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Test Coverage
# Changelog

## 4.0.2

- Initialised check was failing on zUnit tests imported from another module. Replaced it with an explicit call to testable.initialised

## 4.0.1

- Fix table formatting in README
- Fix menu in README

## 4.0.0

- Make asynchronous
- Require Node 14 or greater
- Support cjs and mjs module types
- Added nyc, husky, lint-staged, eslint and prettier dev dependencies

## 3.2.1

- Improved TypeScript definitions

## 3.2.0

- TypeScript definitions to include test harness report
- Throw a nicer error when a suite is intialised with somethingn other than an instance of Testable

## 3.1.0

- Added locals for sharing state between tests

## 3.0.10

- Improved readme

## 3.0.9

- Improved readme

## 3.0.8

### Fixed

- Pattern option should not have been path.resolved

## 3.0.7

- Launch script documentation

- Use bundled launch script

## 3.0.6

- Launch script (work in progress)

## 3.0.5

### Fixed

- Throwing a non-error from tests breaks various reporters
- Replaced deprecated assert.equal with assert.strictEqual
- SpecReporter colours could not be disabled

- Discover tripitaka badge
- SpecReporter tests