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// @flow
import { preloadChunks } from 'react-chunk';
export const CHUNK = 'chunk';

export default function chunkAction(options?: { getChunkLoaderStaticMethodName?: string } = {}) {
    let unsubscribeHoist = null;
    const { getChunkLoaderStaticMethodName } = Object.assign({
        getChunkLoaderStaticMethodName: 'getChunkLoader'
    }, options);

    return {
        name: CHUNK,

        // === No server action is required ===
        // Because Chunks may be defined OUTSIDE of the router, dispatcher can not be used for the server render

        // === No client action ===
        // react-chunk 'preloadReady()' must be invoked BEFORE dispatching client actions on initial render

        // Allow lifecycle methods to pre-load dynamic imports
        // - this supports loading chunks during client navigation, and client-only rendering
        initComponentAction: ({ chunkLoaders }) => ({
            chunkLoaders: chunkLoaders || []

        filterParamsToProps: ({ chunkLoaders }) => {
            return { chunkLoaders };

        // Determine if any route component(s) are using react-chunk dynamic imports
        staticMethod: (props, routerCtx) => {
            const { route, routeComponentKey } = routerCtx;
            const routeComponent = route[routeComponentKey];
            if (typeof routeComponent[getChunkLoaderStaticMethodName] === 'function') {

        // If any chunk loaders are found, pre-load the chunk imports
        successHandler: ({ chunkLoaders }) => {
            if (chunkLoaders && chunkLoaders.length) {
                const requiredChunks = chunkLoaders.splice(0, chunkLoaders.length);
                return preloadChunks(requiredChunks);

            return Promise.resolve();

        errorHandler: (err, { chunkLoaders }) => {
            if (chunkLoaders && chunkLoaders.length) {
                // clean up - remove any pending loaders
                chunkLoaders.splice(0, chunkLoaders.length);

            if (typeof unsubscribeHoist === 'function') {
                unsubscribeHoist = null;

            throw err;

        hoc: function hoc(Component, ActionHOC) {
            // If the component is a react-chunk component, hoist statics on init
            if (ActionHOC &&
                typeof ActionHOC.appendActionDispatcher === 'function' &&
                typeof Component.onImportedWithHoist === 'function') {

                unsubscribeHoist = Component.onImportedWithHoist(ImportedComponent => {
                    ActionHOC.appendActionDispatcher(ImportedComponent, {
                        // Prevent these static methods from being copied
                        preloadChunk: true,
                        getChunkLoader: true,
                        onImported: true,
                        onImportedWithHoist: true

            return Component;