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5 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Main Engine to generate fake data
 * based on the name of elements
 * */
function Faker() {

  // jQuery reference to the faker dictionary
  var $dictionaryRef = '$.fakifyDictionary.';

  // minimum indexing value from the array
  var lowerIndex = 0;
  var emailSeparator = '@';

   *  Fetches the bestMatch from dictionary or custom function
   *  based on the key passed
   *  @param key [String], a properly formatted string used as a key
   *   to index the dictionary or call the custom functions
   *  @return [String], bestMatch to fill the form
   * */
  this.fetch = function (key) {
    var penetrationDepth = $dictionaryRef + key;
    var applicableDomain = eval(penetrationDepth);
    if (!applicableDomain) { // exists in dictionary
      return customExtraction(key);
    else {
      return applicableDomain[getRandomArbitrary((applicableDomain.length - 1), lowerIndex)];

   * Implements the custom fill-up logic for keys not matched to the
   * dictionary
   * @param key [String], a properly formatted string used as a key
   *   to implement the required logic
   * @return [String], bestMatch to fill the form
   * */
  var customExtraction = function (key) {
    var bestMatch = [];
    switch (key) {
      case 'name.fullName':
        Object.keys($.fakifyDictionary.name).forEach(function (index) {
          bestMatch.push(getMeValueOf('name.' + index));
      case 'email':
        var firstName = getMeValueOf('name.firstName').toLowerCase();
        var lastName = getMeValueOf('name.lastName').toLowerCase();
        var localPart = firstName + lastName;
        var domainPart = getMeValueOf('domainName');
        bestMatch.push(localPart + emailSeparator + domainPart);
    return bestMatch.join(' ');

   * Returns a random integer within a defined range
   * @param max [Integer], upper-limit of the range
   * @param min [Integer], lower-limit of the range
   * @return [Integer], a pseudo-random integer within the desired range
   * */
  var getRandomArbitrary = function (max, min) {
    return Math.floor((Math.random() * max) + min);

  *  Returns the bestMatch for the key
  *  @param index [String], indexing for the database
  *  @return [String], bestMatch for the element
  * */
  var getMeValueOf = function (index) {
    var domain = eval($dictionaryRef + index);
    var seedIndex = getRandomArbitrary((domain.length - 1), lowerIndex);
    return domain[seedIndex];

;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
  'use strict';
  $.fn.fakify = function (options) {
    var $this = this[0];
    return this.each(function () {
      var faker = {
        name: {
          firstName: [ 'f_name', 'fname','first_name','firstname','fstname'],
          middleName: [ 'm_name', 'mname','middle_name','middlename'],
          lastName: [ 'l_name', 'lname','last_name','lastname','lstname'],
          title: [ 'title'],
          fullName:[ 'fullName']
        address: {
          country: [ 'country'],
          state: [ 'state'],
          zip: [ 'zipcode','zip'],
          postcode: [ 'postcode','postcode_by_state'],
          address: [ 'address','secondary_address','primary_address'],
          street_address: [ 'street_address','street','street_name'],
          state_abbr: [ 'state_abbr'],
          city: [ 'city'],
          phone: [ 'cell_phone','phone','phone_number'],
          extension: [ 'extension','ext'],
          fax_number: [ 'fax_number','fax'],
          building_number: [ 'building_number'],
          department: [ 'department']
        company: {
          name: [ 'company_name','c_name', 'organization_name', 'name'],
          website: [ 'url','website','web_address','web-address'],
          title: [ 'title'],
          description: [ 'description','desc']
        personal: {
          academic: [ 'academic','education','qualification']
        email: [ 'email','mailto','free_email','internet_email']

      var recurse = function (mappedKey, search, element, key, val) {
        if ($.type(val) === 'array') {
          if ($.inArray(search, val) >= 0) {
            mappedKey += key;
            var fakerObj = new Faker();
            $('#' + search).val(fakerObj.fetch(mappedKey));
          else {
            mappedKey = '';
        } else {
          mappedKey += key + '.';
          $.each(val, recurse.bind(null, mappedKey, search, element));

      var excludeOption = new Array();
      var specifiedOption = new Array();

      if (options !== undefined) {
        $.each(options, function (key, value) {
          if (value !== null && key !== 'except') {
            if ($.type(value) === 'array') {
              $('#' + key).val(value[1]);
            } else {
              var objFaker = new Faker();

          if (key === 'except' && $.type(value) === 'array') {
            excludeOption = value;

      $('#' + $this.id + ' :input').each(function () {
        if (($.inArray(this.id, excludeOption) < 0) && ($.inArray(this.id, specifiedOption) < 0)) {
          $.each(faker, recurse.bind(null, '', this.id, this));

      function fillField(elementName, value) {
})(jQuery, window, document);

$.fakifyDictionary = {
  name: {
    firstName: ["Bibek", "Hari", "Shyam", "Shiva", "Ram"],
    middleName: ["Sharma", "Lal", "Raj", "Prasad", "Dip"],
    lastName: ['Lamichhane', 'Aryal', 'Basnet', 'Adhikari', 'Poudyal']
  address: {
    country: ["Nepal", "India", "Bhutan"],
    state: ["Kathmandu", "Delhi", "Chennai"],
    zip: ["009977", "12312", "43211"],
    postcode: ["123"],
    address: ['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia'],
    streetAddress: ['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia'],
    state_abbr: ['AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT'],
    city: ['Ktm', 'Pokhara', 'Butwal'],
    phone: ['123-456-789', '546-666-888', '544-666-998'],
    extension: ['3456', '1234', '7890'],
    fax_number: ['444-555-555', '333-555-5577'],
    building_number: ['123', '6789', '9870'],
    department: ['HR', 'Finance']
  company: {
    name: ['Global IME', 'Everest', 'Investment'],
    website: ['a.com', 'b.gov', 'c.net'],
    title: ['Lorem ipsum'],
    description: ['Lorem description']
  personal: {
    academic: ['MBA', 'BBA', 'SLC']
  domainName: ['gmail.con', 'yahoo.com', 'hotmail.com']