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# coding: utf-8
#    written by Duncan Murray 26/5/2014
# functions to convert data to HTML, etc for web dev
import csv
import os
import fnmatch
from flask import request

def list2html(lst):
    convert a list to html using table formatting 
    txt = '<TABLE width=100% border=0>'
    for l in lst:
        txt += '<TR>\n'
        if type(l) is str:
            txt+= '<TD>' + l + '</TD>\n'
        elif type(l) is list:
            txt+= '<TD>'
            for i in l:
                txt += i + ', '
            txt+= '</TD>'
            txt+= '<TD>' + str(l) + '</TD>\n'
        txt += '</TR>\n'
    txt += '</TABLE><BR>\n'
    return txt

def GetFileList(rootPaths, lstXtn, shortNameOnly='Y'):
    builds a list of files and returns as a list 
    numFiles = 0    
    opFileList = []
    if type(rootPaths) == str:
        rootPaths = [rootPaths]
    for rootPath in rootPaths:
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootPath):
            #print('found ' + str(len(dirs)) + ' directories')
            for basename in files:
                for xtn in lstXtn:
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, xtn):
                        filename = os.path.join(root, basename)
                        numFiles = numFiles + 1
                        if shortNameOnly == 'Y':
                            opFileList.append( os.path.basename(filename))
    return sorted(opFileList)


def build_search_form():
    returns the html for a simple search form 
    txt = '<form action="." method="POST">\n'
    txt += '  <input type="text" name="search_text">\n'
    txt += '  <input type="submit" name="my-form" value="Search">\n'
    txt += '</form>\n'
    return txt

def build_edit_form(title, id, cols, return_page):
    returns the html for a simple edit form 
    txt = '<H3>' + title + '<H3>'
    txt += '<form action="' + return_page + '" method="POST">\n' # return_page = /agents
    txt += '  updating id:' + str(id) + '\n<BR>'
    txt += '  <input type="hidden" name="rec_id" readonly value="' + str(id) + '"> '
    txt += '  <TABLE width=80% valign=top border=1>'
    for col_num, col in enumerate(cols):
        txt += '  <TR>\n'
        txt += '    <TD><div id="form_label">' + col + '</div></TD>\n'
        txt += '    <TD><div id="form_input"><input type="text" name="col_' + str(col_num) + '"></div></TD>\n'
        txt += '  </TR>\n'
    txt += '  <TR><TD></TD>\n'
    txt += '  <TD>\n'
    txt += '    <input type="submit" name="update-form" value="Save Changes">\n'
    txt += '    <input type="submit" name="delete-form" value="Delete">\n'
    txt += '    <input type="submit" name="add-form" value="Add">\n'
    txt += '  </TD></TR></TABLE>'
    txt += '</form>\n'
    return txt

def build_html_listbox(lst, nme):
    returns the html to display a listbox
    res = '<select name="' + nme + '" multiple="multiple">\n'
    for l in lst:
        res += '    <option>' + str(l) + '</option>\n'
    res += '</select>\n'

    return res
def build_data_list(lst):
    returns the html with supplied list as a HTML listbox 
    txt = '<H3>' + List + '<H3><UL>'
    for i in lst:
        txt += '<LI>' + i + '</LI>'
    txt += '<UL>'
    return txt
def filelist2html(lst, fldr, hasHeader='N'):
    formats a standard filelist to htmk using table formats 
    txt = '<TABLE width=100% border=0>'
    numRows = 1
    if lst:
        for l in lst:
            if hasHeader == 'Y':
                if numRows == 1:
                    td_begin = '<TH>'
                    td_end = '</TH>'
                    td_begin = '<TD>'
                    td_end = '</TD>'
                td_begin = '<TD>'
                td_end = '</TD>'
            numRows += 1
            txt += '<TR>'
            if type(l) is str:
                txt += td_begin + link_file(l, fldr) + td_end
            elif type(l) is list:
                txt += td_begin
                for i in l:
                    txt+= link_file(i, fldr) + '; '
                txt += td_end
                txt += td_begin + str(l) + td_end
            txt += '</TR>\n'
    txt += '</TABLE><BR>\n'
    return txt

def link_file(f, fldr):
    creates a html link for a file using folder fldr 
    fname = os.path.join(fldr,f)
    if os.path.isfile(fname):
        return '<a href="/aikif/data/core/' + f + '">' + f + '</a>'
        return f
def dict_to_htmlrow(d):
    converts a dictionary to a HTML table row
    res = "<TR>\n"
    for k, v in d.items():
        if type(v) == str:
            res = res + '<TD><p>' + k + ':</p></TD><TD><p>' + v + '</p></TD>'
            res = res + '<TD><p>' + k + ':</p></TD><TD><p>' + str(v) + '</p></TD>'
    res += '</TR>\n'
    return res

def read_csv_to_html_table(csvFile, hasHeader='N'):
    reads a CSV file and converts it to HTML
    txt = '<table class="as-table as-table-zebra as-table-horizontal">'
    with open(csvFile, "r") as f:  # 
        numRows = 1
        for row in f:
            if hasHeader == 'Y':
                if numRows == 1:
                    td_begin = '<TH>'
                    td_end = '</TH>'
                    td_begin = '<TD>'
                    td_end = '</TD>'
                td_begin = '<TD>'
                td_end = '</TD>'
            cols = row.split(',')
            numRows += 1

            txt += "<TR>"
            for col in cols:
                txt += td_begin
                    colString = col
                except Exception:
                    colString = '<font color=red>Error decoding column data</font>'
                txt += colString.strip('"')    
                txt += td_end
            txt += "</TR>\n"
        txt += "</TABLE>\n\n"
    return txt

def read_csv_to_html_list(csvFile):
    reads a CSV file and converts it to a HTML List
    txt = ''
    with open(csvFile) as csv_file:
        for row in csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=','):
            txt += '<div id="table_row">'
            for col in row:
                txt += " "
                    txt += col
                except Exception:
                    txt += 'Error'
                txt += " "
            txt += "</div>\n"
    return txt