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# Leggy

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Leggy is a simple Ruby wrapper for the 80Legs API. Sign up for a new account at []( or view the API docs at []( Leggy is built on top of [Resource Kit]( and [Kartograph]( and accepts custom [Faraday]( connections.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'leggy'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install leggy

## Usage

Before you can use the 80Legs client, you need to configure the API token. You can use the .configure method to do so: 

Leggy.configure do |config|
  config.api_token = 'api_token'

Or you can set it as as the `80_LEGS_API_TOKEN` ENV variable: 

$ export 80_LEGS_API_TOKEN=your_80legs_api_token

Sign up for an account and API token at [80legs](

### Users 

See []( for complete documentation.

#### Get User Data

user = Leggy.users.find(api_token: Leggy.configuration.api_token)
#=> "Matt" 

### Apps

See []( for complete documentation.

#### Get All Apps

apps = apps = Leggy.apps.all
#=> "TextFromURLListOnly.js"

#### Upload an App

file ="/path/to/my/eighty_app.js")
Leggy.apps.create(name: 'eighty_app', body: file)
#=> true 

For more information on creating an 80app, see: [](

#### Get a Specific App

app = Leggy.apps.find(name: 'TextFromURLListOnly.js')
#=> "TextFromURLListOnly.js"

#### Delete an App 

*CAUTION* This action cannot be undone. 

Leggy.apps.delete(name: 'sample_delete')
#=> true

### Url Lists

See []( for complete documentation.

#### Upload Url List

With the list.json file as follows:


You can now upload the list.json url list to 80legs: 

file =
url = Leggy.urls.create(name: 'sample', body: file)
#=> "sample"

#### Get All Url Lists

urls = Leggy.urls.all
#=> ["sample"]

#### Get Specific Url List 

Given your list.json file uploaded previously includes &&
Leggy.urls.find(name: 'sample')
#=> ["", ""]

#### Delete a Url List 

*CAUTION* This action cannot be undone. 

Leggy.urls.delete(name: 'sample')
#=> true

### Crawls

See []( for complete documentation.

#### View All Crawls

crawls = Leggy.crawls.all

Querying by status is not yet available. 

#### Create a Crawl 

options = { 
  name: 'crawl_test',
  urllist: 'sample_crawl_list',
  app: "HeaderData.js",
  max_depth: 1,
  max_urls: 10  
#=> true

#### Get Crawl Status

crawl = Leggy.crawls.status(name: 'crawl_test')
#=> "QUEUED"

#### Cancel a Crawl 

Leggy.crawls.cancel(name: 'crawl_test')
#=> true

Once cancelled, the crawl cannot be restarted. 

### Results

See []( for complete documentation.

#### View Results for a Crawl

results = Leggy.results.all(name: 'testing_crawl_results')
#=> "<TOKEN>/167627_1.txt"

### Errors

See []( for complete documentation.

Leggy raises the following errors: 

* 400 (Bad Request): `Leggy::Exception::BadRequest`
* 401 (Unauthorized): `Leggy::Exception::Unauthorized`
* 404 (Not Found): `Leggy::Exception::NotFound` 
* 422 (Unprocessable Entity): `Leggy::Exception::UnprocessableEntity`
* 523 (Service Unavailable): `Leggy::Exception::ServiceUnavailable` 
* 5xx (Server Error): `Leggy::Exception::ServerError` 

All exceptions inherit from `Leggy::Error`, so you can use that rescue from any exceptions this client library raises. This does not take into account errors external dependencies may raise, such as Faraday or http adapter errors. 

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request