# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 ACSONE SA/NV
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import re
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
class CmisBackend(models.Model):
_inherit = 'cmis.backend'
def _check_sanitize_replace_char(self):
for rec in self:
rc = self.sanitize_replace_char
if rc and re.findall(CMIS_NAME_INVALID_CHARS_RX, rc):
raise ValidationError(
_("The character to use as replacement can not be one of"
enable_sanitize_cmis_name = fields.Boolean(
'Sanitize name on content creation?',
help='If checked, the name of the CMIS content created by the '
'CMIS fields will be sanitized by replacing the characters not '
'supported in a cmis:name with the one specified.',
sanitize_replace_char = fields.Char(
'Replacement char',
help='Character used as replacement of invalid characters found in'
'the value to use as cmis:name by the sanitize method',
folder_name_conflict_handler = fields.Selection(
('error', _('Raise exception')),
('increment', _('Create as "name_(X)"'))
string='Strategy in case of duplicate',
def _get_web_description(self, record):
""" Return the desciption of backend record to be included into the
field description of cmis fields that reference the backend.
return {
'location': record.location
def get_web_description(self):
""" Return informations to be included into the field description of
cmis fields that reference the backend.
ret = {}
for this in self:
ret[] = self._get_web_description(this)
return ret
def get_by_name(self, name, raise_if_not_found=True):
# simple case: one backend
domain = [(1, '=', 1)]
if name:
# multi backends case
domain = [('name', '=', name)]
backend =
if len(backend) != 1 and raise_if_not_found:
if name:
msg = _("Expected 1 backend named %s, %s found") % \
(name, len(backend))
msg = _('No backend found')
raise UserError(msg)
return backend
def is_valid_cmis_name(self, name, raise_if_invalid=False):
if re.findall(CMIS_NAME_INVALID_CHARS_RX, name) or \
name.startswith(' ') or \
name.endswith(' ') or \
if not raise_if_invalid:
return False
raise UserError(_("%s is not a valid name.\n"
"The following chars are not allowed %s and"
"the name can not ends with a space or a '.'") %
return True
def sanitize_cmis_name(self, value, replace_char=None):
"""Replace chars not allowed in cmis by the value of replace_char.
If replace_char is None, the character used to subsitute invalid chars
is the one defined by the sanitize_replace_char field
if replace_char is None:
replace_char = self.sanitize_replace_char or ''
while value.endswith('.'):
value = value[:-1]
return re.sub(CMIS_NAME_INVALID_CHARS_RX, replace_char,
def sanitize_cmis_names(self, values, replace_char=None):
"""Sanitize a list of values
return [self.sanitize_cmis_name(v, replace_char) for v in values]
def get_folder_by_path_parts(self, path_parts, create_if_not_found=True,
"""Return the cmis object for the specified path parts.
The path is build from path_parts where each part is sanitized if
`enable_sanitize_cmis_name` is True on the backend instance
if self.enable_sanitize_cmis_name:
path_parts = self.sanitize_cmis_names(path_parts)
path = "/".join(path_parts)
return self.get_folder_by_path(
path, create_if_not_found, cmis_parent_objectid)
def get_unique_folder_name(self, name, parent, conflict_handler=None):
"""Return a unique name for a folder into its parent.
Check if the name already exists into the parent.
If the name already exists:
if bakend.folder_name_conflict_handler == 'error'
ValidationError is raised
if backend.folder_name_conflict_handler == 'increment'
return a new name with suffix '_X'
:return: a unique name
conflict_handler = (conflict_handler or
cmis_qry = ("SELECT cmis:objectId FROM cmis:folder WHERE "
"IN_FOLDER('%s') AND cmis:name='%s'" %
(parent.getObjectId(), name))
rs = parent.repository.query(cmis_qry)
num_found_items = rs.getNumItems()
if num_found_items > 0:
if conflict_handler == 'error':
raise ValidationError(
_('Folder "%s" already exists in CMIS') % (name))
if conflict_handler == 'increment':
testname = name + '_(%)'
cmis_qry = ("SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE "
"IN_FOLDER('%s') AND cmis:name like '%s'" %
(parent.getObjectId(), testname))
rs = parent.repository.query(cmis_qry)
names = [ for r in rs]
max_num = 0
if names:
max_num = max(
[int(re.findall(r'_\((\d+)\)', n)[-1]) for n in names])
return name + '_(%d)' % (max_num + 1)
return name