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Changes from v0.1.5 to v0.1.6
[] XMLMotor.xmlattrib to fetch attribute values from XML
[] fixing attrib value infection for db-quote
Changes from v0.1.4 to v0.1.5
[] Fixed grep for nodes like "<splitline color='green'/>"
[] Fetch nodes with ATTRIB_KEY for a/all node by not giving its ATTRIB_VALUE
   for e.g.
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, 'splitline', "ATTRIB_KEY"
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, nil, ["ATTRIB_KEY"]
[] Fetch nodes with ATTRIB_VALUE for a/all node by not giving its ATTRIB_KEY
   for e.g. //just append value with '='
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, 'splitline', "='ATTRIB_VALUE'"
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, nil, ["='ATTRIB_KEY'"]
Changes from v0.1.3 to v0.1.4
[] Fixed node tree (like x.y.z) parsing for not existing node
[] Err/Info messages just shown when env has VERBOSE=''
Changes from v0.1.2 to v0.1.3
[] just a Quick Fix to handle weird Attribute Values, main fix to come
Changes from v0.1.1 to v0.1.2
[] Fixed Empty Node Handling, its been listed/counted as well
Changes from v0.1.0 to v0.1.1
[] cleaned up usage for XML Mining of Pre-processed data
   for e.g.
     nodes_      = XMLMotor.splitter <<XMLCONTENT>>
     tags_       = XMLMotor.indexify nodes_
     nodes_array = XMLMotor.xmldata nodes_, tags_, nil, "ATTRIB_KEY=ATTRIB_VALUE", true
Changes from v0.0.10 to v0.1.0
[] support added to search for xml nodes just by using their attributes without any tag-name
   for e.g.
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, nil, "ATTRIB_KEY=ATTRIB_VALUE", true
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, nil, ["ATTRIB_KEY=ATTRIB_VALUE"], true
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, nil, ["KEY1=VALUE1", "KEY2=VALUE2"...]
Changes from v0.0.9 to v0.0.10
[] xml tag name match corrected to be case-insensitive
Changes from v0.0.8 to v0.0.9
[] option to filter result for multiple attributes key-value pair if sent as an array of "ATTRIB_KEY = ATTRIB_VALUE" 
   for e.g.
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, "_TAG_", "ATTRIB_KEY=ATTRIB_VALUE", true
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, "_TAG_", ["ATTRIB_KEY=ATTRIB_VALUE"], true
     nodes_array = XMLMotorEngine.pre_processed_content nodes_, tags_, "_TAG_", ["KEY1=VALUE1", "KEY2=VALUE2"...], true
Changes from v0.0.7 to v0.0.8
[] avail the result inclusive of root-node-value with an extra 'true' after attrib/nil
   for e.g.
    XMLMotor.get_node_from_content "<a><b id=\"2\">a.b</b></a>", "b", nil, true
    XMLMotor.get_node_from_content "<a><b id=\"2\">a.b</b></a>", "b", "id='2'", true
   both of above would give
    ["<b id=\"2\">a.b</b>"]
Changes from v0.0.6 to v0.0.7
[] correcting the attribute matching to be sensitive to single and double quotes 
Changes from v0.0.5 to v0.0.6
[] correcting the attribute parsing to handle line-change well, corrected my mistake
Changes from v0.0.3 to v0.0.4
[] 2 stupid mistakes corrected 
 + one in file-based xml parsing
 + attrib match corrected for null attribs