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1 day
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# coding: utf-8

import os
import time
import getpass
import socket
import random

from decorators import debug
from decorators import show_timing

class Log(object):
    Main logging class for AIKIF should record appropriate
    actions and summarise to useful information.
    STATUS: currently logs to 4 log files and does simple
            aggregation, but still in alpha 
        - should use python logger
        - work out how to pass rules for each logfile to 
          identify useful information for that program
    def __init__(self, fldr):
        pass the folder on command line, use os.path.join
        to null effect if trailing os.sep if passed
        self.log_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(fldr)) 
        self.logFileProcess = os.path.join(self.log_folder,'process.log')
        self.logFileSource  = os.path.join(self.log_folder,'source.log')
        self.logFileCommand = os.path.join(self.log_folder,'command.log')
        self.logFileResult  = os.path.join(self.log_folder,'result.log')
        ensure_dir(self.logFileCommand)  # need to pass file not the folder for this to work
        self.session_id = self.get_session_id()
        self.watch_points = []   # watch points list of dicts to watch for which represent key results
    def __str__(self):
        return self.log_folder
    def add_watch_point(self, string, rating, importance=5):
        For a log session you can add as many watch points 
        which are used in the aggregation and extraction of
        key things that happen.
        Each watch point has a rating (up to you and can range 
        from success to total failure and an importance for 
        finer control of display
        d = {}
        d['string'] = string
        d['rating'] = rating
        d['importance'] = importance
    def get_folder_process(self):
        return self.logFileProcess
    def get_session_id(self):
        get a unique id (shortish string) to allow simple aggregation
        of log records from multiple sources. This id is used for the 
        life of the running program to allow extraction from all logs.
        WARING - this can give duplicate sessions when 2 apps hit it 
        at the same time.
        max_session = '0'
            with open(self.log_folder + os.sep + '_sessions.txt', 'r') as f:
                for _ in f:
                    txt = f.readline()
                    if txt.strip('\n') != '':
                        max_session = txt
        except Exception:
            max_session = '1'
        this_session = str(int(max_session) + random.randint(9,100)).zfill(9) # not a great way to ensure uniqueness - TODO FIX  
        with open(self.log_folder + os.sep + '_sessions.txt', 'a') as f2:
            f2.write(this_session + '\n')
        return this_session
    def estimate_complexity(self, x,y,z,n):
        calculates a rough guess of runtime based on product of parameters 
        num_calculations = x * y * z * n
        run_time = num_calculations / 100000  # a 2014 PC does about 100k calcs in a second (guess based on prior logs)
        return self.show_time_as_short_string(run_time) 

    def show_time_as_short_string(self, seconds):
        converts seconds to a string in terms of 
        seconds -> years to show complexity of algorithm
        if seconds < 60:
            return str(seconds) + ' seconds'
        elif seconds < 3600:
            return str(round(seconds/60, 1)) + ' minutes'
        elif seconds < 3600*24:
            return str(round(seconds/(60*24), 1)) + ' hours'
        elif seconds < 3600*24*365:
            return str(round(seconds/(3600*24), 1)) + ' days'
            print('WARNING - this will take ' + str(seconds/(60*24*365)) + ' YEARS to run' )
            return str(round(seconds/(60*24*365), 1)) + ' years'

    def _log(self, fname, txt, prg=''):
        logs an entry to fname along with standard date and user details
        if os.sep not in fname:
            fname = self.log_folder + os.sep + fname
        delim = ','
        q = '"'
        dte = TodayAsString()
        usr = GetUserName()
        hst = GetHostName()
        i = self.session_id
        if prg == '':
            prg = 'cls_log.log' 
        logEntry = q + dte + q + delim + q + i + q + delim + q + usr + q + delim + q + hst + q + delim + q + prg + q + delim + q + txt + q + delim + '\n'
        with open(fname, "a", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as myfile:

    def record_source(self, src, prg=''):
        function to collect raw data from the web and hard drive
        Examples - new source file for ontologies, email contacts list, folder for xmas photos
        self._log(self.logFileSource , force_to_string(src), prg)

    def record_process(self, process, prg=''):
        log a process or program - log a physical program (.py, .bat, .exe)
        self._log(self.logFileProcess, force_to_string(process), prg)

    def record_command(self, cmd, prg=''):
        record the command passed - this is usually the name of the program
        being run or task being run
        self._log(self.logFileCommand , force_to_string(cmd), prg)

    def record_result(self, res, prg=''):
        record the output of the command. Records the result, can have 
        multiple results, so will need to work out a consistent way to aggregate this
        self._log(self.logFileResult , force_to_string(res), prg)

class LogSummary(object):
    Aggregating Logs. The goal of this class is to allow for 
    multiple usable aggregates to be automatically obtained 
    from the standard AIKIF log files.
    def __init__(self, log_object, fldr):
        self.process_file = log_object.logFileProcess
        self.command_file = log_object.logFileCommand
        self.result_file = log_object.logFileResult
        self.source_file = log_object.logFileSource
        self.log_folder = fldr
        self.log_sum = fldr + os.sep + 'log_sum.csv'
    def __str__(self):
        txt = ''
            with open(self.log_sum, "r") as f:
                txt =
        except Exception:
            txt = 'Summary File doesnt exist : ' + self.log_sum
        return txt
    def filter_by_program(self, prg, opFile):
        parse the log files and extract entries from all 
        logfiles to one file per program (program is the 
        2nd to last entry each logfile)
        log_1 = open(self.process_file, 'r')
        log_2 = open(self.command_file, 'r')
        log_3 = open(self.result_file, 'r')
        log_4 = open(self.source_file, 'r')
        with open(opFile, 'a') as f:
            for line in log_1:
                if prg in line:
                    f.write('PROCESS, ' + line)
            for line in log_2:
                if prg in line:
                    f.write('COMMAND, ' + line)
            for line in log_3:
                if prg in line:
                    f.write('RESULT, ' + line)
            for line in log_4:
                if prg in line:
                    f.write('SOURCE, ' + line)
    def extract_logs(self, fname, prg):
        read a logfile and return entries for a program
        op = []
        with open(fname, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                if prg in line:
        return op
    def summarise_events(self):
        takes the logfiles and produces an event summary matrix
            date        command result  process source
            20140421    9       40      178     9
            20140423    0       0       6       0
            20140424    19      1       47      19
            20140425    24      0       117     24
            20140426    16      0       83      16
            20140427    1       0       6       1
            20140429    0       0       0       4

        all_dates = []
        d_command = self._count_by_date(self.command_file, all_dates)
        d_result  = self._count_by_date(self.result_file,  all_dates)
        d_process = self._count_by_date(self.process_file, all_dates)
        d_source  = self._count_by_date(self.source_file,  all_dates)

        with open(self.log_sum, "w") as sum_file:
            for dte in sorted(set(all_dates)):
                sum_file.write(dte + ',')
                if dte in d_command:
                    sum_file.write(str(d_command[dte]) + ',')
                if dte in d_result:
                    sum_file.write(str(d_result[dte]) + ',')
                if dte in d_process:
                    sum_file.write(str(d_process[dte]) + ',')
                if dte in d_source:
                    sum_file.write(str(d_source[dte]) + '\n')
    def _count_by_date(self, fname, all_dates):
        reads a logfile and returns a dictionary by date
        showing the count of log entries
        if not os.path.isfile(fname):
            return {}
        d_log_sum = {}
        with open(fname, "r") as raw_log:
            for line in raw_log:
                cols = line.split(',')
                dte = cols[0].strip('"')[0:10].replace('-', '')
                if dte in d_log_sum:
                    d_log_sum[dte] += 1
                    d_log_sum[dte] = 1
        return d_log_sum
def ensure_dir(f):
    """ NOTE - not sure if this works exactly - needs a separate test """
    #print('ensure_dir: file = ' + f)
    d = os.path.dirname(f)
    #print('ensure_dir: d = ' , d)
    if not os.path.exists(d):
def List2String(l):
    res = "["
    for v in l:
        res = res + v + ','
    return res + ']'
def Dict2String(d):
    res = "{"
    for k, v in d.items(): 
        res += k + ':' + str(v) + ','
    return res + '}'
def TodayAsString():
    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())

def force_to_string(unknown):
    converts and unknown type to string for display purposes.
    result = ''
    if type(unknown) is str:
        result = unknown
    if type(unknown) is int:
        result = str(unknown)
    if type(unknown) is float:
        result = str(unknown)
    if type(unknown) is dict:
        result = Dict2String(unknown)
    if type(unknown) is list:
        result = List2String(unknown)
    return result

def GetUserName():
    return username of person logged onto host PC
    return getpass.getuser()

def GetHostName():
    returns computer name, based on socket class
    return socket.gethostname()