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# Changelog

## [4.1.3]( (2023-11-02)

### Bug Fixes

* fix dependency constraints ([0268de8](

## [4.1.2]( (2023-11-02)

### Bug Fixes

* don't provide Schema::Migration in Rails >= 7.0 ([57f2857](
* specify type of object for serialise data attribute ([48263f8](

## [4.1.1]( (2023-06-27)

### Bug Fixes

* expose Config#lookup_ip_country_backend ([8473337](

## [4.1.0]( (2023-06-27)

### Features

* support for storing ip address countries ([90b2394](

## [4.0.0]( (2023-05-02)

### Features

* ability to have expiry times increased on session activity ([a67dbbe](
* ability to pass session options to ControllerDelegate#create_auth_session ([38922f4](
* ability to skip session touching within a request ([593eacf](
* active support notifications ([ce0c895](
* add boolean for storing two factor skip state ([ec834df](
* add notification on session invalidation ([cf9af97](
* add session to validity exceptions ([9e23f19](
* allow persistent sessions to be created ([9ed6b6d](
* customisable token lengths ([41431a6](
* separate touching & validating auth sessions ([e688762](
* support for resetting a token to a new value ([ed6f138](

### Bug Fixes

* do not invalidate inactive sessions when invalidating others ([56a659b](
* don't inspect sessions when invalidating others ([5a81581](
* don't override skip_two_factor whenever calling #mark_as_two_factored ([7e5c8a0](
* maintain Authie::Session.cleanup ([5776421](
* only add helper methods if the controller supports them ([bbeca3b](, closes [#24](
* require all of active record for the session model ([c042e34](