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Alfodoo Installation guide

To install the Alfodoo addons, there are several important steps:

1. Install the dependencies (the Odoo cmis addon and the Python cmislib library).
2. Make sure Alfresco is properly configured to accept AJAX requests.
   from your Odoo domain
3. If your Alfresco is behind a reverse proxy, make sure all it's components are
   properly configured.
4. Launch Odoo with the adequate options.
5. Configure the Alfresco URL and credentials in your Odoo instance.

Please read the following sections carefully to ensure a smooth experience with Alfodoo.


The Alfodoo framework requires the following:

* The Odoo **cmis** addon: provides the foundation for Odoo
  modules implementing different integration scenario with a CMIS server. It allows
  you to configure a CMIS backend. This addon is maintained by the OCA and is
  on the `Odoo app store <>`_ as well as
  on github as part of the `connector-cmis`_ repository.
* `cmislib`_  the Apache Chemistry CMIS client library for Python: To be compliant
  with the latest version of CMIS (1.1), the connector uses the latest version of the
  python cmislib>=0.6. The library can be installed with:

.. code-block:: shell

   pip install 'cmislib>=0.6'

.. _`connector-cmis`:
.. _`cmislib`:

Enable CORS in Alfresco 5.x

The CMIS Viewer widget will be loaded from a different web server than the Alfresco
Platform is running on. So we need to tell the Alfresco server that any request that
comes in from this custom web client should be allowed access to the Content Repository.
This is done by enabling CORS.

To enable CORS in the Alfresco Platform, you should do the following:

Modify tomcat/conf/web.xml and add the following sections to allow requests from
http://localhost:8069 in addition to http://my.public.alfresco.hostname.
When specifying the cors.allowOrigin URL make sure to use the URL that will be
used by the web client.

.. code-block:: xml

  <!-- CORS Filter Begin -->
        <param-value>origin, authorization, x-file-size, x-file-name, content-type, accept, x-file-type, DNT, x-customheader ,keep-alive ,user-agent ,x-requested-with ,if-modified-since, cache-control,accept-ranges,content-encoding,content-length</param-value>
        <param-value>origin, authorization, x-file-size, x-file-name, content-type, accept, x-file-type, DNT, x-customheader ,keep-alive ,user-agent ,x-requested-with ,if-modified-since, cache-control,accept-ranges,content-encoding,content-length</param-value>
   <!-- CORS Filter End -->

   <!-- CORS Filter Mappings Begin -->

Alfresco Behind a a Proxy

The CMIS discovery document returns absolute template URLs that have to be
used to navigate the repository and retrieve node information. This service
is the first one called when a cmis session is initialized and the next
calls will use the url received into the result. By default the hostname of
the server is returned in the URLs, if the server is behind a proxy the
hostname needs to be configured to return the publicly accessible hostname.
If you are in this case you must add the following lines into the alfresco
config file in <tomcat>/shared/classes/

.. code-block:: jproperties

   # if true, the context path of OpenCMIS generated urls will be set to "opencmis.context.value", otherwise it will be taken from the request url
   # if true, the servlet path of OpenCMIS generated urls will be set to "opencmis.servletpath.value", otherwise it will be taken from the request url

Configure python SSL certificates

Moreover if alfresco is available over SSL (HTTPS) you must also take care
of trusting the SSL certificate in your Odoo instance. This can be done by
adding the following lines in your custom odoo addon.

.. code-block:: python

   import httplib2
   import functools

   # Set system CA Certificates based SSL Certificate Validation by python code
   httplib2.Http = functools.partial(

Launch Odoo

The *cmis_field* addon defines a new field and a specific web controller providing
some functionalities to the web. In order to get the new field desciption registered
at the early stage in the statup process and to register the controller
you must start Odoo with:

.. code-block:: shell

  --load web,web_gantt,cmis_field

Configure the CMIS connector

In Odoo, go to Settings > CMIS > Backends and create a new backend.

Populate the following fields:

* **Location**: the CMIS root URL, example ``https://my.public.alfresco.hostname/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/browser/``
* **Username**, **Password**: the Alfresco credentials that Odoo will use to create new folders and associate their object reference
  to the Odoo record. It is recommanded to create a dedicated Alfresco user for this.
* **Inital directory for writing**: the base Alfresco directory where Odoo will create folders and store documents (eg /odoo).
* **Alfresco Api Url**: usually ``https://my.public.alfresco.hostname/alfresco/s/api``.
* **Alfresco Share Url**: usually ``https://my.public.alfresco.hostname/share``.

.. _code-overview:

How to link a CMIS documents folder to an Odoo model

The main usage of theses addons is to let you extend an existing Odoo model to
link an instance of this model to a folder in a CMIS container.

As an example, we'll see the steps to extend the Customer Claim object
to store the documents related to a claim into a CMIS container

.. code-block:: python

    from openerp import models
    from openerp.addons.cmis_field import fields

    class CrmClaim(models.Model):
        _inherit = 'crm.claim'

        cmis_folder = fields.CmisFolder()

.. code-block:: xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <record id="crm_case_claims_form_view" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name">CRM - Claims Form (cmis_crm_claim)</field>
            <field name="model">crm.claim</field>
            <field name="inherit_id" ref="crm_claim.crm_case_claims_form_view"/>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <notebook position="inside">
                    <page string="Documents" groups="base.group_user">
                        <field name="cmis_folder"/>

The result is a new Document tab displayed on the Claim Odoo model.

Then you are able to see all the documents related to the claim on the claim object itself, and do all your work into odoo (such as documents drag&drop, preview, ...) even if your documents are stored into a cmis container

.. image:: ../_static/img/cmis_crm_claim.png