor && (ni.yaxis.tickColor = ni.grid.tickColor || ni.yaxis.color), null == ni.grid.borderColor && (ni.grid.borderColor = ni.grid.color), null == ni.grid.tickColor && (ni.grid.tickColor = t.color.parse(ni.grid.color).scale("a", .22).toString());
            var o, n, a, r = e.css("font-size"), s = r ? +r.replace("px", "") : 13, c = {
                style: e.css("font-style"),
                size: Math.round(.8 * s),
                variant: e.css("font-variant"),
                weight: e.css("font-weight"),
                family: e.css("font-family")
            for (a = ni.xaxes.length || 1, o = 0; a > o; ++o)n = ni.xaxes[o], n && !n.tickColor && (n.tickColor = n.color), n = t.extend(!0, {}, ni.xaxis, n), ni.xaxes[o] = n, n.font && (n.font = t.extend({}, c, n.font), n.font.color || (n.font.color = n.color), n.font.lineHeight || (n.font.lineHeight = Math.round(1.15 * n.font.size)));
            for (a = ni.yaxes.length || 1, o = 0; a > o; ++o)n = ni.yaxes[o], n && !n.tickColor && (n.tickColor = n.color), n = t.extend(!0, {}, ni.yaxis, n), ni.yaxes[o] = n, n.font && (n.font = t.extend({}, c, n.font), n.font.color || (n.font.color = n.color), n.font.lineHeight || (n.font.lineHeight = Math.round(1.15 * n.font.size)));
            for (ni.xaxis.noTicks && null == ni.xaxis.ticks && (ni.xaxis.ticks = ni.xaxis.noTicks), ni.yaxis.noTicks && null == ni.yaxis.ticks && (ni.yaxis.ticks = ni.yaxis.noTicks), ni.x2axis && (ni.xaxes[1] = t.extend(!0, {}, ni.xaxis, ni.x2axis), ni.xaxes[1].position = "top", null == ni.x2axis.min && (ni.xaxes[1].min = null), null == ni.x2axis.max && (ni.xaxes[1].max = null)), ni.y2axis && (ni.yaxes[1] = t.extend(!0, {}, ni.yaxis, ni.y2axis), ni.yaxes[1].position = "right", null == ni.y2axis.min && (ni.yaxes[1].min = null), null == ni.y2axis.max && (ni.yaxes[1].max = null)), ni.grid.coloredAreas && (ni.grid.markings = ni.grid.coloredAreas), ni.grid.coloredAreasColor && (ni.grid.markingsColor = ni.grid.coloredAreasColor), ni.lines && t.extend(!0, ni.series.lines, ni.lines), ni.points && t.extend(!0, ni.series.points, ni.points), ni.bars && t.extend(!0, ni.series.bars, ni.bars), null != ni.shadowSize && (ni.series.shadowSize = ni.shadowSize), null != ni.highlightColor && (ni.series.highlightColor = ni.highlightColor), o = 0; o < ni.xaxes.length; ++o)x(hi, o + 1).options = ni.xaxes[o];
            for (o = 0; o < ni.yaxes.length; ++o)x(fi, o + 1).options = ni.yaxes[o];
            for (var h in mi)ni.hooks[h] && ni.hooks[h].length && (mi[h] = mi[h].concat(ni.hooks[h]));
            l(mi.processOptions, [ni])

        function h(t) {
            oi = f(t), g(), b()

        function f(i) {
            for (var e = [], o = 0; o < i.length; ++o) {
                var n = t.extend(!0, {}, ni.series);
                null != i[o].data ? (n.data = i[o].data, delete i[o].data, t.extend(!0, n, i[o]), i[o].data = n.data) : n.data = i[o], e.push(n)
            return e

        function u(t, i) {
            var e = t[i + "axis"];
            return "object" == typeof e && (e = e.n), "number" != typeof e && (e = 1), e

        function d() {
            return t.grep(hi.concat(fi), function (t) {
                return t

        function p(t) {
            var i, e, o = {};
            for (i = 0; i < hi.length; ++i)e = hi[i], e && e.used && (o["x" + e.n] = e.c2p(t.left));
            for (i = 0; i < fi.length; ++i)e = fi[i], e && e.used && (o["y" + e.n] = e.c2p(t.top));
            return void 0 !== o.x1 && (o.x = o.x1), void 0 !== o.y1 && (o.y = o.y1), o

        function m(t) {
            var i, e, o, n = {};
            for (i = 0; i < hi.length; ++i)if (e = hi[i], e && e.used && (o = "x" + e.n, null == t[o] && 1 == e.n && (o = "x"), null != t[o])) {
                n.left = e.p2c(t[o]);
            for (i = 0; i < fi.length; ++i)if (e = fi[i], e && e.used && (o = "y" + e.n, null == t[o] && 1 == e.n && (o = "y"), null != t[o])) {
                n.top = e.p2c(t[o]);
            return n

        function x(i, e) {
            return i[e - 1] || (i[e - 1] = {
                n: e,
                direction: i == hi ? "x" : "y",
                options: t.extend(!0, {}, i == hi ? ni.xaxis : ni.yaxis)
            }), i[e - 1]

        function g() {
            var i, e = oi.length, o = -1;
            for (i = 0; i < oi.length; ++i) {
                var n = oi[i].color;
                null != n && (e--, "number" == typeof n && n > o && (o = n))
            o >= e && (e = o + 1);
            var a, r = [], l = ni.colors, s = l.length, c = 0;
            for (i = 0; e > i; i++)a = t.color.parse(l[i % s] || "#666"), i % s == 0 && i && (c = c >= 0 ? .5 > c ? -c - .2 : 0 : -c), r[i] = a.scale("rgb", 1 + c);
            var h, f = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < oi.length; ++i) {
                if (h = oi[i], null == h.color ? (h.color = r[f].toString(), ++f) : "number" == typeof h.color && (h.color = r[h.color].toString()), null == h.lines.show) {
                    var d, p = !0;
                    for (d in h)if (h[d] && h[d].show) {
                        p = !1;
                    p && (h.lines.show = !0)
                null == h.lines.zero && (h.lines.zero = !!h.lines.fill), h.xaxis = x(hi, u(h, "x")), h.yaxis = x(fi, u(h, "y"))

        function b() {
            function i(t, i, e) {
                i < t.datamin && i != -b && (t.datamin = i), e > t.datamax && e != b && (t.datamax = e)

            var e, o, n, a, r, s, c, h, f, u, p, m, x = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, g = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, b = Number.MAX_VALUE;
            for (t.each(d(), function (t, i) {
                i.datamin = x, i.datamax = g, i.used = !1
            }), e = 0; e < oi.length; ++e)r = oi[e], r.datapoints = {points: []}, l(mi.processRawData, [r, r.data, r.datapoints]);
            for (e = 0; e < oi.length; ++e) {
                if (r = oi[e], p = r.data, m = r.datapoints.format, !m) {
                    if (m = [], m.push({x: !0, number: !0, required: !0}), m.push({
                            y: !0,
                            number: !0,
                            required: !0
                        }), r.bars.show || r.lines.show && r.lines.fill) {
                        var v = !!(r.bars.show && r.bars.zero || r.lines.show && r.lines.zero);
                            y: !0,
                            number: !0,
                            required: !1,
                            defaultValue: 0,
                            autoscale: v
                        }), r.bars.horizontal && (delete m[m.length - 1].y, m[m.length - 1].x = !0)
                    r.datapoints.format = m
                if (null == r.datapoints.pointsize) {
                    r.datapoints.pointsize = m.length, c = r.datapoints.pointsize, s = r.datapoints.points;
                    var k = r.lines.show && r.lines.steps;
                    for (r.xaxis.used = r.yaxis.used = !0, o = n = 0; o < p.length; ++o, n += c) {
                        u = p[o];
                        var y = null == u;
                        if (!y)for (a = 0; c > a; ++a)h = u[a], f = m[a], f && (f.number && null != h && (h = +h, isNaN(h) ? h = null : 1 / 0 == h ? h = b : h == -1 / 0 && (h = -b)), null == h && (f.required && (y = !0), null != f.defaultValue && (h = f.defaultValue))), s[n + a] = h;
                        if (y)for (a = 0; c > a; ++a)h = s[n + a], null != h && (f = m[a], f.autoscale !== !1 && (f.x && i(r.xaxis, h, h), f.y && i(r.yaxis, h, h))), s[n + a] = null; else if (k && n > 0 && null != s[n - c] && s[n - c] != s[n] && s[n - c + 1] != s[n + 1]) {
                            for (a = 0; c > a; ++a)s[n + c + a] = s[n + a];
                            s[n + 1] = s[n - c + 1], n += c
            for (e = 0; e < oi.length; ++e)r = oi[e], l(mi.processDatapoints, [r, r.datapoints]);
            for (e = 0; e < oi.length; ++e) {
                r = oi[e], s = r.datapoints.points, c = r.datapoints.pointsize, m = r.datapoints.format;
                var w = x, M = x, T = g, C = g;
                for (o = 0; o < s.length; o += c)if (null != s[o])for (a = 0; c > a; ++a)h = s[o + a], f = m[a], f && f.autoscale !== !1 && h != b && h != -b && (f.x && (w > h && (w = h), h > T && (T = h)), f.y && (M > h && (M = h), h > C && (C = h)));
                if (r.bars.show) {
                    var S;
                    switch (r.bars.align) {
                            S = 0;
                            S = -r.bars.barWidth;
                            S = -r.bars.barWidth / 2
                    r.bars.horizontal ? (M += S, C += S + r.bars.barWidth) : (w += S, T += S + r.bars.barWidth)
                i(r.xaxis, w, T), i(r.yaxis, M, C)
            t.each(d(), function (t, i) {
                i.datamin == x && (i.datamin = null), i.datamax == g && (i.datamax = null)

        function v() {
            e.css("padding", 0).children().filter(function () {
                return !t(this).hasClass("flot-overlay") && !t(this).hasClass("flot-base")
            }).remove(), "static" == e.css("position") && e.css("position", "relative"), ai = new i("flot-base", e), ri = new i("flot-overlay", e), si = ai.context, ci = ri.context, li = t(ri.element).unbind();
            var o = e.data("plot");
            o && (o.shutdown(), ri.clear()), e.data("plot", xi)

        function k() {
            ni.grid.hoverable && (li.mousemove(X), li.bind("mouseleave", Y)), ni.grid.clickable && li.click(q), l(mi.bindEvents, [li])

        function y() {
            bi && clearTimeout(bi), li.unbind("mousemove", X), li.unbind("mouseleave", Y), li.unbind("click", q), l(mi.shutdown, [li])

        function w(t) {
            function i(t) {
                return t

            var e, o, n = t.options.transform || i, a = t.options.inverseTransform;
            "x" == t.direction ? (e = t.scale = di / Math.abs(n(t.max) - n(t.min)), o = Math.min(n(t.max), n(t.min))) : (e = t.scale = pi / Math.abs(n(t.max) - n(t.min)), e = -e, o = Math.max(n(t.max), n(t.min))), t.p2c = n == i ? function (t) {
                return (t - o) * e
            } : function (t) {
                return (n(t) - o) * e
            }, t.c2p = a ? function (t) {
                return a(o + t / e)
            } : function (t) {
                return o + t / e

        function M(t) {
            for (var i = t.options, e = t.ticks || [], o = i.labelWidth || 0, n = i.labelHeight || 0, a = o || ("x" == t.direction ? Math.floor(ai.width / (e.length || 1)) : null), r = t.direction + "Axis " + t.direction + t.n + "Axis", l = "flot-" + t.direction + "-axis flot-" + t.direction + t.n + "-axis " + r, s = i.font || "flot-tick-label tickLabel", c = 0; c < e.length; ++c) {
                var h = e[c];
                if (h.label) {
                    var f = ai.getTextInfo(l, h.label, s, null, a);
                    o = Math.max(o, f.width), n = Math.max(n, f.height)
            t.labelWidth = i.labelWidth || o, t.labelHeight = i.labelHeight || n

        function T(i) {
            var e = i.labelWidth, o = i.labelHeight, n = i.options.position, a = "x" === i.direction, r = i.options.tickLength, l = ni.grid.axisMargin, s = ni.grid.labelMargin, c = !0, h = !0, f = !0, u = !1;
            t.each(a ? hi : fi, function (t, e) {
                e && (e.show || e.reserveSpace) && (e === i ? u = !0 : e.options.position === n && (u ? h = !1 : c = !1), u || (f = !1))
            }), h && (l = 0), null == r && (r = f ? "full" : 5), isNaN(+r) || (s += +r), a ? (o += s, "bottom" == n ? (ui.bottom += o + l, i.box = {
                top: ai.height - ui.bottom,
                height: o
            }) : (i.box = {
                top: ui.top + l,
                height: o
            }, ui.top += o + l)) : (e += s, "left" == n ? (i.box = {
                left: ui.left + l,
                width: e
            }, ui.left += e + l) : (ui.right += e + l, i.box = {
                left: ai.width - ui.right,
                width: e
            })), i.position = n, i.tickLength = r, i.box.padding = s, i.innermost = c

        function C(t) {
            "x" == t.direction ? (t.box.left = ui.left - t.labelWidth / 2, t.box.width = ai.width - ui.left - ui.right + t.labelWidth) : (t.box.top = ui.top - t.labelHeight / 2, t.box.height = ai.height - ui.bottom - ui.top + t.labelHeight)

        function S() {
            var i, e = ni.grid.minBorderMargin;
            if (null == e)for (e = 0, i = 0; i < oi.length; ++i)e = Math.max(e, 2 * (oi[i].points.radius + oi[i].points.lineWidth / 2));
            var o = {left: e, right: e, top: e, bottom: e};
            t.each(d(), function (t, i) {
                i.reserveSpace && i.ticks && i.ticks.length && ("x" === i.direction ? (o.left = Math.max(o.left, i.labelWidth / 2), o.right = Math.max(o.right, i.labelWidth / 2)) : (o.bottom = Math.max(o.bottom, i.labelHeight / 2), o.top = Math.max(o.top, i.labelHeight / 2)))
            }), ui.left = Math.ceil(Math.max(o.left, ui.left)), ui.right = Math.ceil(Math.max(o.right, ui.right)), ui.top = Math.ceil(Math.max(o.top, ui.top)), ui.bottom = Math.ceil(Math.max(o.bottom, ui.bottom))

        function W() {
            var i, e = d(), o = ni.grid.show;
            for (var n in ui) {
                var a = ni.grid.margin || 0;
                ui[n] = "number" == typeof a ? a : a[n] || 0
            l(mi.processOffset, [ui]);
            for (var n in ui)ui[n] += "object" == typeof ni.grid.borderWidth ? o ? ni.grid.borderWidth[n] : 0 : o ? ni.grid.borderWidth : 0;
            if (t.each(e, function (t, i) {
                    var e = i.options;
                    i.show = null == e.show ? i.used : e.show, i.reserveSpace = null == e.reserveSpace ? i.show : e.reserveSpace, z(i)
                }), o) {
                var r = t.grep(e, function (t) {
                    return t.show || t.reserveSpace
                for (t.each(r, function (t, i) {
                    I(i), A(i), F(i, i.ticks), M(i)
                }), i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)T(r[i]);
                S(), t.each(r, function (t, i) {
            di = ai.width - ui.left - ui.right, pi = ai.height - ui.bottom - ui.top, t.each(e, function (t, i) {
            }), o && O(), _()

        function z(t) {
            var i = t.options, e = +(null != i.min ? i.min : t.datamin), o = +(null != i.max ? i.max : t.datamax), n = o - e;
            if (0 == n) {
                var a = 0 == o ? 1 : .01;
                null == i.min && (e -= a), (null == i.max || null != i.min) && (o += a)
            } else {
                var r = i.autoscaleMargin;
                null != r && (null == i.min && (e -= n * r, 0 > e && null != t.datamin && t.datamin >= 0 && (e = 0)), null == i.max && (o += n * r, o > 0 && null != t.datamax && t.datamax <= 0 && (o = 0)))
            t.min = e, t.max = o

        function I(i) {
            var e, n = i.options;
            e = "number" == typeof n.ticks && n.ticks > 0 ? n.ticks : .3 * Math.sqrt("x" == i.direction ? ai.width : ai.height);
            var a = (i.max - i.min) / e, r = -Math.floor(Math.log(a) / Math.LN10), l = n.tickDecimals;
            null != l && r > l && (r = l);
            var s, c = Math.pow(10, -r), h = a / c;
            if (1.5 > h ? s = 1 : 3 > h ? (s = 2, h > 2.25 && (null == l || l >= r + 1) && (s = 2.5, ++r)) : s = 7.5 > h ? 5 : 10, s *= c, null != n.minTickSize && s < n.minTickSize && (s = n.minTickSize), i.delta = a, i.tickDecimals = Math.max(0, null != l ? l : r), i.tickSize = n.tickSize || s, "time" == n.mode && !i.tickGenerator)throw new Error("Time mode requires the flot.time plugin.");
            if (i.tickGenerator || (i.tickGenerator = function (t) {
                    var i, e = [], n = o(t.min, t.tickSize), a = 0, r = Number.NaN;
                    do i = r, r = n + a * t.tickSize, e.push(r), ++a; while (r < t.max && r != i);
                    return e
                }, i.tickFormatter = function (t, i) {
                    var e = i.tickDecimals ? Math.pow(10, i.tickDecimals) : 1, o = "" + Math.round(t * e) / e;
                    if (null != i.tickDecimals) {
                        var n = o.indexOf("."), a = -1 == n ? 0 : o.length - n - 1;
                        if (a < i.tickDecimals)return (a ? o : o + ".") + ("" + e).substr(1, i.tickDecimals - a)
                    return o
                }), t.isFunction(n.tickFormatter) && (i.tickFormatter = function (t, i) {
                    return "" + n.tickFormatter(t, i)
                }), null != n.alignTicksWithAxis) {
                var f = ("x" == i.direction ? hi : fi)[n.alignTicksWithAxis - 1];
                if (f && f.used && f != i) {
                    var u = i.tickGenerator(i);
                    if (u.length > 0 && (null == n.min && (i.min = Math.min(i.min, u[0])), null == n.max && u.length > 1 && (i.max = Math.max(i.max, u[u.length - 1]))), i.tickGenerator = function (t) {
                            var i, e, o = [];
                            for (e = 0; e < f.ticks.length; ++e)i = (f.ticks[e].v - f.min) / (f.max - f.min), i = t.min + i * (t.max - t.min), o.push(i);
                            return o
                        }, !i.mode && null == n.tickDecimals) {
                        var d = Math.max(0, -Math.floor(Math.log(i.delta) / Math.LN10) + 1), p = i.tickGenerator(i);
                        p.length > 1 && /\..*0$/.test((p[1] - p[0]).toFixed(d)) || (i.tickDecimals = d)

        function A(i) {
            var e = i.options.ticks, o = [];
            null == e || "number" == typeof e && e > 0 ? o = i.tickGenerator(i) : e && (o = t.isFunction(e) ? e(i) : e);
            var n, a;
            for (i.ticks = [], n = 0; n < o.length; ++n) {
                var r = null, l = o[n];
                "object" == typeof l ? (a = +l[0], l.length > 1 && (r = l[1])) : a = +l, null == r && (r = i.tickFormatter(a, i)), isNaN(a) || i.ticks.push({
                    v: a,
                    label: r

        function F(t, i) {
            t.options.autoscaleMargin && i.length > 0 && (null == t.options.min && (t.min = Math.min(t.min, i[0].v)), null == t.options.max && i.length > 1 && (t.max = Math.max(t.max, i[i.length - 1].v)))

        function P() {
            ai.clear(), l(mi.drawBackground, [si]);
            var t = ni.grid;
            t.show && t.backgroundColor && D(), t.show && !t.aboveData && L();
            for (var i = 0; i < oi.length; ++i)l(mi.drawSeries, [si, oi[i]]), R(oi[i]);
            l(mi.draw, [si]), t.show && t.aboveData && L(), ai.render(), U()

        function N(t, i) {
            for (var e, o, n, a, r = d(), l = 0; l < r.length; ++l)if (e = r[l], e.direction == i && (a = i + e.n + "axis", t[a] || 1 != e.n || (a = i + "axis"), t[a])) {
                o = t[a].from, n = t[a].to;
            if (t[a] || (e = "x" == i ? hi[0] : fi[0], o = t[i + "1"], n = t[i + "2"]), null != o && null != n && o > n) {
                var s = o;
                o = n, n = s
            return {from: o, to: n, axis: e}

        function D() {
            si.save(), si.translate(ui.left, ui.top), si.fillStyle = ei(ni.grid.backgroundColor, pi, 0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"), si.fillRect(0, 0, di, pi), si.restore()

        function L() {
            var i, e, o, n;
            si.save(), si.translate(ui.left, ui.top);
            var a = ni.grid.markings;
            if (a)for (t.isFunction(a) && (e = xi.getAxes(), e.xmin = e.xaxis.min, e.xmax = e.xaxis.max, e.ymin = e.yaxis.min, e.ymax = e.yaxis.max, a = a(e)), i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
                var r = a[i], l = N(r, "x"), s = N(r, "y");
                if (null == l.from && (l.from = l.axis.min), null == l.to && (l.to = l.axis.max), null == s.from && (s.from = s.axis.min), null == s.to && (s.to = s.axis.max), !(l.to < l.axis.min || l.from > l.axis.max || s.to < s.axis.min || s.from > s.axis.max)) {
                    l.from = Math.max(l.from, l.axis.min), l.to = Math.min(l.to, l.axis.max), s.from = Math.max(s.from, s.axis.min), s.to = Math.min(s.to, s.axis.max);
                    var c = l.from === l.to, h = s.from === s.to;
                    if (!c || !h)if (l.from = Math.floor(l.axis.p2c(l.from)), l.to = Math.floor(l.axis.p2c(l.to)), s.from = Math.floor(s.axis.p2c(s.from)), s.to = Math.floor(s.axis.p2c(s.to)), c || h) {
                        var f = r.lineWidth || ni.grid.markingsLineWidth, u = f % 2 ? .5 : 0;
                        si.beginPath(), si.strokeStyle = r.color || ni.grid.markingsColor, si.lineWidth = f, c ? (si.moveTo(l.to + u, s.from), si.lineTo(l.to + u, s.to)) : (si.moveTo(l.from, s.to + u), si.lineTo(l.to, s.to + u)), si.stroke()
                    } else si.fillStyle = r.color || ni.grid.markingsColor, si.fillRect(l.from, s.to, l.to - l.from, s.from - s.to)
            e = d(), o = ni.grid.borderWidth;
            for (var p = 0; p < e.length; ++p) {
                var m, x, g, b, v = e[p], k = v.box, y = v.tickLength;
                if (v.show && 0 != v.ticks.length) {
                    for (si.lineWidth = 1, "x" == v.direction ? (m = 0, x = "full" == y ? "top" == v.position ? 0 : pi : k.top - ui.top + ("top" == v.position ? k.height : 0)) : (x = 0, m = "full" == y ? "left" == v.position ? 0 : di : k.left - ui.left + ("left" == v.position ? k.width : 0)), v.innermost || (si.strokeStyle = v.options.color, si.beginPath(), g = b = 0, "x" == v.direction ? g = di + 1 : b = pi + 1, 1 == si.lineWidth && ("x" == v.direction ? x = Math.floor(x) + .5 : m = Math.floor(m) + .5), si.moveTo(m, x), si.lineTo(m + g, x + b), si.stroke()), si.strokeStyle = v.options.tickColor, si.beginPath(), i = 0; i < v.ticks.length; ++i) {
                        var w = v.ticks[i].v;
                        g = b = 0, isNaN(w) || w < v.min || w > v.max || "full" == y && ("object" == typeof o && o[v.position] > 0 || o > 0) && (w == v.min || w == v.max) || ("x" == v.direction ? (m = v.p2c(w), b = "full" == y ? -pi : y, "top" == v.position && (b = -b)) : (x = v.p2c(w), g = "full" == y ? -di : y, "left" == v.position && (g = -g)), 1 == si.lineWidth && ("x" == v.direction ? m = Math.floor(m) + .5 : x = Math.floor(x) + .5), si.moveTo(m, x), si.lineTo(m + g, x + b))
            o && (n = ni.grid.borderColor, "object" == typeof o || "object" == typeof n ? ("object" != typeof o && (o = {
                top: o,
                right: o,
                bottom: o,
                left: o
            }), "object" != typeof n && (n = {
                top: n,
                right: n,
                bottom: n,
                left: n
            }), o.top > 0 && (si.strokeStyle = n.top, si.lineWidth = o.top, si.beginPath(), si.moveTo(0 - o.left, 0 - o.top / 2), si.lineTo(di, 0 - o.top / 2), si.stroke()), o.right > 0 && (si.strokeStyle = n.right, si.lineWidth = o.right, si.beginPath(), si.moveTo(di + o.right / 2, 0 - o.top), si.lineTo(di + o.right / 2, pi), si.stroke()), o.bottom > 0 && (si.strokeStyle = n.bottom, si.lineWidth = o.bottom, si.beginPath(), si.moveTo(di + o.right, pi + o.bottom / 2), si.lineTo(0, pi + o.bottom / 2), si.stroke()), o.left > 0 && (si.strokeStyle = n.left, si.lineWidth = o.left, si.beginPath(), si.moveTo(0 - o.left / 2, pi + o.bottom), si.lineTo(0 - o.left / 2, 0), si.stroke())) : (si.lineWidth = o, si.strokeStyle = ni.grid.borderColor, si.strokeRect(-o / 2, -o / 2, di + o, pi + o))), si.restore()

        function O() {
            t.each(d(), function (t, i) {
                var e, o, n, a, r, l = i.box, s = i.direction + "Axis " + i.direction + i.n + "Axis", c = "flot-" + i.direction + "-axis flot-" + i.direction + i.n + "-axis " + s, h = i.options.font || "flot-tick-label tickLabel";
                if (ai.removeText(c), i.show && 0 != i.ticks.length)for (var f = 0; f < i.ticks.length; ++f)e = i.ticks[f], !e.label || e.v < i.min || e.v > i.max || ("x" == i.direction ? (a = "center", o = ui.left + i.p2c(e.v), "bottom" == i.position ? n = l.top + l.padding : (n = l.top + l.height - l.padding, r = "bottom")) : (r = "middle", n = ui.top + i.p2c(e.v), "left" == i.position ? (o = l.left + l.width - l.padding, a = "right") : o = l.left + l.padding), ai.addText(c, o, n, e.label, h, null, null, a, r))

        function R(t) {
            t.lines.show && H(t), t.bars.show && B(t), t.points.show && j(t)

        function H(t) {
            function i(t, i, e, o, n) {
                var a = t.points, r = t.pointsize, l = null, s = null;
                for (var c = r; c < a.length; c += r) {
                    var h = a[c - r], f = a[c - r + 1], u = a[c], d = a[c + 1];
                    if (null != h && null != u) {
                        if (d >= f && f < n.min) {
                            if (d < n.min)continue;
                            h = (n.min - f) / (d - f) * (u - h) + h, f = n.min
                        } else if (f >= d && d < n.min) {
                            if (f < n.min)continue;
                            u = (n.min - f) / (d - f) * (u - h) + h, d = n.min
                        if (f >= d && f > n.max) {
                            if (d > n.max)continue;
                            h = (n.max - f) / (d - f) * (u - h) + h, f = n.max
                        } else if (d >= f && d > n.max) {
                            if (f > n.max)continue;
                            u = (n.max - f) / (d - f) * (u - h) + h, d = n.max
                        if (u >= h && h < o.min) {
                            if (u < o.min)continue;
                            f = (o.min - h) / (u - h) * (d - f) + f, h = o.min
                        } else if (h >= u && u < o.min) {
                            if (h < o.min)continue;
                            d = (o.min - h) / (u - h) * (d - f) + f, u = o.min
                        if (h >= u && h > o.max) {
                            if (u > o.max)continue;
                            f = (o.max - h) / (u - h) * (d - f) + f, h = o.max
                        } else if (u >= h && u > o.max) {
                            if (h > o.max)continue;
                            d = (o.max - h) / (u - h) * (d - f) + f, u = o.max
                        (h != l || f != s) && si.moveTo(o.p2c(h) + i, n.p2c(f) + e), l = u, s = d, si.lineTo(o.p2c(u) + i, n.p2c(d) + e)

            function e(t, i, e) {
                for (var o = t.points, n = t.pointsize, a = Math.min(Math.max(0, e.min), e.max), r = 0, l = !1, s = 1, c = 0, h = 0; ;) {
                    if (n > 0 && r > o.length + n)break;
                    r += n;
                    var f = o[r - n], u = o[r - n + s], d = o[r], p = o[r + s];
                    if (l) {
                        if (n > 0 && null != f && null == d) {
                            h = r, n = -n, s = 2;
                        if (0 > n && r == c + n) {
                            si.fill(), l = !1, n = -n, s = 1, r = c = h + n;
                    if (null != f && null != d) {
                        if (d >= f && f < i.min) {
                            if (d < i.min)continue;
                            u = (i.min - f) / (d - f) * (p - u) + u, f = i.min
                        } else if (f >= d && d < i.min) {
                            if (f < i.min)continue;
                            p = (i.min - f) / (d - f) * (p - u) + u, d = i.min
                        if (f >= d && f > i.max) {
                            if (d > i.max)continue;
                            u = (i.max - f) / (d - f) * (p - u) + u, f = i.max
                        } else if (d >= f && d > i.max) {
                            if (f > i.max)continue;
                            p = (i.max - f) / (d - f) * (p - u) + u, d = i.max
                        if (l || (si.beginPath(), si.moveTo(i.p2c(f), e.p2c(a)), l = !0), u >= e.max && p >= e.max)si.lineTo(i.p2c(f), e.p2c(e.max)), si.lineTo(i.p2c(d), e.p2c(e.max)); else if (u <= e.min && p <= e.min)si.lineTo(i.p2c(f), e.p2c(e.min)), si.lineTo(i.p2c(d), e.p2c(e.min)); else {
                            var m = f, x = d;
                            p >= u && u < e.min && p >= e.min ? (f = (e.min - u) / (p - u) * (d - f) + f, u = e.min) : u >= p && p < e.min && u >= e.min && (d = (e.min - u) / (p - u) * (d - f) + f, p = e.min), u >= p && u > e.max && p <= e.max ? (f = (e.max - u) / (p - u) * (d - f) + f, u = e.max) : p >= u && p > e.max && u <= e.max && (d = (e.max - u) / (p - u) * (d - f) + f, p = e.max), f != m && si.lineTo(i.p2c(m), e.p2c(u)), si.lineTo(i.p2c(f), e.p2c(u)), si.lineTo(i.p2c(d), e.p2c(p)), d != x && (si.lineTo(i.p2c(d), e.p2c(p)), si.lineTo(i.p2c(x), e.p2c(p)))

            si.save(), si.translate(ui.left, ui.top), si.lineJoin = "round";
            var o = t.lines.lineWidth, n = t.shadowSize;
            if (o > 0 && n > 0) {
                si.lineWidth = n, si.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
                var a = Math.PI / 18;
                i(t.datapoints, Math.sin(a) * (o / 2 + n / 2), Math.cos(a) * (o / 2 + n / 2), t.xaxis, t.yaxis), si.lineWidth = n / 2, i(t.datapoints, Math.sin(a) * (o / 2 + n / 4), Math.cos(a) * (o / 2 + n / 4), t.xaxis, t.yaxis)
            si.lineWidth = o, si.strokeStyle = t.color;
            var r = G(t.lines, t.color, 0, pi);
            r && (si.fillStyle = r, e(t.datapoints, t.xaxis, t.yaxis)), o > 0 && i(t.datapoints, 0, 0, t.xaxis, t.yaxis), si.restore()

        function j(t) {
            function i(t, i, e, o, n, a, r, l) {
                for (var s = t.points, c = t.pointsize, h = 0; h < s.length; h += c) {
                    var f = s[h], u = s[h + 1];
                    null == f || f < a.min || f > a.max || u < r.min || u > r.max || (si.beginPath(), f = a.p2c(f), u = r.p2c(u) + o, "circle" == l ? si.arc(f, u, i, 0, n ? Math.PI : 2 * Math.PI, !1) : l(si, f, u, i, n), si.closePath(), e && (si.fillStyle = e, si.fill()), si.stroke())

            si.save(), si.translate(ui.left, ui.top);
            var e = t.points.lineWidth, o = t.shadowSize, n = t.points.radius, a = t.points.symbol;
            if (0 == e && (e = 1e-4), e > 0 && o > 0) {
                var r = o / 2;
                si.lineWidth = r, si.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)", i(t.datapoints, n, null, r + r / 2, !0, t.xaxis, t.yaxis, a), si.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)", i(t.datapoints, n, null, r / 2, !0, t.xaxis, t.yaxis, a)
            si.lineWidth = e, si.strokeStyle = t.color, i(t.datapoints, n, G(t.points, t.color), 0, !1, t.xaxis, t.yaxis, a), si.restore()

        function E(t, i, e, o, n, a, r, l, s, c, h) {
            var f, u, d, p, m, x, g, b, v;
            c ? (b = x = g = !0, m = !1, f = e, u = t, p = i + o, d = i + n, f > u && (v = u, u = f, f = v, m = !0, x = !1)) : (m = x = g = !0, b = !1, f = t + o, u = t + n, d = e, p = i, d > p && (v = p, p = d, d = v, b = !0, g = !1)), u < r.min || f > r.max || p < l.min || d > l.max || (f < r.min && (f = r.min, m = !1), u > r.max && (u = r.max, x = !1), d < l.min && (d = l.min, b = !1), p > l.max && (p = l.max, g = !1), f = r.p2c(f), d = l.p2c(d), u = r.p2c(u), p = l.p2c(p), a && (s.fillStyle = a(d, p), s.fillRect(f, p, u - f, d - p)), h > 0 && (m || x || g || b) && (s.beginPath(), s.moveTo(f, d), m ? s.lineTo(f, p) : s.moveTo(f, p), g ? s.lineTo(u, p) : s.moveTo(u, p), x ? s.lineTo(u, d) : s.moveTo(u, d), b ? s.lineTo(f, d) : s.moveTo(f, d), s.stroke()))

        function B(t) {
            function i(i, e, o, n, a, r) {
                for (var l = i.points, s = i.pointsize, c = 0; c < l.length; c += s)null != l[c] && E(l[c], l[c + 1], l[c + 2], e, o, n, a, r, si, t.bars.horizontal, t.bars.lineWidth)

            si.save(), si.translate(ui.left, ui.top), si.lineWidth = t.bars.lineWidth, si.strokeStyle = t.color;
            var e;
            switch (t.bars.align) {
                    e = 0;
                    e = -t.bars.barWidth;
                    e = -t.bars.barWidth / 2
            var o = t.bars.fill ? function (i, e) {
                return G(t.bars, t.color, i, e)
            } : null;
            i(t.datapoints, e, e + t.bars.barWidth, o, t.xaxis, t.yaxis), si.restore()

        function G(i, e, o, n) {
            var a = i.fill;
            if (!a)return null;
            if (i.fillColor)return ei(i.fillColor, o, n, e);
            var r = t.color.parse(e);
            return r.a = "number" == typeof a ? a : .4, r.normalize(), r.toString()

        function _() {
            if (null != ni.legend.container ? t(ni.legend.container).html("") : e.find(".legend").remove(), ni.legend.show) {
                for (var i, o, n = [], a = [], r = !1, l = ni.legend.labelFormatter, s = 0; s < oi.length; ++s)i = oi[s], i.label && (o = l ? l(i.label, i) : i.label, o && a.push({
                    label: o,
                    color: i.color
                if (ni.legend.sorted)if (t.isFunction(ni.legend.sorted))a.sort(ni.legend.sorted); else if ("reverse" == ni.legend.sorted)a.reverse(); else {
                    var c = "descending" != ni.legend.sorted;
                    a.sort(function (t, i) {
                        return t.label == i.label ? 0 : t.label < i.label != c ? 1 : -1
                for (var s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) {
                    var h = a[s];
                    s % ni.legend.noColumns == 0 && (r && n.push("</tr>"), n.push("<tr>"), r = !0), n.push('<td class="legendColorBox"><div style="border:1px solid ' + ni.legend.labelBoxBorderColor + ';padding:1px"><div style="width:4px;height:0;border:5px solid ' + h.color + ';overflow:hidden"></div></div></td><td class="legendLabel">' + h.label + "</td>")
                if (r && n.push("</tr>"), 0 != n.length) {
                    var f = '<table style="font-size:smaller;color:' + ni.grid.color + '">' + n.join("") + "</table>";
                    if (null != ni.legend.container)t(ni.legend.container).html(f); else {
                        var u = "", d = ni.legend.position, p = ni.legend.margin;
                        null == p[0] && (p = [p, p]), "n" == d.charAt(0) ? u += "top:" + (p[1] + ui.top) + "px;" : "s" == d.charAt(0) && (u += "bottom:" + (p[1] + ui.bottom) + "px;"), "e" == d.charAt(1) ? u += "right:" + (p[0] + ui.right) + "px;" : "w" == d.charAt(1) && (u += "left:" + (p[0] + ui.left) + "px;");
                        var m = t('<div class="legend">' + f.replace('style="', 'style="position:absolute;' + u + ";") + "</div>").appendTo(e);
                        if (0 != ni.legend.backgroundOpacity) {
                            var x = ni.legend.backgroundColor;
                            null == x && (x = ni.grid.backgroundColor, x = x && "string" == typeof x ? t.color.parse(x) : t.color.extract(m, "background-color"), x.a = 1, x = x.toString());
                            var g = m.children();
                            t('<div style="position:absolute;width:' + g.width() + "px;height:" + g.height() + "px;" + u + "background-color:" + x + ';"> </div>').prependTo(m).css("opacity", ni.legend.backgroundOpacity)

        function V(t, i, e) {
            var o, n, a, r = ni.grid.mouseActiveRadius, l = r * r + 1, s = null;
            for (o = oi.length - 1; o >= 0; --o)if (e(oi[o])) {
                var c = oi[o], h = c.xaxis, f = c.yaxis, u = c.datapoints.points, d = h.c2p(t), p = f.c2p(i), m = r / h.scale, x = r / f.scale;
                if (a = c.datapoints.pointsize, h.options.inverseTransform && (m = Number.MAX_VALUE), f.options.inverseTransform && (x = Number.MAX_VALUE), c.lines.show || c.points.show)for (n = 0; n < u.length; n += a) {
                    var g = u[n], b = u[n + 1];
                    if (null != g && !(g - d > m || -m > g - d || b - p > x || -x > b - p)) {
                        var v = Math.abs(h.p2c(g) - t), k = Math.abs(f.p2c(b) - i), y = v * v + k * k;
                        l > y && (l = y, s = [o, n / a])
                if (c.bars.show && !s) {
                    var w, M;
                    switch (c.bars.align) {
                            w = 0;
                            w = -c.bars.barWidth;
                            w = -c.bars.barWidth / 2
                    for (M = w + c.bars.barWidth, n = 0; n < u.length; n += a) {
                        var g = u[n], b = u[n + 1], T = u[n + 2];
                        null != g && (oi[o].bars.horizontal ? d <= Math.max(T, g) && d >= Math.min(T, g) && p >= b + w && b + M >= p : d >= g + w && g + M >= d && p >= Math.min(T, b) && p <= Math.max(T, b)) && (s = [o, n / a])
            return s ? (o = s[0], n = s[1], a = oi[o].datapoints.pointsize, {
                datapoint: oi[o].datapoints.points.slice(n * a, (n + 1) * a),
                dataIndex: n,
                series: oi[o],
                seriesIndex: o
            }) : null

        function X(t) {
            ni.grid.hoverable && Q("plothover", t, function (t) {
                return 0 != t.hoverable

        function Y(t) {
            ni.grid.hoverable && Q("plothover", t, function () {
                return !1

        function q(t) {
            Q("plotclick", t, function (t) {
                return 0 != t.clickable

        function Q(t, i, o) {
            var n = li.offset(), a = i.pageX - n.left - ui.left, r = i.pageY - n.top - ui.top, l = p({left: a, top: r});
            l.pageX = i.pageX, l.pageY = i.pageY;
            var s = V(a, r, o);
            if (s && (s.pageX = parseInt(s.series.xaxis.p2c(s.datapoint[0]) + n.left + ui.left, 10), s.pageY = parseInt(s.series.yaxis.p2c(s.datapoint[1]) + n.top + ui.top, 10)), ni.grid.autoHighlight) {
                for (var c = 0; c < gi.length; ++c) {
                    var h = gi[c];
                    h.auto != t || s && h.series == s.series && h.point[0] == s.datapoint[0] && h.point[1] == s.datapoint[1] || K(h.series, h.point)
                s && $(s.series, s.datapoint, t)
            e.trigger(t, [l, s])

        function U() {
            var t = ni.interaction.redrawOverlayInterval;
            return -1 == t ? void J() : void(bi || (bi = setTimeout(J, t)))

        function J() {
            bi = null, ci.save(), ri.clear(), ci.translate(ui.left, ui.top);
            var t, i;
            for (t = 0; t < gi.length; ++t)i = gi[t], i.series.bars.show ? ii(i.series, i.point) : ti(i.series, i.point);
            ci.restore(), l(mi.drawOverlay, [ci])

        function $(t, i, e) {
            if ("number" == typeof t && (t = oi[t]), "number" == typeof i) {
                var o = t.datapoints.pointsize;
                i = t.datapoints.points.slice(o * i, o * (i + 1))
            var n = Z(t, i);
            -1 == n ? (gi.push({series: t, point: i, auto: e}), U()) : e || (gi[n].auto = !1)

        function K(t, i) {
            if (null == t && null == i)return gi = [], void U();
            if ("number" == typeof t && (t = oi[t]), "number" == typeof i) {
                var e = t.datapoints.pointsize;
                i = t.datapoints.points.slice(e * i, e * (i + 1))
            var o = Z(t, i);
            -1 != o && (gi.splice(o, 1), U())

        function Z(t, i) {
            for (var e = 0; e < gi.length; ++e) {
                var o = gi[e];
                if (o.series == t && o.point[0] == i[0] && o.point[1] == i[1])return e
            return -1

        function ti(i, e) {
            var o = e[0], n = e[1], a = i.xaxis, r = i.yaxis, l = "string" == typeof i.highlightColor ? i.highlightColor : t.color.parse(i.color).scale("a", .5).toString();
            if (!(o < a.min || o > a.max || n < r.min || n > r.max)) {
                var s = i.points.radius + i.points.lineWidth / 2;
                ci.lineWidth = s, ci.strokeStyle = l;
                var c = 1.5 * s;
                o = a.p2c(o), n = r.p2c(n), ci.beginPath(), "circle" == i.points.symbol ? ci.arc(o, n, c, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1) : i.points.symbol(ci, o, n, c, !1), ci.closePath(), ci.stroke()

        function ii(i, e) {
            var o, n = "string" == typeof i.highlightColor ? i.highlightColor : t.color.parse(i.color).scale("a", .5).toString(), a = n;
            switch (i.bars.align) {
                    o = 0;
                    o = -i.bars.barWidth;
                    o = -i.bars.barWidth / 2
            ci.lineWidth = i.bars.lineWidth, ci.strokeStyle = n, E(e[0], e[1], e[2] || 0, o, o + i.bars.barWidth, function () {
                return a
            }, i.xaxis, i.yaxis, ci, i.bars.horizontal, i.bars.lineWidth)

        function ei(i, e, o, n) {
            if ("string" == typeof i)return i;
            for (var a = si.createLinearGradient(0, o, 0, e), r = 0, l = i.colors.length; l > r; ++r) {
                var s = i.colors[r];
                if ("string" != typeof s) {
                    var c = t.color.parse(n);
                    null != s.brightness && (c = c.scale("rgb", s.brightness)), null != s.opacity && (c.a *= s.opacity), s = c.toString()
                a.addColorStop(r / (l - 1), s)
            return a

        var oi = [], ni = {
            colors: ["#edc240", "#afd8f8", "#cb4b4b", "#4da74d", "#9440ed"],
            legend: {
                show: !0,
                noColumns: 1,
                labelFormatter: null,
                labelBoxBorderColor: "#ccc",
                container: null,
                position: "ne",
                margin: 5,
                backgroundColor: null,
                backgroundOpacity: .85,
                sorted: null
            xaxis: {
                show: null,
                position: "bottom",
                mode: null,
                font: null,
                color: null,
                tickColor: null,
                transform: null,
                inverseTransform: null,
                min: null,
                max: null,
                autoscaleMargin: null,
                ticks: null,
                tickFormatter: null,
                labelWidth: null,
                labelHeight: null,
                reserveSpace: null,
                tickLength: null,
                alignTicksWithAxis: null,
                tickDecimals: null,
                tickSize: null,
                minTickSize: null
            yaxis: {autoscaleMargin: .02, position: "left"},
            xaxes: [],
            yaxes: [],
            series: {
                points: {show: !1, radius: 3, lineWidth: 2, fill: !0, fillColor: "#ffffff", symbol: "circle"},
                lines: {lineWidth: 2, fill: !1, fillColor: null, steps: !1},
                bars: {
                    show: !1,
                    lineWidth: 2,
                    barWidth: 1,
                    fill: !0,
                    fillColor: null,
                    align: "left",
                    horizontal: !1,
                    zero: !0
                shadowSize: 3,
                highlightColor: null
            grid: {
                show: !0,
                aboveData: !1,
                color: "#545454",
                backgroundColor: null,
                borderColor: null,
                tickColor: null,
                margin: 0,
                labelMargin: 5,
                axisMargin: 8,
                borderWidth: 2,
                minBorderMargin: null,
                markings: null,
                markingsColor: "#f4f4f4",
                markingsLineWidth: 2,
                clickable: !1,
                hoverable: !1,
                autoHighlight: !0,
                mouseActiveRadius: 10
            interaction: {redrawOverlayInterval: 1e3 / 60},
            hooks: {}
        }, ai = null, ri = null, li = null, si = null, ci = null, hi = [], fi = [], ui = {
            left: 0,
            right: 0,
            top: 0,
            bottom: 0
        }, di = 0, pi = 0, mi = {
            processOptions: [],
            processRawData: [],
            processDatapoints: [],
            processOffset: [],
            drawBackground: [],
            drawSeries: [],
            draw: [],
            bindEvents: [],
            drawOverlay: [],
            shutdown: []
        }, xi = this;