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Test Coverage
# Changelog 3.1.0
- Returned plissken gem to convert the entire HTTP response to snake_case.
- Specs are refactored, now each class is tested independently.
- Removed the JSON gem from dependencies. Added the ability for developers to replace utilities for parsing JSON. Add example in README how to use it.
- Simplified the code where possible.
# Changelog 3.0.0
- Drop configure from SbrfMerchant, move params to SBRF::Api::Client#initialize
- Update minimum Ruby version to 2.3
# Changelog 2.0.1
- Nested fields of API response is OpenStruct, not Hash
# Changelog 2.0.0
- Drop SbrfMerchant::Order
- Rewrite SbrfMerchant::Api::Client, now it extendable by default for every request in API
- Add converting API request body from snake_case to camelCase
- Add converting API response body from camelCase to snake_case
# Changelog 1.0.0
- Replace Order::OneStage class with Order class
- Add methods for working with two stage orders
# Changelog 0.2.0
- Replace external gems with Ruby standard library features
# Changelog 0.1.3
- Fix unexpected behaviour in Response::Base#success?

# Changelog 0.1.2
- Fix errors in Response::OrderStatus

# Changelog 0.1.1
- Add support of OneStage Order (register, cancel, refund, status)