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# dotnetcore-cookbook

A Chef cookbook for managing .NET Core ( installation and applications on all supported platforms. Simply include `recipe[dotnetcore]` in your runlist to utilize the `dotnet` resource provider. This cookbook is in it's early stages and will try to keep up with the pace of .NET Core development.

## Supported Platforms

- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Centos 7.1
- Oracle 7.1
- Redhat 7.1
- Amazon
- Windows Server 2012 R2

## Attributes

    <td>The apt-get package name for Debian/Ubuntu.</td>
    <td><tt>See <a href="attributes/default.rb" target="_blank">default.rb</a></tt></td>
    <td>The apt-get package version for Debian/Ubuntu.</td>
    <td><tt>See <a href="attributes/default.rb" target="_blank">default.rb</a></tt></td>
    <td>An absolute URL for the .NET Core Windows MSI installer</td>
    <td><tt>See <a href="attributes/default.rb" target="_blank">default.rb</a></tt></td>
    <td>An absolute URL for the RHEL family tar file</td>
    <td><tt>See <a href="attributes/default.rb" target="_blank">default.rb</a></tt></td>
    <td>The apt-get package source repository server</td>
    <td><tt>See <a href="attributes/default.rb" target="_blank">default.rb</a></tt></td>

## Usage

### dotnetcore::default

Include `dotnetcore` in your node's `run_list`:

  "run_list": [

## Resource/Provider

Used for restoring package dependencies, compilation, and running your application.
dotnet 'test' do
  action :run
  nuget_config_file "#{app_dir}/NuGet.Config"
  path app_dir
  user 'root'
  cwd app_dir
By default, the dotnet resource will restore nuget packages from the `nuget_config_file` parameter. If no parameter is given, the current directory is used from `cwd`. This can be overidden by adding `restore false` as an additional parameter.

Additionaly, `dotnet restore` can be run on it's own by using `action :restore` as a parameter with the dotnet resource.
dotnet 'test' do
  action :restore
  nuget_config_file "#{app_dir}/NuGet.Config"
  user 'root'
  cwd app_dir

## Development

This cookbook uses <a href="" target="_blank">test-kitchen</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Serverspec/RSpec</a> with the Vagrant driver. For local Windows testing, please follow <a href="" target="_blank">this blog post</a> to create and add a local Vagrant Windows (Server 2012 R2) box.

## License and Authors

Author:: Andrew Cornies (