A jQuery edit in place plugin
Version 2.2.0
Dave Hauenstein
Martin Häcker <spamfaenger [at] gmx [dot] de>
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Rev: 161
$.fn.editInPlace = function(options) {
var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.editInPlace.defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var dom = $(this);
// This won't work with live queries as there is no specific element to attach this
// one way to deal with this could be to store a reference to self and then compare that in click?
if ('editInPlace'))
return; // already an editor here'editInPlace', true);
new InlineEditor(settings, dom).init();
/// Switch these through the dictionary argument to $(aSelector).editInPlace(overideOptions)
/// Required Options: Either url or callback, so the editor knows what to do with the edited values.
$.fn.editInPlace.defaults = {
url: "", // string: POST URL to send edited content
ajax_data_type: "html", // string: dataType (html|script) for ajax call to save updated value
bg_over: "#ffc", // string: background color of hover of unactivated editor
bg_out: "transparent", // string: background color on restore from hover
hover_class: "", // string: class added to root element during hover. Will override bg_over and bg_out
show_buttons: false, // boolean: will show the buttons: cancel or save; will automatically cancel out the onBlur functionality
save_button: '<button class="inplace_save">Save</button>', // string: image button tag to use as “Save” button
cancel_button: '<button class="inplace_cancel">Cancel</button>', // string: image button tag to use as “Cancel” button
params: "", // string: example: first_name=dave&last_name=hauenstein extra paramters sent via the post request to the server
field_type: "text", // string: "text", "textarea", or "select", or "remote", or "clone"; The type of form field that will appear on instantiation
default_text: "(Click here to add text)", // string: text to show up if the element that has this functionality is empty
use_html: false, // boolean, set to true if the editor should use jQuery.fn.html() to extract the value to show from the dom node (keep in mind that IE will uppercase all tags, so use with caution)
textarea_rows: 10, // integer: set rows attribute of textarea, if field_type is set to textarea. Use CSS if possible though
textarea_cols: 25, // integer: set cols attribute of textarea, if field_type is set to textarea. Use CSS if possible though
select_text: "Choose new value", // string: default text to show up in select box
select_options: "", // string or array: Used if field_type is set to 'select'. Can be comma delimited list of options 'textandValue,text:value', Array of options ['textAndValue', 'text:value'] or array of arrays ['textAndValue', ['text', 'value']]. The last form is especially usefull if your labels or values contain colons)
text_size: null, // integer: set cols attribute of text input, if field_type is set to text. Use CSS if possible though
editor_url: null, // for field_type: remote url to get html_code for edit_control
loading_text: 'Loading...', // shown if inplace editor is loaded from server
// Specifying callback_skip_dom_reset will disable all saving_* options
saving_text: undefined, // string: text to be used when server is saving information. Example "Saving..."
saving_image: "", // string: uses saving text specify an image location instead of text while server is saving
saving_animation_color: 'transparent', // hex color string, will be the color the pulsing animation during the save pulses to. Note: Only works if jquery-ui is loaded
clone_selector: null, // if field_type clone a selector to clone editor from
clone_id_suffix: null, // if field_type clone a suffix to create unique ids
value_required: false, // boolean: if set to true, the element will not be saved unless a value is entered
element_id: "element_id", // string: name of parameter holding the id or the editable
update_value: "update_value", // string: name of parameter holding the updated/edited value
original_value: 'original_value', // string: name of parameter holding the updated/edited value
original_html: "original_html", // string: name of parameter holding original_html value of the editable /* DEPRECATED in 2.2.0 */ use original_value instead.
save_if_nothing_changed: false, // boolean: submit to function or server even if the user did not change anything
on_blur: "save", // string: "save" or null; what to do on blur; will be overridden if show_buttons is true
cancel: "", // string: if not empty, a jquery selector for elements that will not cause the editor to open even though they are clicked. E.g. if you have extra buttons inside editable fields
// All callbacks will have this set to the DOM node of the editor that triggered the callback
callback: null, // function: function to be called when editing is complete; cancels ajax submission to the url param. Prototype: function(idOfEditor, enteredText, orinalHTMLContent, settingsParams, callbacks). The function needs to return the value that should be shown in the dom. Returning undefined means cancel and will restore the dom and trigger an error. callbacks is a dictionary with two functions didStartSaving and didEndSaving() that you can use to tell the inline editor that it should start and stop any saving animations it has configured. /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */ Parameter idOfEditor, use $(this).attr('id') instead
callback_skip_dom_reset: false, // boolean: set this to true if the callback should handle replacing the editor with the new value to show
beforeSend: null, // function: this function gets called before sending new value to server. Prototype: function(request, requestSettings)
success: null, // function: this function gets called if server responds with a success. Prototype: function(newEditorContentString)
error: null, // function: this function gets called if server responds with an error. Prototype: function(request)
error_sink: function(idOfEditor, errorString) { alert(errorString); }, // function: gets id of the editor and the error. Make sure the editor has an id, or it will just be undefined. If set to null, no error will be reported. /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */ Parameter idOfEditor, use $(this).attr('id') instead
preinit: null, // function: this function gets called after a click on an editable element but before the editor opens. If you return false, the inline editor will not open. Prototype: function(currentDomNode). DEPRECATED in 2.2.0 use delegate shouldOpenEditInPlace call instead
postclose: null, // function: this function gets called after the inline editor has closed and all values are updated. Prototype: function(currentDomNode). DEPRECATED in 2.2.0 use delegate didCloseEditInPlace call instead
delegate: null // object: if it has methods with the name of the callbacks documented below in delegateExample these will be called. This means that you just need to impelment the callbacks you are interested in.
// Lifecycle events that the delegate can implement
// this will always be fixed to the delegate
var delegateExample = {
// called while opening the editor.
// return false to prevent editor from opening
shouldOpenEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict, triggeringEvent) {},
// return content to show in inplace editor
willOpenEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict) {},
didOpenEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict) {},
// called while closing the editor
// return false to prevent the editor from closing
shouldCloseEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict, triggeringEvent) {},
// return value will be shown during saving
willCloseEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict) {},
didCloseEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict) {},
function InlineEditor(settings, dom) {
this.settings = settings;
this.dom = dom;
this.originalValue = null;
this.didInsertDefaultText = false;
this.shouldDelayReinit = false;
$.extend(InlineEditor.prototype, {
init: function() {
reinit: function() {
if (this.shouldDelayReinit)
this.triggerCallback(this.settings.postclose, /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */ this.dom);
setDefaultTextIfNeccessary: function() {
if('' !== this.dom.html())
this.didInsertDefaultText = true;
connectOpeningEvents: function() {
var that = this;
.bind('mouseenter.editInPlace', function(){ that.addHoverEffect(); })
.bind('mouseleave.editInPlace', function(){ that.removeHoverEffect(); })
.bind('click.editInPlace', function(anEvent){ that.openEditor(anEvent); });
disconnectOpeningEvents: function() {
// prevent re-opening the editor when it is already open
addHoverEffect: function() {
if (this.settings.hover_class)
this.dom.css("background-color", this.settings.bg_over);
removeHoverEffect: function() {
if (this.settings.hover_class)
this.dom.css("background-color", this.settings.bg_out);
openEditor: function(anEvent) {
if ( ! this.shouldOpenEditor(anEvent))
shouldOpenEditor: function(anEvent) {
if (this.isClickedObjectCancelled(
return false;
if (false === this.triggerCallback(this.settings.preinit, /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */ this.dom))
return false;
if (false === this.triggerDelegateCall('shouldOpenEditInPlace', true, anEvent))
return false;
return true;
removeInsertedDefaultTextIfNeccessary: function() {
if ( ! this.didInsertDefaultText
|| this.dom.html() !== this.settings.default_text)
this.didInsertDefaultText = false;
isClickedObjectCancelled: function(eventTarget) {
if ( ! this.settings.cancel)
return false;
var eventTargetAndParents = $(eventTarget).parents().andSelf();
var elementsMatchingCancelSelector = eventTargetAndParents.filter(this.settings.cancel);
return 0 !== elementsMatchingCancelSelector.length;
saveOriginalValue: function() {
if (this.settings.use_html)
this.originalValue = this.dom.html();
this.originalValue = trim(this.dom.text());
restoreOriginalValue: function() {
setClosedEditorContent: function(aValue) {
if (this.settings.use_html)
workAroundMissingBlurBug: function() {
// Strangely, all browser will forget to send a blur event to an input element
// when another one is created and selected programmatically. (at least under some circumstances).
// This means that if another inline editor is opened, existing inline editors will _not_ close
// if they are configured to submit when blurred.
// Using parents() instead document as base to workaround the fact that in the unittests
// the editor is not a child of window.document but of a document fragment
var ourInput = this.dom.find(':input');
this.dom.parents(':last').find('.editInPlace-active :input').not(ourInput).blur();
replaceContentWithEditor: function() {
var buttons_html = (this.settings.show_buttons) ? this.settings.save_button + ' ' + this.settings.cancel_button : '';
var editorElement = this.createEditorElement(); // needs to happen before anything is replaced
/* insert the new in place form after the element they click, then empty out the original element */
this.dom.html('<form class="inplace_form" style="display: inline; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></form>')
createEditorElement: function() {
if (-1 === $.inArray(this.settings.field_type, ['text', 'textarea', 'select', 'remote', 'clone']))
throw "Unknown field_type <fnord>, supported are 'text', 'textarea', 'select' and 'remote'";
var editor = null;
if ("select" === this.settings.field_type)
editor = this.createSelectEditor();
else if ("text" === this.settings.field_type)
editor = $('<input type="text" ' + this.inputNameAndClass()
+ ' size="' + this.settings.text_size + '" />');
else if ("textarea" === this.settings.field_type)
editor = $('<textarea ' + this.inputNameAndClass()
+ ' rows="' + this.settings.textarea_rows + '" '
+ ' cols="' + this.settings.textarea_cols + '" />');
else if ("remote" === this.settings.field_type)
editor = this.createRemoteGeneratedEditor();
else if ("clone" === this.settings.field_type) {
editor = this.cloneEditor();
return editor;
return editor;
setInitialValue: function() {
if (this.settings.field_type == 'remote' || this.settings.field_type == 'clone') return; // remote and clone generated editor doesn't need initial value
var initialValue = this.triggerDelegateCall('willOpenEditInPlace', this.originalValue);
var editor = this.dom.find(':input');
// Workaround for select fields which don't contain the original value.
// Somehow the browsers don't like to select the instructional choice (disabled) in that case
if (editor.val() !== initialValue)
editor.val(''); // selects instructional choice
createRemoteGeneratedEditor: function () {
return $($.ajax({
url: this.settings.editor_url,
async: false
cloneEditor: function() {
var patternNodes = this.getPatternNodes(this.settings.clone_selector);
if (patternNodes.editNode == null) {
alert('did not find any matching node for ' + this.settings.clone_selector);
var editorNode = patternNodes.editNode.clone();
var clonedNodes = null;
if ('id')) editorNode.attr('id','id') + this.settings.clone_id_suffix);
editorNode.attr('name', 'inplace_value');
clonedNodes = editorNode;
if (patternNodes.additionalNodes) {
patternNodes.additionalNodes.each(function (index, node) {
var patternNode = $(node).clone();
if ('id')) {
patternNode.attr('id','id') + this.settings.clone_id_suffix);
this.setValue(clonedNodes, this.originalValue);
return clonedNodes;
getPatternNodes: function(clone_selector) {
var nodes = {editNode: null, additionalNodes: null};
var selectedNodes = $(clone_selector);
var firstNode = selectedNodes.first();
if (typeof(firstNode) !== 'undefined') {
// AS inplace_edit_control_container -> we have to select all child nodes
// Workaround for ie which does not support css > selector
if (firstNode.hasClass('as_inplace_pattern')) {
selectedNodes = firstNode.children();
nodes.editNode = selectedNodes.first();
nodes.additionalNodes = selectedNodes.slice(1);
return nodes;
setValue: function(editFields, textValue) {
var editField = editFields.find(':input').addBack(':input'),
type = editField.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (type === 'input') type = editField.attr('type').toLowerCase();
var function_name = 'setValueFor' + type;
if (typeof(this[function_name]) == 'function') {
this[function_name](editFields, textValue);
} else {
setValueForselect: function(editFields, textValue) {
var editField = editFields.find('select').addBack('select').first(),
option_value = editField.children("option:contains('" + textValue + "')").val();
if (typeof(option_value) !== 'undefined') {
setValueForradio: function(editFields, textValue) {
var editField = editFields.find('input[type=radio]').addBack('input[type=radio]').filter(function() {
var contains = ':contains("' + textValue + '")';
return editFields.find('label[for="' + $(this).attr('id') + '"]' + contains).length ||
$(this).closest('label' + contains).length;
if (editField.length) editField.prop('checked', true);
inputNameAndClass: function() {
return ' name="inplace_value" class="inplace_field" ';
createSelectEditor: function() {
var editor = $('<select' + this.inputNameAndClass() + '>'
+ '<option disabled="true" value="">' + this.settings.select_text + '</option>'
+ '</select>');
var optionsArray = this.settings.select_options;
if ( ! $.isArray(optionsArray))
optionsArray = optionsArray.split(',');
for (var i=0; i<optionsArray.length; i++) {
var currentTextAndValue = optionsArray[i];
if ( ! $.isArray(currentTextAndValue))
currentTextAndValue = currentTextAndValue.split(':');
var value = trim(currentTextAndValue[1] || currentTextAndValue[0]);
var text = trim(currentTextAndValue[0]);
var option = $('<option>').val(value).text(text);
return editor;
connectClosingEventsToEditor: function() {
var that = this;
function cancelEditorAction(anEvent) {
return false; // stop event bubbling
function saveEditorAction(anEvent) {
return false; // stop event bubbling
var form = this.dom.find("form");
if ( ! this.settings.show_buttons) {
// TODO: Firefox has a bug where blur is not reliably called when focus is lost
// (for example by another editor appearing)
if ("save" === this.settings.on_blur)
// workaround for msie & firefox bug where it won't submit on enter if no button is shown
/* TODO find a way to restore it without $.browser if it doesn't work
if ($.browser.mozilla || $.browser.msie)
form.keyup(function(anEvent) {
// allow canceling with escape
var escape = 27;
if (escape === anEvent.which)
return cancelEditorAction();
// workaround for webkit nightlies where they won't submit at all on enter
// REFACT: find a way to just target the nightlies
/* TODO find a way to restore it without $.browser if it doesn't work
if ($.browser.safari)
bindSubmitOnEnterInInput: function() {
if ('textarea' === this.settings.field_type)
return; // can't enter newlines otherwise
var that = this;
this.dom.find(':input').keyup(function(event) {
var enter = 13;
if (enter === event.which)
return that.dom.find('form').submit();
handleCancelEditor: function(anEvent) {
// REFACT: remove duplication between save and cancel
if (false === this.triggerDelegateCall('shouldCloseEditInPlace', true, anEvent))
var editor = this.dom.find(':input');
var enteredText = editor.val();
enteredText = this.triggerDelegateCall('willCloseEditInPlace', enteredText);
handleSaveEditor: function(anEvent) {
if (false === this.triggerDelegateCall('shouldCloseEditInPlace', true, anEvent))
var editor = this.dom.find('[name]:input:not(:button,[name=""])').not('input:checkbox:not(:checked)').not('input:radio:not(:checked)');
var enteredText = '';
if (editor.length > 1) {
enteredText =, function(item, index) {
return $(item).val();
} else {
enteredText = editor.val();
enteredText = this.triggerDelegateCall('willCloseEditInPlace', enteredText);
if (this.isDisabledDefaultSelectChoice()
|| this.isUnchangedInput(enteredText)) {
if (this.didForgetRequiredText(enteredText)) {
this.reportError("Error: You must enter a value to save this field");
if (this.settings.callback)
didForgetRequiredText: function(enteredText) {
return this.settings.value_required
&& ("" === enteredText
|| undefined === enteredText
|| null === enteredText);
isDisabledDefaultSelectChoice: function() {
return this.dom.find('option').eq(0).is(':selected:disabled');
isUnchangedInput: function(enteredText) {
return ! this.settings.save_if_nothing_changed
&& this.originalValue === enteredText;
showSaving: function(enteredText) {
if (this.settings.callback && this.settings.callback_skip_dom_reset)
var savingMessage = enteredText;
if (hasContent(this.settings.saving_text))
savingMessage = this.settings.saving_text;
// REFACT: alt should be the configured saving message
savingMessage = $('<img />').attr('src', this.settings.saving_image).attr('alt', savingMessage);
handleSubmitToCallback: function(enteredText) {
// REFACT: consider to encode enteredText and originalHTML before giving it to the callback
this.enableOrDisableAnimationCallbacks(true, false);
var newHTML = this.triggerCallback(this.settings.callback, /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */, enteredText, this.originalValue,
this.settings.params, this.savingAnimationCallbacks());
if (this.settings.callback_skip_dom_reset)
; // do nothing
else if (undefined === newHTML) {
// failure; put original back
this.reportError("Error: Failed to save value: " + enteredText);
// REFACT: use setClosedEditorContent
if (this.didCallNoCallbacks()) {
this.enableOrDisableAnimationCallbacks(false, false);
handleSubmitToServer: function(enteredText) {
var data = '';
if (typeof(enteredText) === 'string') {
data += this.settings.update_value + '=' + encodeURIComponent(enteredText) + '&';
} else {
for(var i = 0;i < enteredText.length; i++) {
data += this.settings.update_value + '[]=' + encodeURIComponent(enteredText[i]) + '&';
data += this.settings.element_id + '=' + this.dom.attr("id")
+ ((this.settings.params) ? '&' + this.settings.params : '')
+ '&' + this.settings.original_html + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.originalValue) /* DEPRECATED in 2.2.0 */
+ '&' + this.settings.original_value + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.originalValue);
this.enableOrDisableAnimationCallbacks(true, false);
var that = this;
url: that.settings.url,
type: "POST",
data: data,
dataType: that.settings.ajax_data_type,
beforeSend: function(request, settings) {
that.triggerCallback(that.settings.beforeSend, request, settings);
complete: function(request){
success: function(data){
if (that.settings.ajax_data_type == 'html') {
var new_text = data || that.settings.default_text;
/* put the newly updated info into the original element */
// FIXME: should be affected by the preferences switch
// REFACT: remove dom parameter, already in this, not documented, should be easy to remove
// REFACT: callback should be able to override what gets put into the DOM
error: function(request) {
that.dom.html(that.originalHTML); // REFACT: what about a restorePreEditingContent()
if (that.settings.error)
// REFACT: remove dom parameter, already in this, not documented, can remove without deprecation
// REFACT: callback should be able to override what gets entered into the DOM
that.triggerCallback(that.settings.error, request);
that.reportError("Failed to save value: " + request.responseText || 'Unspecified Error');
// Utilities .........................................................
triggerCallback: function(aCallback /*, arguments */) {
if ( ! aCallback)
return; // callback wasn't specified after all
var callbackArguments =, 1);
return aCallback.apply(this.dom[0], callbackArguments);
/// defaultReturnValue is only used if the delegate returns undefined
triggerDelegateCall: function(aDelegateMethodName, defaultReturnValue, optionalEvent) {
// REFACT: consider to trigger equivalent callbacks automatically via a mapping table?
if ( ! this.settings.delegate
|| ! $.isFunction(this.settings.delegate[aDelegateMethodName]))
return defaultReturnValue;
var delegateReturnValue = this.settings.delegate[aDelegateMethodName](this.dom, this.settings, optionalEvent);
return (undefined === delegateReturnValue)
? defaultReturnValue
: delegateReturnValue;
reportError: function(anErrorString) {
this.triggerCallback(this.settings.error_sink, /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */, anErrorString);
// REFACT: this method should go, callbacks should get the dom node itself as an argument
id: function() {
return this.dom.attr('id');
markEditorAsActive: function() {
markEditorAsInactive: function() {
// REFACT: consider rename, doesn't deal with animation directly
savingAnimationCallbacks: function() {
var that = this;
return {
didStartSaving: function() { that.didStartSaving(); },
didEndSaving: function() { that.didEndSaving(); }
enableOrDisableAnimationCallbacks: function(shouldEnableStart, shouldEnableEnd) {
this.didStartSaving.enabled = shouldEnableStart;
this.didEndSaving.enabled = shouldEnableEnd;
didCallNoCallbacks: function() {
return this.didStartSaving.enabled && ! this.didEndSaving.enabled;
assertCanCall: function(methodName) {
if ( ! this[methodName].enabled)
throw new Error('Cannot call ' + methodName + ' now. See documentation for details.');
didStartSaving: function() {
this.shouldDelayReinit = true;
this.enableOrDisableAnimationCallbacks(false, true);
didEndSaving: function() {
this.shouldDelayReinit = false;
this.enableOrDisableAnimationCallbacks(false, false);
startSavingAnimation: function() {
var that = this;
.animate({ backgroundColor: this.settings.saving_animation_color }, 400)
.animate({ backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 400, 'swing', function(){
// In the tests animations are turned off - i.e they happen instantaneously.
// Hence we need to prevent this from becomming an unbounded recursion.
setTimeout(function(){ that.startSavingAnimation(); }, 10);
stopSavingAnimation: function() {
.css({backgroundColor: ''});
// Private helpers .......................................................
function assertMandatorySettingsArePresent(options) {
// one of these needs to be non falsy
if (options.url || options.callback)
throw new Error("Need to set either url: or callback: option for the inline editor to work.");
/* preload the loading icon if it is configured */
function preloadImage(anImageURL) {
if ('' === anImageURL)
var loading_image = new Image();
loading_image.src = anImageURL;
function trim(aString) {
return aString
.replace(/^\s+/, '')
.replace(/\s+$/, '');
function hasContent(something) {
if (undefined === something || null === something)
return false;
if (0 === something.length)
return false;
return true;