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/* jslint esnext: true */

import TagMessageFormat from 'tag-messageformat';
import diff from './diff';
import {
} from './es5';

export default RelativeFormat;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------




var STYLES = ['best fit', 'numeric'];

// -- RelativeFormat -----------------------------------------------------------

function RelativeFormat(locales, options) {
    options = options || {};

    // Make a copy of `locales` if it's an array, so that it doesn't change
    // since it's used lazily.
    if (isArray(locales)) {
        locales = locales.concat();

    defineProperty(this, '_locale', {value: this._resolveLocale(locales)});
    defineProperty(this, '_options', {value: {
        style: this._resolveStyle(,
        units: this._isValidUnits(options.units) && options.units

    defineProperty(this, '_locales', {value: locales});
    defineProperty(this, '_fields', {value: this._findFields(this._locale)});
    defineProperty(this, '_messages', {value: objCreate(null)});

    // "Bind" `format()` method to `this` so it can be passed by reference like
    // the other `Intl` APIs.
    var relativeFormat = this;
    this.format = function format(date, options) {
        return relativeFormat._format(date, options);

// Define internal private properties for dealing with locale data.
defineProperty(RelativeFormat, '__localeData__', {value: objCreate(null)});
defineProperty(RelativeFormat, '__addLocaleData', {value: function (data) {
    if (!(data && data.locale)) {
        throw new Error(
            'Locale data provided to TagRelativeFormat is missing a ' +
            '`locale` property value'

    RelativeFormat.__localeData__[data.locale.toLowerCase()] = data;

    // Add data to TagMessageFormat.

// Define public `defaultLocale` property which can be set by the developer, or
// it will be set when the first RelativeFormat instance is created by
// leveraging the resolved locale from `Intl`.
defineProperty(RelativeFormat, 'defaultLocale', {
    enumerable: true,
    writable  : true,
    value     : undefined

// Define public `thresholds` property which can be set by the developer, and
// defaults to relative time thresholds from moment.js.
defineProperty(RelativeFormat, 'thresholds', {
    enumerable: true,

    value: {
        second: 45, 'second-short': 45,  // seconds to minute
        minute: 45, 'minute-short': 45, // minutes to hour
        hour  : 22, 'hour-short': 22, // hours to day
        day   : 26, 'day-short': 26, // days to month
        month : 11, 'month-short': 11 // months to year

RelativeFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions = function () {
    return {
        locale: this._locale,
        style :,
        units : this._options.units

RelativeFormat.prototype._compileMessage = function (units) {
    // `this._locales` is the original set of locales the user specified to the
    // constructor, while `this._locale` is the resolved root locale.
    var locales        = this._locales;
    var resolvedLocale = this._locale;

    var field        = this._fields[units];
    var relativeTime = field.relativeTime;
    var future       = '';
    var past         = '';
    var i;

    for (i in relativeTime.future) {
        if (relativeTime.future.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            future += ' ' + i + ' {' +
                relativeTime.future[i].replace('{0}', '#') + '}';

    for (i in relativeTime.past) {
        if (relativeTime.past.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            past += ' ' + i + ' {' +
                relativeTime.past[i].replace('{0}', '#') + '}';

    var message = '{when, select, future {{0, plural, ' + future + '}}' +
                                 'past {{0, plural, ' + past + '}}' +
                                 'other {}}';

    // Create the synthetic TagMessageFormat instance using the original
    // locales value specified by the user when constructing the the parent
    // TagRelativeFormat instance.
    return new TagMessageFormat(message, locales);

RelativeFormat.prototype._getMessage = function (units) {
    var messages = this._messages;

    // Create a new synthetic message based on the locale data from CLDR.
    if (!messages[units]) {
        messages[units] = this._compileMessage(units);

    return messages[units];

RelativeFormat.prototype._getRelativeUnits = function (diff, units) {
    var field = this._fields[units];

    if (field.relative) {
        return field.relative[diff];

RelativeFormat.prototype._findFields = function (locale) {
    var localeData = RelativeFormat.__localeData__;
    var data       = localeData[locale.toLowerCase()];

    // The locale data is de-duplicated, so we have to traverse the locale's
    // hierarchy until we find `fields` to return.
    while (data) {
        if (data.fields) {
            return data.fields;

        data = data.parentLocale && localeData[data.parentLocale.toLowerCase()];

    throw new Error(
        'Locale data added to TagRelativeFormat is missing `fields` for :' +

RelativeFormat.prototype._format = function (date, options) {
    var now = options && !== undefined ? : dateNow();

    if (date === undefined) {
        date = now;

    // Determine if the `date` and optional `now` values are valid, and throw a
    // similar error to what `Intl.DateTimeFormat#format()` would throw.
    if (!isFinite(now)) {
        throw new RangeError(
            'The `now` option provided to TagRelativeFormat#format() is not ' +
            'in valid range.'

    if (!isFinite(date)) {
        throw new RangeError(
            'The date value provided to TagRelativeFormat#format() is not ' +
            'in valid range.'

    var diffReport  = diff(now, date);
    var units       = this._options.units || this._selectUnits(
        (options && options.thresholds) || RelativeFormat.thresholds);
    var diffInUnits = diffReport[units];

    if ( !== 'numeric') {
        var relativeUnits = this._getRelativeUnits(diffInUnits, units);
        if (relativeUnits) {
            return relativeUnits;

    return this._getMessage(units).format({
        '0' : Math.abs(diffInUnits),
        when: diffInUnits < 0 ? 'past' : 'future'

RelativeFormat.prototype._isValidUnits = function (units) {
    if (!units ||, units) >= 0) {
        return true;

    if (typeof units === 'string') {
        var suggestion = /s$/.test(units) && units.substr(0, units.length - 1);
        if (suggestion &&, suggestion) >= 0) {
            throw new Error(
                '"' + units + '" is not a valid TagRelativeFormat `units` ' +
                'value, did you mean: ' + suggestion

    throw new Error(
        '"' + units + '" is not a valid TagRelativeFormat `units` value, it ' +
        'must be one of: "' + FIELDS.join('", "') + '"'

RelativeFormat.prototype._resolveLocale = function (locales) {
    if (typeof locales === 'string') {
        locales = [locales];

    // Create a copy of the array so we can push on the default locale.
    locales = (locales || []).concat(RelativeFormat.defaultLocale);

    var localeData = RelativeFormat.__localeData__;
    var i, len, localeParts, data;

    // Using the set of locales + the default locale, we look for the first one
    // which that has been registered. When data does not exist for a locale, we
    // traverse its ancestors to find something that's been registered within
    // its hierarchy of locales. Since we lack the proper `parentLocale` data
    // here, we must take a naive approach to traversal.
    for (i = 0, len = locales.length; i < len; i += 1) {
        localeParts = locales[i].toLowerCase().split('-');

        while (localeParts.length) {
            data = localeData[localeParts.join('-')];
            if (data) {
                // Return the normalized locale string; e.g., we return "en-US",
                // instead of "en-us".
                return data.locale;


    var defaultLocale = locales.pop();
    throw new Error(
        'No locale data has been added to TagRelativeFormat for: ' +
        locales.join(', ') + ', or the default locale: ' + defaultLocale

RelativeFormat.prototype._resolveStyle = function (style) {
    // Default to "best fit" style.
    if (!style) {
        return STYLES[0];

    if (, style) >= 0) {
        return style;

    throw new Error(
        '"' + style + '" is not a valid TagRelativeFormat `style` value, it ' +
        'must be one of: "' + STYLES.join('", "') + '"'

RelativeFormat.prototype._selectUnits = function (diffReport, thresholds) {
    var i, l, units;
    for (i = 0, l = STANDARD_FIELDS.length; i < l; i += 1) {
        units = STANDARD_FIELDS[i];

        if (Math.abs(diffReport[units]) < thresholds[units]) {

    return units;