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Contains functionality for asynchronous Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) transport using `asyncio`.
import asyncio
from .. import exceptions, hints, transport
from . import timeouts
__all__ = ['Transport']
# Disable incorrect warning on asyncio.wait_for,
# pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
class Transport(transport.Transport):
Defines asynchronous (non-blocking) TCP transport using `asyncio`.
Function `__init__` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
def __init__(self,
host: hints.Str,
port: hints.Int,
reader: hints.StreamReader,
writer: hints.StreamWriter,
loop: hints.OptionalEventLoop = None) -> None:
self._host = host
self._port = port
self._reader = reader
self._writer = writer
self._loop = loop
self._closed = False
def __repr__(self) -> hints.Str:
address = str(self)
state = 'closed' if self.closed else 'open'
return '<{}(address={!r}, state={!r})>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, address, state)
def __str__(self) -> hints.Str:
return '{}:{}'.format(self._host, self._port)
def closed(self) -> hints.Bool:
Checks to see if the transport is closed.
:return: Closed state of the transport
:rtype: :class:`~bool`
return self._closed is True
def read(self,
num_bytes: hints.Int,
timeout: hints.Timeout = timeouts.UNDEFINED) -> transport.TransportReadResult:
Read bytes from the transport.
:param num_bytes: Number of bytes to read.
:type num_bytes: :class:`~int`
:param timeout: Maximum number of milliseconds to read before raising an exception.
:type timeout: :class:`~int`, :class:`~NoneType`, or :class:`~object`
:return: Collection of bytes read
:rtype: :class:`~bytes` or :class:`~bytearray`
:raises :class:`~adbts.exceptions.TransportError`: When underlying transport encounters an error
:raises :class:`~adbts.exceptions.TimeoutError`: When timeout is exceeded
data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(,
return data
def write(self,
data: hints.Buffer,
timeout: hints.Timeout = timeouts.UNDEFINED) -> transport.TransportWriteResult:
Write bytes to the transport.
:param data: Collection of bytes to write.
:type data: :class:`~bytes` or :class:`~bytearray`
:param timeout: Maximum number of milliseconds to write before raising an exception.
:type timeout: :class:`~int`, :class:`~NoneType`, or :class:`~object`
:return Nothing
:return: :class:`~NoneType`
:raises :class:`~adbts.exceptions.TransportError`: When underlying transport encounters an error.
:raises :class:`~adbts.exceptions.TimeoutError`: When timeout is exceeded
yield from asyncio.wait_for(self._writer.drain(), timeout=timeouts.timeout(timeout), loop=self._loop)
def close(self) -> None:
Close the transport.
:return: Nothing
:rtype: `None`
:raises :class:`~adbts.exceptions.TransportError`: When underlying transport encounters an error
self._closed = True
Function `open` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
def open(host: hints.Str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
port: hints.Int,
timeout: hints.Timeout = timeouts.UNDEFINED,
loop: hints.OptionalEventLoop = None) -> transport.TransportOpenResult:
Open a new :class:`~adbts.tcp.async.Transport` transport to the given host/port.
:param host: Remote host
:type host: :class:`~str`
:param port: Remote port
:type port: :class:`~int`
:param timeout: Maximum number of milliseconds to write before raising an exception.
:type timeout: :class:`~int`, :class:`~NoneType`, or :class:`~object`
:param loop: Asyncio Event Loop
:type loop: :class:``
:return: Asynchronous TCP transport
:rtype: :class:`~adbts.tcp.async.Transport`
:raises :class:`~adbts.exceptions.TransportError`: When underlying transport encounters an error
reader, writer = yield from asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection(host, port, loop=loop),
timeout=timeouts.timeout(timeout), loop=loop)
return Transport(host, port, reader, writer, loop)