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Test Coverage
# mochawesome-report-generator changelog

## [Unreleased]

## [6.2.0] - 2022-03-25
### Added
- Support adding video in context via data uri [mochawesome #372](

## [6.1.1] - 2022-03-05
### Fixed
- Regression: prevent saving reports with duplicate `.html` or `.json` extensions when the `reportFilename` option includes the extension. [#195](
## [6.1.0] - 2022-02-24
### Added
- `reportFilename` option: support replacement tokens (`[name]`, `[status]`, `[datetime]`)

## [6.0.1] - 2021-11-05
### Fixed
- Revert `fsu` dependency to 1.1.1 to fix an issue where report creation could fail with EBADF bad descriptor errors [mochawesome #363](

## [6.0.0] - 2021-11-03
### Changed
- **BREAKING** Dropped support for Node<12
- Updated all dependencies to latest versions with the exception of `dateformat` which has moved to es modules
- Updated `epilog` function to use current year in copyright

### Fixed
- Allow pending/skipped tests with context to be expanded [mochawesome #337](

## [5.2.0] - 2021-02-16
### Changed
- Update dependency `opener`
- Replace custom duration formatting with `pretty-ms` [mochawesome #322](

## [5.1.0] - 2020-04-13
### Changed
- Remove react dependencies

## [5.0.0] - 2020-04-10
### Changed
- **BREAKING** Move `react` and `react-dom` to peer-dependencies

## [4.1.0] - 2019-12-18
### Added
- Clicking icons in navbar enable quick filtering of single test type

## [4.0.1] - 2019-07-05
### Changed
- Video links in context now support mediafragment uris [mochawesome #287](

## [4.0.0] - 2019-06-04
### Changed
- Updated data validation to match mochawesome v4 changes
- Updated many components for accessibility
- Enhanced keyboard usage (tabbing / toggling)
- Updated all dependencies
- Implemented test fixtures for generating sample data
- Small design tweaks
- Allow suites to be collapsed
- Disable charts by default

## [3.1.5] - 2018-12-27
### Changed
- Relaxed validation for `timedOut` property in Tests to provide better compatibility with Cypress [#88](

## [3.1.4] - 2018-10-05
### Changed
- Added `pending` and `skipped` to `TestState` enum. [#111](

## [3.1.3] - 2018-07-18
### Fixed
- Updated webpack config to correctly set `devtool` to `false` when building for production. [#101](

## [3.1.2] - 2018-04-20
### Fixed
- Skip copying assets and rendering HTML when `html` option is `false` [mochawesome #237](

## [3.1.1] - 2018-01-28
### Added
- Video links in context will render as `<video>` tags [#87]( (@NicholasBoll)

## [3.1.0] - 2018-01-08
### Added
- New option: **`cdn`**. Set to `true` to load all report assets via CDN ( No assets will be copied to disk.
- New option: **`assetsDir`**. Use this to specify a custom location to save the report assets to.
- The CLI has been updated to support directories as agruments.
- New options: **`showPassed`, `showFailed`, `showPending`, `showSkipped`**. Use these to set the default state of the report filters.

### Changed
- Excluded Mobx DevTools from production bundle
- Dropped ChartJS in favor of Chartist
- Dropped moment.js in favor of date-fns
- Use a top-level `<Provider>` component to make the report store available to all components

## [3.0.1] - 2017-12-01
No release is complete without a quick hotfix.
### Fixed
- The `transform-react-constant-elements` babel plugin was causing one of the React components to be hoisted as a `const` when it should not have been. This caused React to throw an error and the whole report to fail to load. (

## [3.0.0] - 2017-11-30
### Added
- The report now displays a loading animation when loading and when toggling filters.
- The report version is now shown in the footer.
- Functional tests to make development a little easier

### Changed
- **BREAKING:** mochawesome v3.0.0 introduces changes to its JSON output that are not backwards-compatible. As such, the report generator will not work with data created in older versions of mochawesome
- Options handling and file saving that was previously done in the reporter is now handled here where it makes more sense. In addition, support was added for the `saveJson` and `saveHtml` options.
- Improved perceived rendering. The report no longer shows just a blank screen when loading a large number of tests. Instead, the navbar stats and footer will be rendered along with a nice loading animation. In addition, the filter toggles are now more responsive when filtering over a large number of suites/tests.
- Nearly all components have been updated to use flexbox layout.
- Unnecessary component renders have been significantly reduced.
- Most dependencies have been updated to their latest versions.

## [2.3.2] - 2017-11-13
- Fix an issue where long test titles are truncated with no way to see the full title [#65](

## [2.3.1] - 2017-10-23
- Fix botched release

## [2.3.0] - 2017-10-23
- Add support for base64 images in test context [#60]( - @gidztech

## [2.2.2] - 2017-07-07
- Fix an issue where `actual/expected` was being rendered in the CodeSnippet for non-diff code
- Fix an issue where the suite header was not being rendered for root suites with tests

## [2.2.1] - 2017-06-30
- Enable inline diff rendering when using CLI. [#42](

## [2.2.0] - 2017-06-29
### Changed
- Render inline diffs when using mocha's `--inline-diffs` option [#39](
- Set the default option for how hooks should display via the `showHooks` option [#41](
- Add a new `context` display option for hooks which will only show hooks if they contain context [#41](

### Fixed
- Don't apply syntax highlighting when `context` is an object and `context.value` is a string [#40](
- Various display issues [#36]( [#38](

## [2.1.1] - 2017-06-26
- Remove `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` from CodeSnippet component. [#34](

## [2.1.0] - 2017-06-08
- Add support for displaying before and after hooks

## [2.0.3] - 2017-05-09
- Add support for rendering context with `undefined` or `null` value

## [2.0.2] - 2017-04-25
- Update package.json to spec `fsu` to `^1.0.2` which fixes compatibility with node 4

## [2.0.0] - 2017-04-19
- Add support for multiple files via CLI
- New options: `overwrite` and `timestamp`
- **BREAKING** Change default `reportFilename` from `mochawesome` to same as input filename. (ie. running `marge test/sample-data.json` will yield `mochawesome-report/sample-data.html`)

## [1.1.2] - 2017-03-13
- Fix an issue where autoOpen did not work on Windows [mochawesome #142](
- Add `autoOpen` option to CLI

## [1.1.1] - 2017-02-20
- Fix an inconsistency between the diff output in the console and the diff output in the report [mochawesome #142](
- Fix an issue where the report assets would not get updated after upgrading package version. [mochawesome #138](
- Fix an issue where trying to copy text from code or context blocks would collapse the test. [mochawesome #138](
- Validate JSON input against schema before creating a report (CLI only)

## [1.1.0]
- Greenkeeping
- Move some dependencies into devDependencies where they belong [mochawesome #133](

## [1.0.8] - 2017-02-16
- Only copy external assets if they do not already exist [mochawesome #76](

## [1.0.7] - 2017-02-15
- Fix an issue where test context could not be viewed if `enableCode` option was `false`. [mochawesome #132](
- Add an icon to indicate when a test has context

## [1.0.6] - 2017-01-31
- Layout and style fixes [mochawesome #118](

## [1.0.5] - 2017-01-30
- Layout and style fixes [mochawesome #118]( (Broken)

## [1.0.4] - 2017-01-23
- Add support for local image paths in context

## [1.0.3] - 2017-01-13
- Fix an issue preventing a working report when `inlineAssets` option is `true` [mochawesome #109](
- Restore `autoOpen` functionality

## [1.0.2] - 2016-12-27
- Transpile `bin` and `lib` for compatibility with node 4

## [1.0.1] - 2016-12-26
- Better url handling in context

## 1.0.0 - 2016-12-18
- Initial release
